Example sentences of "[conj] our [noun pl] for " in BNC.

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1 We experience guilt when we blame ourselves or our actions for events .
2 But if there was a reduction in usage , if there was a reduction in usage , because people had got water meters in , then our charges or our costs for providing additional security er in terms of more reservoirs , increased pumping etcetera etcetera , would would be reduce .
3 Could we not look forward to an era where our syllabuses for instruction in schools were as carefully drafted , as well produced and as widely read and discussed as our development plans for education ?
4 To ensure that our plans for science and technology diffuse throughout government Labour will appoint a minister for science .
5 The hon. Gentleman knows that the Chancellor of the Exchequer has just announced that our plans for defence expenditure involve a cut of 6 per cent .
6 However , to the extent that our assumptions for thinking about them remain within the framework which derives from Weberian thought , we may well not recognize them for what they may be .
7 What actually happened is that my Group said simply that our proposals for 11 to 16 year olds were built on our work for the primary stages , and that it would be absurd for us to bring out our second Report if its proposals were out of tune with the earlier attainment targets .
8 I am convinced that our suggestions for reform of the CAP offer meaningful concessions to our trading partners without undermining Community preference .
9 I estimate that our costs for involvement up to the stage of sending out all of the profiles but excluding any meetings with interested parties and subsequent negotiations and structuring will be approximately £ [ ] excluding VAT and outlays .
10 ‘ We reiterated our support for US help and our reasons for seeing the envoy as one way in which the United States should express its friendship to Ireland and to Britain . ’
11 Where I could also spend a great deal of time talking about our common enemies , our mutual friends and some of the similarity and our aims for world peace and again , I 'm gon na leave that for the statesmen and the politicians .
12 It is a timely reminder to us of the true value and cost of ’ rediscovered ’ writers , and a challenge to Black women writers , not just in the USA , but throughout the Black Diaspora to get our act together and chronicle our lives and our times for ourselves .
13 These interests will also be reflected in the impending review of the BBC 's Charter , and our plans for cable television .
14 So we resolved to lay out much more clearly what we meant by ‘ living together ’ , and to give every claimant involved in the procedure a printed explanation of the rule and our principles for administering it .
15 Erm we have been monitoring land availability since about nineteen eighty nine , nineteen ninety and our records for Ryedale show that there are approximately fifty hectares available .
16 We would like to thank our colleagues , Peter Brown , Dick Jones , and Eve Wilson ( who also teach on our undergraduate electronic publishing courses ) for their help and ideas , and our students for keeping us on our toes .
17 Our personalities and our capacities for relationship with and to others are integrally bound in with our sexuality and its exercise .
18 Although SAVE believes that alternative uses are possible for most types of buildings , including churches , the Holy Name was an exception and our fears for its future increased with rumours of purchase offers from McDonald 's .
19 A separate Manifesto for Scotland sets out our record in detail and our proposals for building on these achievements .
20 That is why in this manifesto we set out a clear analysis of Britain 's problems and our proposals for putting them right .
21 ‘ The county and borough authorities are now looking at ways of reducing the danger and congestion caused by buses and our proposals for dealing with this problem will be published later in the year . ’
22 17.20 : Join Class Teacher and parent in meeting and discuss child 's progress so far and our hopes for the future .
23 The House will wish to join me in expressing our sympathy with those who were injured and our hopes for their speedy recovery .
24 ‘ And so we express our deep sympathy to Jane and our thanks for the life of Nigel , a life we shall miss very much .
25 Repeatedly we had cursed ourselves and our schools for allowing us to think we 'd grasped maths , physics and so on when now we could n't remember any of the important or useful things .
26 Such planning is crucial if our hopes for community care are to be realised after 1993 .
27 As our plans for the reform of tax and benefits are implemented , we will establish a Student Income Entitlement and a Student Allowance to which all students , both full- and part-time , will be eligible .
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