Example sentences of "[conj] have been make " in BNC.

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1 Any submission to the contrary which may be or has been made by North Yorkshire County Council and or Ryedale District Council is accordingly strongly and totally refuted , for the reasons detailed in these submissions .
2 In the case of psychoanalytic theory , there needs to be an understanding , first , of an undistorted version of the theory as stated by Freud , and then various changes in the theory can be seen as either having been made to attain greater rational consistency , or to incorporate new ‘ findings ’ which refute some of the previous assumptions , or to have been made as a result of social pressures on theory-makers eager to find a role for their theories in the society .
3 Although the three individual defendants had either signed or had been made aware of undertakings of confidentiality when they entered the employment of the plaintiff , counsel on behalf of the plaintiffs did not rely upon such undertakings before the judge but relied upon general implied principles of law in this area .
4 Given this , the progress that has been made is remarkable , particularly in relating components of the ERP to attentional processes .
5 If would-be choreographers examine Ashton 's The Dream they will discover the significant development that has been made in the structure of the old kind of romantic ballet .
6 Drug testing also may disproportionally victimise members of racial minority groups whose subcultures sanction casual marijuana smoking , reversing much of the progress that has been made in eliminating employment discrimination .
7 Composing himself , Sir Michael pressed on : ‘ Would my Right Honourable Friend reflect on the great progress that has been made during the last 10 years in the well-being of our country and the competitiveness of our industries and …
8 In a letter to the Australian Stock Exchange , the company said it would ‘ vigorously oppose the appointment that has been made and will do everything in its power to have the receivership rescinded . ’
9 According to David Hume , the subject of the next chapter , Berkeley 's account of abstract ideas was ‘ one of the greatest and most valuable discoveries that has been made of late years in the republic of letters ’ .
10 But it is a complaint that has been made before .
11 But the defendant is left with a grievance and , in those circumstances , what I feel obliged to do is to accept the application that has been made on his behalf and to discharge you from returning a verdict in this case . ’
12 Let us think for a few moments of the wonderful achievements of the human race — the towns that have been built , the works of art that have been produced — the books , plays , films , pictures , music … the progress that has been made in science and technology .
13 In Britain also , there is recognition that the progress that has been made in the last fifteen years in increasing the pool of professionally-trained social workers must be matched by similar efforts to upgrade the skills of the paraprofessional work force if the quality of social service provision is to be adequate .
14 He began by commenting on the dramatic progress that has been made in the understanding of both tropospheric and stratospheric chemical processes during the past 20 years .
15 To adhere to the ( 1855 ) treaty that has been made , and which we on our side have kept … you have broken the treaty not we … that engagement was made with us for 20 years …
16 One recommendation that has been made is that there should be a ‘ decade of retirement ’ , between the ages of 60 and 70 .
17 I am sure you are as appalled as I am at the use that has been made of the private letter of a schoolboy to his parents , but it is certainly a lesson for you in the ways of the world . ’
18 If you look , for example , at the case that has been made for the protection of the rainforest , you will find that it is peppered with every conceivable argument .
19 At Lindholme prison in Doncaster , once-weekly two-hour sessions take place in a room that has been made available within the library and comfortably furnished with easy chairs and a coffee table .
20 Exactly the same unconscious human intention that has been made manifest by the deification of Jesus Christ , can be seen in the cult of the Virgin Mary .
21 ‘ I am glad that has been made clear .
22 ‘ The entire pattern of injury is that of a systematic physical assault and very strongly corroborates the allegation of ill-treatment and torture that has been made . ’
23 This is a matter that is worth some brief discussion , since it is closely connected with the fuss that has been made about the application of the term ‘ altruism ’ to animal as to human behaviour .
24 The work of M. Comte is unquestionably the greatest single effort that has been made to obviate this kind of danger .
25 The BES fund is an alternative that has been made available to investors .
26 Would it be the , the will of the general assembly that we take a vote on the amendment that has been , the addendum that has been made to number two at this stage ?
27 The road that has been made to carry visitors up to it is wide and smooth , the valley of the Arette that you start by following is beautiful , and the scene once you reach the top is by turns surprising , interesting and panoramic .
28 In this section we examine the contribution to the crisis that has been made by the sentencing decisions of the courts .
29 ‘ Like many others , I welcome the concession that has been made to leave out the airline staff and the railway employees and all the others that are left out by the dropping of clause 54(4) .
30 It will look at the part played by pressure groups in the system , and it will examine the case that has been made for regarding democracy as significantly undermined by ‘ political elites ’ .
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