Example sentences of "[conj] in [adj] the " in BNC.

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1 Meanwhile , there were great victories in Eastern Europe , where in 1943–4 the Russians pushed the Germans back along a 1600-kilometre front ( CORE , pp. 69–70 ) .
2 Just over the mountain in Kentucky is Harlan County , where in 1973 the miners fought a long and bitter strike .
3 Since then , however , Scotland 's forward play , under the benevolent eye of Richie Dixon , has developed with pleasing continuity , particularly at the lineout , where in both the previous Five Nations games opposition machinations have been torn asunder rather like the post-war devastation in the Orson Welles screen classic .
4 The uncertain foreign situation was typified in Eastern Europe where in 1920 the Poles seemed likely to extinguish the Bolshevik regime , and a year later the Bolsheviks almost took Warsaw .
5 So it is not only living beings that initially ‘ mirror ’ the face and construe it as image , for the ‘ other ’ now extends to an entire symbolic cultural field where in particular the language of the visual image constructs faces that we then identify with and attempt to emulate .
6 Leith Links where in 1560 the English army besieged the town of Leith .
7 If at any stage in the discussions on Monday , or in all the other discussions that I have attended in the past two years , it had been a question of majority vote , there would have been much less agreement , and to the extent that decisions had been imposed by a majority , they would have been much less effective .
8 any of the Permissions have been granted subject to a lawful condition with which [ it would be impossible for or in all the circumstances it would be unreasonable to expect ] the Landlord to comply
9 Or in 1982 the Navy would fight the Falklands , the very spot where in 1914 it won a spectacular victory and uncannily on both occasions the flagship was called Invincible .
10 Yet although in 1545 the chaplain at Barrowden received 40s. a year for the cure of souls , founders usually inhibited the holding of other benefices , and pluralism was rare save in cathedrals .
11 Although in 1905–6 the government had in principle conceded the right to form trade unions and to strike ( for defensive purposes only ) , it subsequently put a host of obstacles in the way of effective collective bargaining .
12 Although in all the three books considered there is some evolutionary scheme , when we take them together it is clear that Marx and Engels were very willing to modify the overall picture whenever they obtained new information .
13 Although in general the evidence suggests that it is usually the man 's retirement that provokes most friction , this may change as more of today 's working wives turn sixty and find themselves facing the same need to make difficult adjustments .
14 Wages and horse keep were lowered and although in 1916 the bond interest for 1915 was paid , nothing was paid for 1916 itself .
15 Although in 1974 the Supreme Court had ordered President Nixon to surrender tapes in connection with the Watergate affair ( when Democratic Party premises had been broken into by Nixon 's supporters with his knowledge ) , no court had ever ordered a former President to surrender personal notes , and Greene 's decision was a departure from a ruling in the case of Oliver North , where requests for such material had been denied .
16 Baptists had six colleges in England and two in Wales although in 1904 the number was reduced to four in England through amalgamation .
17 This seems to have been the last of Hope 's involvement in actual building , and with the founding of the Saturday , he turned to journalism , although in 1865 the Institute of British Architects elected him as their President .
18 Its weakness was its technical conservatism ; although in 1880 the Admiralty agreed to reintroduce breechloading guns on heavy ships , the armoured cruisers Impérieuse and Warspite , which were laid down in the same year , were still designed to carry a full spread of sail .
19 They accounted for 80% of the prenatal diagnoses in mothers under 35 and 25% of such diagnoses in older women , for whom maternal age is still the most common indication although in these the use of serum screening is increasing .
20 The result is that in 1981 the cores and rings together accounted for nearly 9 out of 10 of the British population .
21 Perhaps Flaubert 's interest was encouraged by the discovery ( or indeed the memory ) that in 1837 the king 's sarcophagus had been excavated by the British and shipped back to London .
22 Professor S.J. Prais estimates that in 1909 the share of the hundred largest enterprises in manufacturing net output in the UK amounted to 16 per cent approximately , but by 1970 it had reached 40–41 per cent ; while in the U S over the same period the figure grew from 22 per cent to 33 per cent .
23 Thus it was a natural step that in 1875 the Probate , Divorce , and Admiralty jurisdictions should be entrusted to a single division of the High Court .
24 The figures showed that in 1981-91 the area of vegetables grown in England and Wales fell by 10 per cent but the area treated with pesticides increased by 40 per cent ; the volume used fell by 10 per cent , as pesticides became less bulky .
25 Except that in 1989 the European skies are bright , not dark .
26 The NFHA reported that in 1989 the rents of tenants in work had already reached 21 per cent of disposable income and single elderly people were paying up to 35 per cent of their incomes in rents .
27 Michel reported that in 1989 the cost of debt servicing had surpassed the funds available in loans and grants and would have to be paid for out of foreign exchange .
28 Michael Murphy , a Cambridge economist , reported that in 1989 the average income from organic farms was £1,000 , though a few made as much as £8,000 profit .
29 Recall that in 1964 the developing countries used their voting power in the UN to call the first United Nations Conference of Trade and Development ( UNCTAD ) , because they had been frustrated by the rules operating in the GATT .
30 Nigel Haigh of the IEEP points out that in 1979 the Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution reported that evidence for the other major health worry — the potential for nitrite , which is formed from nitrate in certain conditions , to create ‘ nitrosamines ’ and cause stomach cancer — was only ‘ weak and equivocal ’ .
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