Example sentences of "[conj] be [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 The great difficulty with music-hall and vaudeville , and this is a point of crucial significance to movie historians , is that they have earned or been given a very special place in the popular memory and in social history by those who recall with great fondness those heady pre-1914 days .
2 If you are in your late teens or are doing a further education course and you are extremely worried about examinations , you are going to have to find a way to tackle academic stress that does not involve eating and drinking too much .
3 Thus , while the professional group was almost four times as likely to own or be buying a house as the unskilled group , it was almost nine times as likely to own or be buying a detached house as the unskilled group in 1971 .
4 Thus , while the professional group was almost four times as likely to own or be buying a house as the unskilled group , it was almost nine times as likely to own or be buying a detached house as the unskilled group in 1971 .
5 At best the amphibious raiders might have panoramic shots from aerial reconnaissance , or be given a flight over the target beach .
6 UK Transport Minister John MacGregor yesterday published a paper proposal to introduce road pricing to ease congestion in London : under his plan , every car would have to be fitted with an electronic identifier , and its movements within the capital would be monitored by 4,000 roadside beacons : drivers would either establish credit with the system operator or be sent a quarterly bill , the Evening Standard reports ; the paper says that MacGregor has been trying to think up a snappy name for the thing , but reckless of the manner in which the Community Charge degenerated into the much-excoriated Poll Tax , he has settled on Congestion Charge .
7 Your mentor might lose his head on the block , or be handed a P45 in today 's language .
8 Pick shafts for bats and all men must play in top hats , or be fined a crown ! ’
9 they can help to liven up a salad or be used a nutritious snack , combined with an apple or another fruit .
10 But someone who asked the Adjutant , ‘ How do you know ? ’ would either be a stranger to the army , or be making a joke .
11 Yeah I mean the part about the er about the savings erm if you 'd 've done or were doing a complete fact find that , that would come up anyway would n't it ?
12 So , for example , we see the pupils messing around , ‘ to get back at the teachers for telling them off and putting them in detention , ’ or using physical violence after being unjustly accused of a misdemeanour , or being given a ‘ soft ’ teacher .
13 Many of these factors can be deduced or estimated from surviving archaeological evidence , but other factors — such as size of population , whether farming is only at subsistence level or is producing a surplus , and if so , how large a surplus — are much more difficult to assess .
14 Does the same set of cells embody the memory for all time , or is remembering a more dynamic , less fixed process ?
15 It is envisaged that the scope of validation will be greater in the case of a centre which is inexperienced at advanced course level or is submitting a proposal in a subject area new to that centre .
16 It is often necessary to drive with close attention to the car in front , especially if the driver appears to have had a little too much wine or is having a highly excited conversation with his fellow passengers and waving his arms about .
17 She would never wear rubber unless she became incontinent or was taking a course in scuba diving for women .
18 She often made me feel vaguely guilty , as if I 'd forgotten to clean my teeth or was wearing a grubby shirt .
19 The boy was stocky , his greased black hair knotted with a score and more of decorated beads as though his skull was an abacus , or was sprouting a family of shrunken baby heads .
20 It is just the latest of many ignorant assaults that are damaging a national asset envied around the world .
21 States that are exploring a tough policy which borders upon coercion like Kenya will either find that open political protest will challenge the power of the state , or that like family planning in India , an onslaught upon the least economically and politically powerful is only temporarily feasible .
22 Paul is a lawyer other lawyers love to hate , but his is only one of a number of Yorkshire law firms that are sending a chill down the back of the London legal establishment .
23 This will try to find markets for products and services coming from Montpellier and the other three European facilities in Havant , Valencia , Jrflla that are undergoing a similar process .
24 Their activities have made major calls on state expenditure , both because they are operating in politically desirable but unprofitable areas , but also because of their presence in economic sectors like coal and steel that are undergoing a process of profound restructuring .
25 Under these conditions , however good the heuristic estimate , the algorithm will keep abandoning paths that fail to live up to their initial promise in favour of untried paths that are promising a little more than they will deliver ( Pearl 1984 ) .
26 If the majority of workers could be angry ( as opposed to just the minority being ‘ rebellious ’ ) about the conditions that are inducing a sense of nothingness , and loss of self-esteem , they would have either to face their depression ( i.e. , anger turned inwards ) or face why the social structure is as it is .
27 So it is possible to kill large numbers of rabbits that are doing a massive amount of crop damage by this method and by no other .
28 Today 's with all the space hungry applications that are appearing a 40Mb hard disk is the de-facto minimum for a DOS based machine .
29 This is an oncost which , if handled professionally , will save the operator money rather than be considered a liability .
30 The infant Elizabeth will learn that being promised a sweet for behaving herself will result in more than the mere probability of its arrival ; the penny will have dropped when she realises that a promise entitles her to the reward — it is her due , to which she has a right .
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