Example sentences of "[conj] then after a " in BNC.

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1 Slowly , trying to ration the pain into manageable portions , I slid my hand out again , and then after a while , hardly believing it , I bent my arm and felt round my back and came to the rod there also , and faced the grim certainty that someone had shot me not with a bullet but an arrow .
2 And then after a long pause , he sighed , ‘ But it will never be quite the same . ’
3 I went to my room as often as I could , and then after a week I went to the local Employment Exchange .
4 And then after a brief explanation , ‘ The only reason I write to you is that you warned me this would happen . ’
5 ‘ It 's grand ti see thoo , lass , ’ he breathed , and then after a ferocious bout of coughing , allowed his eyes to close again , as though the effort had been too great !
6 With petit mal , the small fit , it used to called vaguely , you could talk to somebody and then go on nattering away and then suddenly the person would switch off and then just stare and then after a while they come back and talk to you and it 's , they pick up exactly where they 've left off , so as I say it used to be called day dreaming , now that 's the low end of the scale , now we go to the other end of the scale and remember please that there 's no set type for an epileptic , anybody , anywhere , any age at any time can have an epileptic fit , you do n't have to be that type , do n't .
7 And they espouse causes and strike attitudes , and then after a while when they get old they think what-the-hell , and they start doing what they like and nothing matters at all .
8 And then after a moment 's hesitation : ‘ I really do n't understand you , Cassie . ’
9 They 'd set his hand and cast it , and then after a second set of plates a week later they 'd broken off the cast and operated .
10 That 's in the oh a lot of people did , oh yes , lot of people spent the money but I was one of the fortunate ones I had a little bit left because I mean I was , er I was very lucky myself , I mean I had a decent job at that time from time I left school and when I was on the dredging plant , I mean you take er in nineteen twenty five when er a schoolboy left school , his money was about ten shillings a week as an errand boy but I was one of the fortunate being a cabin boy on the dredger , I was getting thirty five shillings a week which was a lot of money and then after a few months they , I , they wanted another deck hand , so of course I went on there on four pound a week and then I was well off .
11 They talked a lot during dinner and then after a couple of brandies , went up to the bedroom .
12 And then after a couple of weeks he still could n't get on with his computer , so he came back .
13 The coach then took us into the Wachau Valley for lunch at another 5-star hotel and then after a short walk through the medieval village and Durnstein Castle , we went on to the ‘ UND ’ Monastery at Krems for a wine tasting .
14 and then after a while the acceleration reduces ?
15 That 's why er people who come to our company and then after a year or so think they can go away and do this on their own , ca n't do it .
16 She never revealed her own secrets to me but then after a while I made no more enquiries — I did n't want to do anything to lose her . ’
17 Ted 's initial fear was that they 'd done something stupid and run away together , but then after a while he 'd begun to hope for this and nothing worse .
18 For example : You see like , the parents who come over from the West Indies , they try and teach their children this attitude " you 're English , you was born here , so you must talk the right and proper way , so you must n't talk like that " , but then after a time , as you get older , they do n't really worry about it too much .
19 Every so often he has ‘ comeback ’ matches … but then after a couple of games he s out again .
20 But then after a while they 'll think
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