Example sentences of "[conj] to the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 This non-rationalist basis for eliciting support Weber saw as counterposed to the traditional legitimacy of established authority figures , or to the rational — legal authority formalized in bureaucratic systems and based on their superior technical ability .
2 It is not always possible to keep to that principle , or to the above one about using words of the same classes .
3 Obviously a transfer of allegiance in the feudal way was much less of a strain than the submergence of a national spirit , and there was a great difference between the national spirit of Englishmen and the allegiance to the King of France or to the Great Moghul felt by the inhabitants of New France and of Bengal ; if the inhabitants of Bengal had felt that they were citizens of the nation of Bengal it would hardly have been possible for them to change to feeling they were Englishmen , but for them to feel that they used to owe allegiance to the Nawab of Bengal and now owed it to the British businessmen who had conquered the Nawab was not such a difficult transition .
4 Second , there was the loss of certain responsibilities either to central government departments or to the regional structure of nationalised industries or services .
5 Trade union representatives saw themselves as being accountable either to their respective trade union or to the regional TUC ( the nominating body ) , although virtually no employers ' representatives saw themselves as being accountable to regional or national CBI and many were unaware they had been nominated by this body .
6 Respiratory signs may be due to larval damage in the lungs or to the anoxic effects of anaemia .
7 It can refer to geographical area as in planning or other land-based services , or to the administrative needs of personal services such as education .
8 Its aim is to see whether safeguards such as standards for prison conditions , independent inspectorates , and independent tribunals in internal disciplinary hearings , make any difference to the ‘ quality of life ’ of inmates or to the good running of the prisons , and whether a failure in the effectiveness of any one safeguard has any consequences for the effectiveness of others .
9 A state of emergency decreed by the HCS on Feb. 9 gave the Ministry of the Interior the power to designate " areas for the organized residence of non-residents " and to detain any adult " whose activity is clearly found to be constituting a danger to public order and security , or to the good running of public services " .
10 Those with no stomach for sentimentality should leave this page now and turn instead to Sean O'Hagan 's report on Hothouse Flowers and the hippies of Dublin ( the City That Time Forgot ) , to Cynthia Rose 's penetrating profile of American TV megastar Arsenio Hall , or to the exclusive on-set report on the making of the Madonna/Warren Beatty film , Dick Tracy .
11 It was often a lower middle-class phenomenon , and was always fiercest in central and eastern Europe where the great mass of the population had little commitment to capitalist society or to the liberal values it generated .
12 Labour voters have not changed their minds in such high numbers 83pc of them will still vote Labour and only six per cent have switched to the Tories or to the Liberal Democrats .
13 Part of the refugee problem will be solved by granting them the right of return to Palestine ( i.e. the West Bank and Gaza Strip ) or to the Jordanian-Palestinian federation . ’
14 As a result , policy and resources committee proceedings have in many authorities become either duplicates of , or substitutes for , the work of the full council and the function of policy co-ordination has shifted to the party political groups , or to the chief executive and management team , or … both' ( Alexander , 1982a , p. 91 ) .
15 ‘ Just say no ’ does n't say much , no more than it means much to say to a slave , ‘ Enjoy your slavery ’ or to the poor , ‘ Shut up and accept your lot . ’
16 To the adult mind , the shifts of logic that are often involved do not come easily ; but children accustomed to personification in fairy tales , or to the surreal and fantastic , can accommodate elephants who do house-work , or noisy peanuts , and the occasional Dali-esque touch : What is soft and yellow and goes round and round ?
17 But it is difficult to know whether their defence of the Masai in such cases should be attributed to the peculiarly seductive qualities of this people , or to the well-documented tendency of District Officers throughout British Africa to become closely identified , in a paternal and proprietary way , with the interests of ‘ their ’ tribe .
18 Co-existence and co-operation between the two organisations were apparently accepted by members , but these were not easy matters to explain to them or to the hearing world , and met with at least some opposition .
19 Facts appear solid , values fluid ; there are firm reasons for accepting , if only provisionally , scientific laws of nature , none for submitting to canons of taste or to the moral law .
20 Silhouette is an American company , producing the transatlantic version of the Mills and Boon romance , and not unrelated to the British company , or to the Canadian equivalent , Harlequin .
21 The environmental impact assessment prepared for the Bill is an example of the latter type as no reference has been made to the NRA or to the environmental health department of Cardiff city council .
22 Compare it to the way a bobby pounds his beat or to the leisurely stroll Prince Philip adopts when he follows his wife on a walkabout .
23 Perhaps we should draw satisfaction from our willingness to accept such directives , unlike so many of our European colleagues , but if that is the situation now , when most Members of Parliament believe that we are still Members of a sovereign Parliament , what might it be like if we were to surrender the rest of our sovereignty to Brussels or to the European Parliament , in which we have only 16 per cent .
24 In an extreme case , the government may insist on the surrender to it ( or to the central bank ) of all foreign exchange .
25 They are almost entirely produced by damage to peripheral nerves or to roots or to the central nervous system .
26 Where the water is heated by pumped circulation operating in conjunction with a central heating system , the valve may be a three-way one which will divert the water either to the hot water cylinder or to the central heating radiators or , sometimes , to both see Chapter 11 .
27 This may have been due to a reluctance to suck more money out of a generous population , or to the usual delays in carrying out orders from Moscow .
28 The goods always cost more than the mere monetary price ; and it is the object of the system to externalise these costs , by passing them on to the poor or to the impaired resource-base of the earth , and by inviting even the rich to live in collusive dissociation from the costs they , too , must pay .
29 Minimum reporting standards require that valuation reports to be issued to clients or to the relevant authorities should normally take the form of a letter which would contain the following :
30 The schoolmaster then spent an endless period fussily sorting out his things — extracting a folded newspaper and a small bag of plums from his case , arranging the case on the rack , examining the seat minutely for anything unpleasant and giving it a brush with the back of his hand , folding his jacket and his jumper with ritualistic care , adjusting the window in consultation with the lady , but without reference to me or to the young Swede , getting his case down again for some forgotten item , checking his hankie , readjusting the window .
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