Example sentences of "[conj] be [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The great difficulty with music-hall and vaudeville , and this is a point of crucial significance to movie historians , is that they have earned or been given a very special place in the popular memory and in social history by those who recall with great fondness those heady pre-1914 days .
2 Leaving such miscommunications aside , though , it is still true to say that we search for confirmation , and I have found myself reluctant to make the telephone call or write the letter of sympathy in case I have heard it wrongly or been given the wrong information .
3 At the end of the call , quickly run through what has been said , to make sure that you have taken the right order or been given the correct information .
4 If the Pritchetts had n't taken me in , I 'd have probably been put in an orphanage and never had the educational advantages or been given the opportunities that have come my way . ’
5 In addition to the five nations that admitted , under the treaty , to the possession of nuclear weapons , no fewer than 10 others have developed or are developing the bomb , and five of those are signatories to the NPT .
6 Whether you are starting to decorate a first home , have just moved into a new place or are redecorating an existing room , the problem is often much the same : not so much how to arrange things as how to fill up big blank walls and table or shelf surfaces when you do n't seem to have very much to use and certainly very little to spend .
7 On the level of fact rather than speculation , many schools have experienced or are experiencing the stresses of amalgamations of various sorts , both whole school and for instance in the creation of sixth form consortia .
8 Even when children encounter facts in books or are told the ‘ correct ’ explanation , it does not mean that they will necessarily believe them .
9 IF the more positive tone yesterday was any indication , investors have either come to grips with their fears of a hung parliament-Labour victory or are ignoring the polls altogether .
10 If you are in your late teens or are doing a further education course and you are extremely worried about examinations , you are going to have to find a way to tackle academic stress that does not involve eating and drinking too much .
11 If you live in or are visiting the Bristol area , ring her to arrange a demonstration or for more information about the program .
12 People only go to hospital when they are sick or are visiting the sick .
13 Thus , while the professional group was almost four times as likely to own or be buying a house as the unskilled group , it was almost nine times as likely to own or be buying a detached house as the unskilled group in 1971 .
14 Thus , while the professional group was almost four times as likely to own or be buying a house as the unskilled group , it was almost nine times as likely to own or be buying a detached house as the unskilled group in 1971 .
15 This provides that the terms of a contract with a sole member/director must either be set out in a written memorandum or be made the subject of a report to the next available board meeting and recorded in the board minutes .
16 At best the amphibious raiders might have panoramic shots from aerial reconnaissance , or be given a flight over the target beach .
17 Section l(c) of the Nullity of Marriage Act should , therefore , either be repealed or be given the wide , radical , but unintended , interpretation outlined above .
18 ‘ Mr Average ’ will either buy Israeli Koi , or save up for or be given the occasional better Japanese fish .
19 The indexer can either be constrained as to the number of themes to index per document , or be given the option of indexing as many themes as possible .
20 So far as cancellation and termination are concerned , in most conventional types of contracts , the seller would wish to perform , or be given the opportunity to perform the contract .
21 UK Transport Minister John MacGregor yesterday published a paper proposal to introduce road pricing to ease congestion in London : under his plan , every car would have to be fitted with an electronic identifier , and its movements within the capital would be monitored by 4,000 roadside beacons : drivers would either establish credit with the system operator or be sent a quarterly bill , the Evening Standard reports ; the paper says that MacGregor has been trying to think up a snappy name for the thing , but reckless of the manner in which the Community Charge degenerated into the much-excoriated Poll Tax , he has settled on Congestion Charge .
22 The purchase must either benefit the company 's trade ( eg a purchase from a dissentient shareholder ) or be to fund the payment of inheritance tax .
23 Your mentor might lose his head on the block , or be handed a P45 in today 's language .
24 Pick shafts for bats and all men must play in top hats , or be fined a crown ! ’
25 they can help to liven up a salad or be used a nutritious snack , combined with an apple or another fruit .
26 Bruno , it seems , is a winner whatever happens because Lewis has already said that should he win the undisputed title or be awarded the WBC crown , he will instantly defend it against his British rival .
27 But someone who asked the Adjutant , ‘ How do you know ? ’ would either be a stranger to the army , or be making a joke .
28 Either the herbs naturally present were suppressing the disease organism or were helping the fish to suppress the symptoms of the disease
29 And were you paid at six months or were paid every
30 Yeah I mean the part about the er about the savings erm if you 'd 've done or were doing a complete fact find that , that would come up anyway would n't it ?
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