Example sentences of "[conj] just in [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It clearly precludes the collection of data for its own sake , or just in case it might turn out to be useful ; and it requires that information shall be kept for only as long as it remains relevant .
2 To make the point , he described a visit to a Toyota assembly line where they had developed the Kamba or Just in Time system .
3 John Major does seem to be somebody who — it 's very difficult to tell whether this is intrinsically , or just in comparison with Margaret Thatcher — is rather colourless .
4 Gleneagles , for example , is now open all the year round rather than just in summer and autumn following a major investment in all-weather sport and leisure facilities .
5 And just in case it is suggested that I 'm saying the end justifies the means , let me confirm that I 'm not .
6 And just in case no one notices the error , the letterheading has been corrected by hand .
7 It was time to sign off before familiarity bred contempt , and just in case it already had I decided to hurt her .
8 And just in case , ’ I said , ‘ in case the worst happens and the horses prove to have been interfered with , I think I 'll take a sample of what 's in the tank and also what 's in their buckets at this moment .
9 And just in case I may say things I 'll be sorry for , I 'd better not go on , except for one last word .
10 And just in case it was not Magellan who & t uttered the word , then perhaps it was Pigafetta : ‘ We debouched from that Strait , ’ he later wrote , ‘ engulfing ourselves in the Pacific Sea . ’
11 All this , one may presume further , was supposed to supply the missing will and determination of the indigenous people and just in case the French might be feeling a little faint-hearted at the prospect , the US should immediately reconsider its policy at the first sign that the French were planning to give up or even if they planned to take the problem to the UN .
12 A and just in case it er should become an issue can you now produce the originals of both collators cards ?
13 And just in case any men out there still need to be convinced that cleanliness is next to Robert Redfordness , how about the tale of a friend of mine who was desperate to impress a woman he had been pursuing for weeks .
14 And just in case any trend of the moment was missed , they also gave a strong showing for their mode masculine retake on the Dandy theme .
15 Almost like er and just in case you have n't anything about , out comes the end sheet as a plays it too .
16 Well it 's Tuesday the fourteenth and the start of Cheltenham 's three day hunt festival and just in case you had n't heard , you can keep up to date with all of the latest racing news and results here on Severn Sound .
17 And just in case anyone was celebrating too much , Mr Major warned :
18 ‘ Well now , and just in time for tea , ’ he beamed as a second and third bomb fell sickeningly nearer .
19 Definitely in a humorous vein and just in time for Christmas is Banger and Pranger in Snowman 's Land by Graham Hey and Brian Robinson .
20 PLAYER : Well met , in fact , and just in time .
21 ‘ But now I 'm back , ’ he murmured , his voice cool , ‘ and just in time , I see . ’
22 They arrived in Carlingford to a fine drizzle , and just in time for Ellie to take part in the leprechaun hunt .
23 The merged ‘ Norfolk and Suffolk Polled ’ could be any colour as long as it was polled and it was not until the Red Poll herdbook was formed in 1874 that the colour of the breed was formally agreed as red , preferably deep in colour , with a red udder ; white touches were permitted only in the tail switch , or on the udder and just in front of the udder on the inside flank .
24 Practise this until you can bring the model to a stop , in the hover , a few inches from the ground and just in front of you .
25 You would have to be a professional cobbler-up of sit-coms to give much credence to the available scenarios , but just in case , I suppose they are that : a ) the tests were so incompetently performed that even a baboon 's sample would have produced the same reading as was clocked by the three athletes identically ; b ) the three runners were having a joke at the testers ' expense ; c ) the German trio was deliberately testing the vigilance of the drug monitors at a relatively out-of-the-way venue , for reasons of their own ; d ) that the samples were not urine at all but a draught of refreshing Lucozade , tested in error .
26 But just in case they do n't , we 've been busy cooking up campaigns that even Tory Central Office and Labour HQ might think twice about .
27 But just in case the bed failed to live up to his claims , Dr Graham wisely installed a more familiar sexual stimulus in the form of Emily Lyon , who took the form of Hygeia and danced naked for the clientele .
28 I hoped she would n't make a big production out of the delivery upstairs , but just in case she did I thought I would n't go anywhere where she could see me and point me out to any of the owners , so I left through the front exit gates and found the actors ' bus with its Mystery Race Train banner and faded inside into the reassembling troupe .
29 But just in case there is one among you who does n't know …
30 It 's a strangely riveting spectacle , but just in case your eyes get poked out in the moshpit , they 've got a quite daring array of slightly goth-laced nagging pop tunes , pinned by means of twiddly guitar hooks and belting choruses to that corner of your brain which is exclusively reserved for tunes to whistle in the supermarket queue .
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