Example sentences of "[conj] the same [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Thus , to continue with the example , different processes , or the same processes with different magnitudes , may well operate between volunteers , draftees and those with no military experience .
2 No two languages have exactly the same set of phonemes , the same combinations of phonemes , or the same variants of phonemes .
3 You might see brightly coloured clothes or long hair but at least you do n't see the same shoes , the same jeans or the same jackets by the same designer .
4 Or the same powers of deduction .
5 And she notes that the same remark , or the same sentences , can be found in Amis 's novel .
6 A diet that involves uncommon foods or drinks , or the same things repeated over and over again , is not a basis for long-term success .
7 We can not all , as it already been emphasised by the last speaker we may not all be able to do the same things we have not all got the same gifts or the same responsibilities er within the church but you all have the same responsibilities in this light of God .
8 I got a bit fed up after we 'd toured Britain once , it got a bit boring seeing the same places . ’
9 The differences in discourse structure are quite obvious ( the reader is referred to L. Milroy 's ( 1987 ) report of our field methods , where the same transcripts are used ) .
10 Everyday business language where the same words mean very different things for our main contacts — the Partners — presented a challenge for each of us to overcome .
11 Thus the use of standard terms may promote certainty : the terms of the contract may be easily located and identified ; where the same terms are used over a period , the business and its trading partners will come to know their respective rights and obligations ; terms may be applied to resolve disputes and thus acquire " precedent " value .
12 Paul Devereux has called these lines ‘ geomantic corridors ’ , where the same standards of straightness which would be applied to a traditional ley are inappropriate .
13 Some explanation is perhaps needed for the fact that the same phrases also sound more normal in ( 18 ) than the corresponding phrases in ( 15 ) : ( 18 ) the heir is a lawful one her cousin is a distant one Possibly we should accept that , even when used in a context of heirs and cousins respectively , these two adjectives occupy an intermediate position in the sense that they can be construed either way without any significant difference in the non-linguistic phenomena that can be designated thereby .
14 When looking at how to develop and improve the management of its electronic information resources , a local authority needs to ensure that the same questions are asked about the electronic environment as are asked about the traditional ubiquitous paper record .
15 Each has its proper sphere , but in course of time each of them extends its jurisdiction , so that the same matters may often be dealt with indifferently by any one of them .
16 But worse is the fact that the same accidents happen time and time again .
17 Already it seems clear that the same forces that have acted to bind together trade and investment flows within the OECD are affecting South-South economic relations .
18 It may be that the same forces impelled the Slavs which affected the Asiatic peoples who moved into Europe from the east during the period of folk migrations which accompanied and contributed to the fall of the Roman empire .
19 If it seems surprising that the same forms of rioting should recur from one place to another over lapses of time , it should be remembered that food rioting was neither an isolated nor a continuous form of popular action .
20 He will probably find his Treasury advisers are far less sanguine : the Treasury believes that the same factors which produced the late 1980s ' consumer boom are now working in reverse , with falling confidence and asset values undermining consumption though incomes are relatively buoyant .
21 Claims made for the differences between speech and writing , then , are put into perspective by the fact that the same claims are attributed to other variables .
22 While a superficial examination suggests that the same models might have been used , measurement reveals considerable differences ; this may point , therefore , to straightforward copying or replication from memory with or without a model .
23 It also enabled them to show that the same processes had governed history from the earliest time and that a science of history was therefore possible .
24 Make sure that the same commands are given , however , to prevent confusion and a likely lack of response on the dog 's part .
25 Polls in medium or small communities were not often violent ; but it is probable that the same tensions were present as in Ajdabiya , and that they were exacerbated by the absence of campaign , by the necessity of choosing among ideologically undifferentiated candidates , and by the prolonged confrontation of voters in a confined space .
26 Without such explanation , of course , it makes it difficult to accept that the same things really are taking place in the different spheres .
27 Having recently announced a new health warnings to be placed on packets in fulfilment of the EC Labelling Directive , the Secretary of State for Health , William Waldegrave , has now reportedly agreed with the tobacco industry that the same warnings will also be used on advertising .
28 But when he insisted that the same warnings should be used on advertisements , and be bigger than at present , he got them furious .
29 In general , the NCp7 mutants which were shown to be active in promoting NCp7:RNA interactions ( 6 ) ( dimerization and annealing of the primer tRNA to the PBS ) interacted effectively with HIV-1 DNA fragments , indicating that the same residues are involved .
30 According to Le Monde of May 22 , the report contained implicit suggestions that the same structures of repression still existed , in spite of the change of government .
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