Example sentences of "[conj] [Wh adv] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Discipline must be one of the more emotive words in the language , guaranteed to raise hackles wherever or whenever the subject is broached .
2 Mr Lamont , who sees the Budget as his attempt at political rehabilitation , was boastful , saying he believed last year 's Budget had contributed to the Tory victory at the election and this one would also prove a winner in the next election in 1996 ‘ or whenever the election comes ’ .
3 An intelligent controller can track the position of the pen and record its location either at a fixed rate ( such as 16 times per second ) or whenever the operator presses a button .
4 Nor is it necessarily good practice to see a client as often as possible or whenever the client wishes .
5 The words ‘ do not resuscitate ’ would be added to their medical notes , and updated every 24 hours or whenever the patients ' condition or circumstances changed .
6 The routine sheets should be filled in each week or whenever the weight is increased .
7 No problem Mr Prospect , I 'm glad you feel that way however I am seeing you in a fortnight 's time , have a chat with him between then and now and when I see you next week I 'll ta or whenever the time 'll be , I 'll take his telephone number from you then .
8 Yeah , I 'm talking about how it arises from the evolution point of view , as an not , I do n't go in at all to the whole neurological question , or how the brain is produced consciously .
9 There are n't enough biscuits ; you can have tea and coffee in the morning but only tea in the afternoon ; no-one knows where the switches are or how the equipment works ; and so on .
10 Research in the police , Irving further asserts , is a matter of pragmatics , eliminating philosophical enquiry into systems of belief , or how the knowledge of an ideology is transformed into action .
11 If there is disagreement over how seriously ill the child is , or how the illness should be dealt with , try to discuss these matters quietly when the child is not there , and agree on a common approach .
12 It seemed to Alexei as he considered it that a great deal of effort must be required to sustain such a relationship , and he could not imagine how his father could be bothered with it , or how the women could be content .
13 Such simulations , based on observed system behaviour , can tell us how things might have been if we are looking at unrepeatable , past , events or how the system might behave in the future , if the transition probabilities remain unaltered .
14 Mr Collin and the Department of Environment are both uncertain how many people will appeal or how the system will work .
15 Large numbers of microcomputers are currently being introduced into primary schools , and as yet there is little knowledge of how these machines are being used in the classroom , or how the teachers themselves view the use of this technology in primary education .
16 Chris told us the story or how the man and the woman fed from this tree and , when they were away , to get at the food others chopped it down and the trunk became the Amazon , the branches its tributaries .
17 Or how the mayonnaise melted into a piping hot baked potato ?
18 But the studies , carried out by the British Trust for Ornithology for the Department of Energy and the Mersey Barrage Company , have still to indicate whether or how the bird population might be changed by a barrage .
19 It mattered little whether the plot put Cagney in the right or wrong or how the movie ended or whether the action was wrapped up in a sermon .
20 The Journal has not got very far in finding out where the applications are expected to come from — or how the thing will be marketed .
21 Just do n't ask any tricky questions about what the object model will be or how the applications will communicate with the desktop .
22 Just do n't ask any tricky questions about what the object model is or how the applications will communicate with the desktop .
23 ( 3 ) The dynamics of the situation , or how the parties react to each other .
24 Not only had they failed to think it through under the ‘ what if strategic planning heading , but they had also failed to consider how they were going to project the change or how the people were going to react .
25 Within minutes , Sykes had struck a bargain , never stopping for a moment to ask where or how the fish had been caught .
26 We can not begin to imagine how we could force our readers to return their newspapers , or how the collections could be organized nationwide . "
27 His parents had not asked him what sort of holiday he had had or how the flight had been .
28 The spokeswoman said it was therefore impossible to say if and when it would be broadcast , or how the production team would deal with the use of original footage or the identities of individual families or children , which is prohibited by law .
29 ( b ) Where however the prosecution evidence is such that its strength or weakness depends on the view to be taken of a witness 's reliability , or other matters which are generally speaking within the province of the jury and where on one possible view of the facts there is evidence upon which a jury could properly come to the conclusion that the defendant is guilty , then the judge should allow the matter to be tried by the jury .
30 do n't say that a level crossing or where the road narrows , on approached any type of pedestrian crossing or where it would involve driving over an area marked with diagonal stripes to or che chevrons , do not overtake when you do so would force another vehicle to swerve or slow down , if in doubt do not overtake so where 'd you not overtake ?
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