Example sentences of "[conj] one on [art] " in BNC.

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1 This was the party which left one man dead and one on a life support machine — an all night rave billed as Dance Planet and held at the Humming Bird club in Birmingham .
2 Lennie Lawrence 's side could feature in up to five live televised games at least one on a Monday night and one on a Sunday .
3 Two hours on a Tuesday , one on a Wednesday and one on a Friday .
4 The two halves are screwed together with brass screws , three on each side , two on the outer legs and one on the inner legs .
5 He gave two courses of lectures and the notes for both courses survived : one on the New Testament and one on the Christian idea of redemption .
6 A leak from a compression joint can often be cured by tightening the nuts — use one spanner on the fitting and one on the nut .
7 If we choose two points on the line , one on the left-hand side with a low X value ( called X L , Y L ) , and one on the right with a high X value ( called X R , Y R ) , then the slope is If the line slopes from top left to bottom right , Y R - Y L will be negative and thus the slope will be negative .
8 They were simple creatures , made of two layers of cells , one on the outside and one on the inside , with every part of the body within reach of the outside for the efficient transport of nutrients and wastes .
9 The plating feeder holds them so that one yarn is always on the purl side and one on the knit side .
10 There is a native version of Novell Inc 's NetWare for the Precision Architecture RISC and one on the way for the Sparc ; Digital Equipment Corp and Novell yesterday said native NetWare 4 for Alpha was coming .
11 ‘ I 'm left with three deep burns which they 're treating , two on the arm and one on the knee .
12 ‘ The biggest difficulty is having one foot in the committee and one on the playing field .
13 As a result , some legs may step in pairs or there may be three legs in motion at once — two on one side of the body and one on the opposite side .
14 The offender drove up behind the victim as she was walking in the street one evening with her daughter , aged two and a half , and attacked her with a hammer , striking her two blows on the leg and one on the knee .
15 it was the secretary on There was only the one secretary in the office when I went in but there are two desks , one on the left and one on the right , and it 's the one at the one on the right .
16 One in the furrow and one on the stubble , see ?
17 He was elected a member of the Institution of Civil Engineers in 1875 ; in his later years he wrote three papers on the Severn tunnel , one on ‘ arches ’ , and one on the disposal of sewage .
18 One white label stuck on the front and one on the back .
19 Distally O. grandis has three spine-like scales , two on the lateral arm plates and one on the ventral arm plates .
20 These proximal tentacle pores are armed with 5 blunt club shaped tentacle scales , but on distal segments there are usually only three tentacle scales , two on the lateral arm plate and one on the ventral arm plate ; often one of the tentacle scale is larger and more rounded than the others .
21 There may be two drain taps in an indirect system : one positioned just above the mains stopcock and one on the feed to the hot water cylinder .
22 There are also seven major research projects , four on aspects of rural land use , from private woodlands and the rural landscape in general to control of the perceived over-production of arable crops , two on the evaluation of energy supply and conservation options and one on the management of hazardous , non-nuclear , chemical wastes .
23 There are six towers , two large and four smaller , and three apses on the east side and one on the west , with an atrium in front of it .
24 You never saw a black Irishman that height ) , tall as two abbeys , arriving in cavalcade , one from the north and one on the Roman road from the south , and dismounting and greeting one another .
25 He managed to steer the ball between two bunkers , one on the left and one on the right of the fairway , but at some sacrifice of length .
26 The seven books of miracles are made up of one on the Glory of the Martyrs , another on the passion and miracles of St Julian of Brioude , four on the miracles of St Martin , and one on the Glory of the Confessors .
27 However , the Harlay residence remained in the family , and Martin 's daughters still lived there ; two bedrooms on the third floor and one on the fourth were rented .
28 There 's one if you pick up one there I think one of those cards there has got one on the planner and one on the erm
29 there 's er one outside our place , one on the drive and one on the front
30 Cos we , at lunchtime we have trays and we have six to a table , we have three up the side and one on the end .
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