Example sentences of "[conj] the [adv] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The farther one went east from the Rhine , or the farther south from the Loire , the more diverse social custom and land tenure became : and above all , the commoner became ‘ allodial ’ land , land not held of any lord .
2 And that the sooner Ross gets a divorce , the happier she 'll be .
3 Good professional practice requires notification to clients of major changes to the composition of a firm ; the provisions of the Business Names Act oblige firms with fewer than 20 partners to publicise their membership accurately on the firm 's stationery ; and in any case professional common sense dictates that the sooner clients become informed as to retirements from and admissions to the partnership the better .
4 A rear drag is featured and one of the good and important points is that the on/off anti-reverse is easy to reach and operate when fishing fast water .
5 Second , the welfare of the child was important in the sense that the reasonably parent , however anguishing the decision might be , would put his or her own child 's welfare right in the forefront of the decision .
6 But it also dares to touch and stretch its readers in ways that the curiously deadpan Grand Guignol of Granta never will .
7 Or your last option is to do what the good folk at the training agency have done , which is they claim that the today marker is not erm , sturdy enough , so they superglue the er , the two markers together , to make it thicker .
8 The fall in the shares also reflects the fact that the more Saatchi does to put its house in order , the less chance there will be of a third party doing the job instead .
9 THE proposed merger of the BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra with the Scottish Opera orchestra is in doubt after it was revealed last night that the SO players have unanimously rejected the move in a secret ballot .
10 This has several important consequences , the first being that the f-f bands of such species are characteristic of the element concerned , and hardly affected by even the immediate ligands .
11 The second consequence of this insulation of the f electrons from external influences is that the f-f bands are sharp , much narrower than typical d-d bands .
12 The driver knew that the further north they progressed into the wild untamed uplands , the more remote the oases of human habitation would become , and the less likely the chance of any assistance in his plight .
13 But to say that the half-yearly payments were to continue till the whole sum of £2,090 19s. , ‘ and interest thereon , ’ should have been fully paid and satisfied , would be to introduce very important words into the agreement which are not there , and of which I can not say that they are necessarily implied .
14 Among groups not attending the conference were Eritrean groups other than the Eritrean People 's Liberation Front ( EPLF — which attended with observer status ) and Afar groups other than the Afar Liberation Front ( ALF ) .
15 If all were successful the government would be giving ‘ substantially ’ more than the measly £10m that had been paid out in previous years .
16 And although it will grea , greatly help some women , unfortunately some women are unable to tolerate it , the side effects it gi , it gives them are worse than the actually symptoms they 're having in the first place .
17 Even bourgeois rooms may come to express values other than the merely material , as in Figure 11 , a seventeenth-century Dutch copy of the famous painting by Quentin Massys , The Money Changer and his Wife ( 1514 ) , which in its turn may be based upon a lost original by the fifteenth-century Flemish artist , Jan van Eyck .
18 With development starting in 1984 , the first guidebook not appearing until 1989 , and comparatively more difficult access than the virtually roadside Collias , even the easiest routes here are still unpolished .
19 Although the Leeward Islands ( Antigua and Barbuda , St Kitts and Nevis and Montserrat ) subsequently indicated their uncertainty , the four Windward Island states ( Dominica , Grenada , St Lucia , and St Vincent and the Grenadines ) decided to explore further the potential for political union [ see p. 37825 ] .
20 The semi-finals will be in Naples and Turin with the final in Rome on July 8 , so the further England go the more complex the security problem will be .
21 The semi-finals will be in Naples and Turin with the final in Rome on July 8 , so the further England go the more complex the security problem will be .
22 For the CB parents were asked to enter a tick if the 8pm target was achieved .
23 If the downwards forces are each one Newton at distances of plus and minus four metres , then the anticlockwise and clockwise moments equate at 4 Nm .
24 Details were wanted on the number of Englishmen employed " in the Mynes or at the said worke , either for getting Oare or about roasting & melting furnace or hamers , & whether there be any skilful to manage those works if the now farmers should dye . "
25 And Henderson is pushing the door from here , and the Today man is pushing from there : ‘ Let me talk to her , ’ he is saying , and Henderson is panting and pushing the door , saying , ‘ That 's enough , that 's enough , she is with us now ’ . ’
26 With Murdoch 's acquisition of the Times Group of newspapers and the Today newspaper , and Maxwell 's of the Mirror Group , the market is dominated by self-styled publicists who are not afraid of exercising their power as proprietors .
27 Newcomers include Stawski Gallery of Krakow and the Today Gallery of Moscow , as well as two of the three Korean exhibitors .
28 May I start by saying how pleased I am that you have recognised Michael Buerk , Alistair Cooke and the Today programme team .
29 But So we 're looking for a nice balance between clutch and throttle , that you 're not being jerked and the not clutch is not bloody flying every time that you take let your foot to engage a gear .
30 The highlights are many and predictable , with the late-in-the-day rendering of ‘ One ’ as dramatic and poignant as rock theatre is ever likely to get , and the Anti-Nowhere League 's Animal lending lead vox and mirth-factor to the encore of ‘ So What ’ .
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