Example sentences of "[conj] of [noun pl] ' " in BNC.

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1 In their view , the effects of employees ’ coalitions keeping wages artificially ‘ high ’ or of employers ' coalitions keeping them artificially ‘ low ’ needs to be fully analysed .
2 Yet , given their potential influence , few outstanding sportsmen have used their position to challenge the notion of the legitimacy of sport as a way out and a method of social mobility , and few have pointed out that blacks ' continued domination of sport is more a reflection of limitations in other areas of a society permeated with racism than of blacks ' talent .
3 The Crown 's interest was above all the defence of the land rather than of villagers ' property rights .
4 It was nothing but the stench of dead , rotting rats and of bats ' dung .
5 Issues that the committee considered inconclusively included the impact of medical advances on the demand for medical time ; possible changes in skill mix ; the consequences on staffing of the interaction between purchasers and providers and of patients ' charters ; the need to reduce hours of work ( only junior doctors are mentioned ) ; possible changes to the career structure ; and the increasing managerial and educational demands on consultants .
6 The organizers had invited representatives of the rival Yedinstvo Internationalist Movement [ described on p. 36855 as the " Inter-Front " group ] and the Gagauz Khalky movement [ see p. 37047 ] , and of workers ' committees in Tiraspol .
7 Though there is no picture-making task here for the artist , every young reader will make his or her own mental pictures of scenes and of characters ' appearances and behaviour .
8 These duties are listed as : the preparation of desiderata lists ; the selection and purchase of books within broad terms of reference ; allocation of books between libraries ; classification and cataloguing of all books and materials ; revision of stock ; screening of withdrawn books ; screening of books for rebinding ; maintenance of central reserve stocks ; bibliographical work , including compilation of special lists and indexes ; the bibliographical aspects of inter-library loans and regional loans and of readers ' requests and reservations ; readers ' advisory and information service .
9 But of Hippys ' work on Italy only a few quotations survive , and these are about foundation myths of places , or physical curiosities .
10 Theirs is the party of big business , yet the Cabinet , littered with all these people with all their business acumen , is making Britain bankrupt because of Ministers ' desire to shut pits .
11 At the time it was found that a major drawback in dual-purpose cattle was that they often failed to breed true : the offspring tended towards either the beef or the dairy type of the breed 's dual-purpose spectrum , partly because of breeders ' preferences but partly , it was believed , because the dual-purpose breeds were effectively hybrids : if they had begun to show too great an emphasis on dairy characteristics , extreme beef sires were introduced to draw them back to their dual-purpose role , and likewise extreme dairy sires were used when they became too beefy .
12 The latter part of March appears to be something of an uphill battle , and no doubt you will continue to feel nonplussed because of others ' outrageous demands over finances or business associations .
13 The antiseptic , do-gooding pub of the 1930s fell completely out of fashion in the post-war period , partly because of customers ' understandable preference for cosiness , and partly thanks to the campaign in favour of Victorian pub decoration conducted by the Architectural Review from the wartime period onwards , and exemplified in the glorious in-house pub ‘ The Bride of Denmark ’ in the AR 's offices in Queen Anne 's Gate .
14 For those whose ties are uniplex and ( relatively ) open-ended , these patterns are no longer functional and it is for this reason , and not primarily because of speakers ' desire for ‘ prestige ’ , that they disappear .
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