Example sentences of "[conj] [indef pn] of the " in BNC.

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1 Third , the author has generally seen little or nothing of the actual restoration work , yet , once it is finished , presumes to assess it with unshakeable authority .
2 In the case of architecture it is the idea that is seminal — little or nothing of the form is taken over ; but in sculpture what was to become the dominant type of Greek statue through the archaic period , the naked young man , kouros , owes a direct debt to Egyptian models .
3 But the states for which the nineteenth century had been a success story , Germany and still more Great Britain , showed little or nothing of the desire for officially-backed dissemination of their culture and advertisement of their intellectual achievements which was so noticeable in France .
4 Since the reserviour was built it has become an important tourist and recreational centre but now none of the businesses can be sure they have a future .
5 One of my favourites is the ‘ MEANINGLESS ’ section , where none of the books make any sense .
6 For instance , there are firms or individuals describing themselves as ‘ chartered accountants ’ when they are not entitled to do so and where none of the principals involved is qualified to audit .
7 Case 2b — where none of the candidate words seem to fit with the syntactic processing of the sentence .
8 Its success was greatest in the Dukeries field , where none of the pits had as many as 10 per cent of their miners in the NMA ; the figure was less than 1 per cent at Harworth and Thoresby in 1934 ( Waller , 1983 , p. 118 ) .
9 The question which is perhaps left open by the Court 's decisions so far is whether a retention of the business 's identity can be found , say in the case of a franchise , where none of the employees , equipment or buildings used by the transferor in the activity pass to the transferee .
10 This example is for the installation of a new LIFESPAN Process , where none of the database details files already exist .
11 This result is in contrast to one recent study of 11 twin pairs ( 5 monozygotic ) where none of the co-twins was found to be concordant for anorexia nervosa .
12 The tenant may be wary of this in case it is used by the landlord to remove the tenant ( in a buoyant market ) but any dilatoriness on the part of the landlord in reinstating where none of the supervening events applies could be seized upon by the tenant .
13 Finally , if the fish shows signs of distress , is not feeding , or none of the above treatments shown any signs of working , the kindest thing is to painlessly destroy it .
14 Indeed , there is now little or none of the traditional progression or interweaving of rock climbing and other mountain activities .
15 In the simplest case an instruction tests for all , some or none of the bits being set to one .
16 Concentration of updates in a particular area — case 3 above — reduces the number of blocks that have to be read and in the most extreme case , where all or none of the records in a block require updating , the percentage of records that need to be read would not change due to blocking .
17 Oxidised LDL may also be procoagulant since it has been described as stimulating endothelial tissue factor activity and inhibiting activation of protein C. Despite these tremendous advances , the authors wisely remind us that many patients with coronary disease have few or none of the known risk factors .
18 What you mean is that we might bang into things or kick a detonator on the nose or something of the kind .
19 Another excuse was that he needed liquidity for a property deal or something of the sort , so a complete sell out would be necessary within the next month or so , albeit with the least possible losses .
20 In any case , it is too difficult for me , and I wish I had been a movie comedian or something of the sort and had never heard of physics ’ .
21 " I imagine there 's a dust-sheet or something of the kind in the linen-cupboard .
22 I suppose you made some noise ; did nobody call out , ‘ Is that you , Matthew ? ’ or something of the sort ? ’
23 ‘ In a shoe box or something of the sort .
24 He got Humphrey on to some Royal Commission on the training of engineers , or something of the sort .
25 yes tiny little place , and it was , it was n't totally satisfactory initially in that they erm , they left it with some sort of erm cock up , I could n't wind it up , there was something wrong with the crown click , or something of the sort , when I got it back , so I had to take it back again , but otherwise they seemed to be people who are well aware of watches in the best sense and eh , he said this is a an excellent movement and eh far better than the ones I normally see .
26 Erm and they will keep them in the archives and I suppose transcribe them or something of the sort .
27 Unfortunately you chose the ginger beetle , the toffee beetle or something of the sort it had a gingery look to it .
28 Well , very briefly , the ideas was Freud in his early practice was getting stories from his patients that they had somehow been sexually interfered with or abused or something of the kind when they were very young , often by an older male friend of the family , a relative , or even their father and initially Freud thought these reminiscences were literally true .
29 Yeah so erm yeah so if you get that sort of thing and then you can in some way either get people to discuss or get them to fill in a questionnaire about it or something of the sort I mean that 's er the format that y'know kind of er seems to work quite well for final year projects anyway er generally speaking with other stuff so er yeah that 's that 's do-able .
30 You certainly would n't get away with that with a violin concerto or something of the sort .
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