Example sentences of "[conj] he [be] the " in BNC.

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1 Where he is different from the rest , his differences are exaggerated ; where he is the same , his similarities are ignored .
2 However , it is in his treatment of ideology that Gramsci 's legacy has been most pervasive and where he is the unmistakable precursor of all the Marxist and post-Marxist theorists we now proceed to discuss .
3 Where he is the occupier of premises in or on which the chattels ( not attached to the premises ) are found and , before the finding ‘ he has manifested an intention to exercise control over the [ premises ] and the things which may be upon it or in it ’ .
4 News of the discovery spread to Maurice Barley at Nottingham University , where he was the tutor in archaeology in the Extra-Mural Department .
5 He went to police college on April Fools ' day , 1970 , where he was the best student among his intake .
6 His most significant appearance was at the second day of the Putney debates , where he was the only civilian present besides the legally trained and dialectically more skilled ( Sir ) John Wildman [ q.v . ] .
7 Yusuf who , at the 50-akce level , served as muderris/mufti successively in Larende , Amid , Aleppo , Seyitgazi and again in Aleppo , in which last post he died in 1981/1573 ; of Molla Akmal al-Din ( Ekmeleddin ) , muderris/mufti between 972/1565 and his death in 983/1575 successively in Kefe , Rhodes and Cyprus , where he was the first muderris/mufti after the conquest ( 978–9/1570–1 ) with 60 akce a day ; and of Molla Yalaya al-Ajami who , after teaching at the haric level at the medrese of Sultan Orhan in Iznik , went on to the muderris/muftiliks of Seyitgazi , Aleppo and Damascus , dying in the last-named post in 986/1578 .
8 The dismissal arrangements set up by the governing body have to provide for the CEO , or representatives , and the headteacher , unless she or he is the person concerned , to be present at all stages when a dismissal is being considered .
9 This does not mean that the intellectual therefore nihilistically celebrates dispersion , fragmentation or relativity : rather she or he is the person who , facing such dispersion but without conceding to the nostalgic desire for totalization , poses the questions and constitutes the series and continuities for analysis — and thus for transformation — while attempting to respect its heterogeneity .
10 In the beginning , okay believed in and or whatever you wan na call it , but it also believed in other gods as well , except he was the chief god , he was number one god as it were and he 's the one you got to follow .
11 Of the ninety nine pupils , seventy five are boarders , the suffer varying degrees , degrees of disability , something like nine or ten of them are roughly in Paul 's category of disablement , although he is the most severely disabled .
12 Although he 's the one bearing all the visible marks of the attack last September , it 's his wife , Vicki , who carrys the emotional scars .
13 Hardy is the leading contender for the European title , but manager Dennie Mancini said : ‘ Although he 's the number one contender for the EBU crown , why ca n't we go for the WBO title held by Steve Robinson ? ’
14 Although he was the first to use motor transport on an extensive scale in Lewis — many a time as a youngster I ran a mile to see his fleet of yellow Fords — he failed to see that the advent of the bus made it possible for the crofter to live in the country and work in the town .
15 Interestingly , although he was the fierce one , he was more demonstrative of affection than my mother , who kept her feelings very much to herself .
16 ‘ Maybe what upset Dustin was that he knew that , although he was the better actor , Steve 's performance in Papillon was superior , ’ commented Norman Jewison , who had directed McQueen in The Cincinnati Kid and The Thomas Crown Affair , but who never worked with Dustin .
17 Although he was the first artist to depict Australia in an original , Australian way , he was largely rejected by his own countrymen after 1955 when he came to live in England .
18 The difference was that until 1688 loans had been made directly to the King : he ran the government as an extension of his private household and , although he was the richest individual in the country , he was in many ways just a private borrower like any other and a prudent lender would not trust him with a loan that would run for a long time .
19 Although he was the " Keraing " , the local hereditary chieftain , the government title of " Bupati " actually belonged to his wife , who was the first woman in Celebes to hold the position .
20 I was happy because I was now ‘ on the inside ’ , doing war-work and feeling , for the first time , that we were really a partnership ; and I was proud that I had grown more confident , and mature enough to take Leslie as he was , and no longer demanded — as he had once said that I did — that he be the White Knight .
21 After he was elected in November he revealed that he been the subject of racial attacks during his campaign .
22 It 's fairly boring , especially when JJ announces that he 's the CHAMPION , showing off the most ginormous conker ever , polished and shining like his silly face .
23 That he 's the salt of the earth ?
24 Are ye tellin' us that he 's the one responsible ? ’
25 And if you can do all that with her husband just a few feet away , blissfully unaware that he 's the butt of the joke , then yours is his house and everything that 's in it , old son .
26 Do you think that he 's the murderer ? ’
27 In the story above , David says that he 's the only boy in his class who 's not been out with a girl .
28 Not that he 's the only climber who appears to wish to play down the education aspects of his past — amongst many others with whom you can have sport in this manner are Stephen Venables ( Charterhouse ) , our own Tom Prentice at Climber ( Harrow ) , or even Ed himself ( Uppingham ) .
29 AS VOCALIST with Mudhoney , Mark Arm has proved conclusively that well-off , well-educated Caucasian brats do have blues to sing , and also that he 's the man best-equipped to sing them .
30 But what you have to understand is that he 's the biggest thing in these villages , so he has to be the biggest thing in my life .
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