Example sentences of "[conj] [Wh det] [prep] the " in BNC.

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31 It will be readily appreciated how important it is to agree on a name which reflects the separate identities ( and vanities ) of the firms involved without assuming Dickensian proportions and which at the same time commands the approval of any public relations consultant who has been engaged .
32 I 'd grappled up the slope on foot just before and knew how steep and icy its surface was and which of the bigger rocks had to be dodged because they would foul the car 's underside .
33 examine with reference to their general compliance with these conditions , the several drawings bearing the numbers given in the enclosed list ; and to prepare a statement , giving first the Conditions which they assume to be required in the cases of each of the three classes of designs and secondly , showing whether any and which of the several sets of drawings selected fail to comply with such conditions ; and also in what respect , and to what extent , these conditions are neglected or departed from .
34 Additionally , the aforementioned bank of LEDs indicates which mode is selected , whether or not the TriAxis 's effects loop is engaged and which of the preamp 's outboard switches is activated .
35 In many situations , you will not be able to demonstrate beyond reasonable doubt what the linguistic patterns in the community are — what speaker-knowledge of those patterns is like and which of the patterns show that linguistic changes are in progress — unless you quantify .
36 ‘ that the taxing master shall inquire and state whether any and which of the disputed items marked in red ink in the bill are fair and proper to be allowed , and to what amount respectively .
37 She was tirelessly willing to discuss things in the manner of the country ; to sit down with a landlord , for example , and answer such questions as whether England was smaller than London , and which of the two belonged to France , and how much larger the Turkish navy was than those of England , France and Russia put together .
38 For each contained package , the procedure determines the contents of all active DCs on the package for the user specified in LIFESPAN_USER , and which of the package 's modules are present in the specified working directory .
39 And which of the men might have been mistaken for a woman ?
40 And which of the two of you then went into that room first ?
41 I do feel that this is necessary because we are allocating or just allocating our proposed budget er a substantial amount of extra resources through the rights of way which I am thoroughly in favour of but I do think we need to know how that money is going to be used and which of the items which are to appear in the report are going to be covered by that money and which is still going to need to be addressed next year when we have to book in time for it for next year .
42 Ramsey 's confirmation as the new Archbishop of York was held at Lambeth on 13 March 1956 and was marked by one of those protests which to the outsider are amusing and which to the subject of the protest are vexatious .
43 Until one transcended those stairs , one would never know which stair led to freedom and which to the return boat to Europe .
44 Several of the groups working on PETRA have detected three-jet ‘ events ’ in their apparatus , but now one of these groups has worked out how to tell which jets come from the quark and antiquark and which from the gluons .
45 1 Common parts The right for the Tenant and all persons expressly or by implication authorised by the Tenant ( in common with the Landlord and all other persons having a like right ) to use the Common Parts for all proper purposes in connection with the use and enjoyment of the Premises provided that the Landlord shall not be obliged to keep the malls and other pedestrian ways open [ to the general public ] earlier than [ one hour ] before the Shop Opening Hours or later than [ one hour ] after the Shop Opening Hours It will be for the landlord and the tenant to negotiate shop opening hours at the commencement of the term and which from the tenant 's point of view should be sufficient for the tenant to carry on its normal trade and business .
46 When Scholes proposes ‘ studying texts ’ he invokes the terminology of semiotics , but he is , in effect , working in a tradition of rhetorical analysis that has always been an element in institutional English study , and which in the 1930s resulted in the work of Leavis and Thompson and other Scrutineers on contemporary culture and its artefacts .
47 It was Samuel Heinicke who pioneered the pure oral system of teaching the deaf in Germany with the foundation of his school in 1760 , a method of teaching which has persisted in that country ever since and which in the nineteenth century came to be known as the ‘ German System ’ .
48 For the next week I thought long and hard about undertaking an interview with the Queen Mother which would cover every aspect of her life but the great historical event which had changed it for ever ; which had propelled her and her husband to the throne , had made happy and glorious a reign which might otherwise have been disastrous , yet which was tragically cut short by illness and death , and which in the long run had made her far and away the most loved of all the members of the Royal Family .
49 However , the broadest distinction being made , and one which is of most relevance in the present context , is that between the ‘ good ’ ( baig ) and the ‘ bad ’ ( yabud ) — or , as I prefer , the helpful and the harmful , designations which have less of Western moral connotations and which in the particular context correspond more closely to Chewong associations .
50 During the assessment phase it is very important that the client must attempt to specify any particular situations or difficulties which create problems currently and which in the past may have led to avoidance .
51 They offered some credence to the contemporaneous growth in anti-semitism : limited and localized though this was , Jewish migrants were criticized and condemned in very similar terms to those later invoked against post-Second World War black immigrants , and which in the nineteenth century had been raised against the Irish .
52 for direct processing the track index does not make it clear which records are in overflow and which in the prime data area ; this prevents the first overflow record being retrieved as quickly as is achieved in the two-entry index system — at least while it is the only overflow record .
53 And it means rising with Christ too ; rising to share in the new life which he makes possible , and which in the fullest detail Paul , in Romans chapter eight , ascribes to the Spirit of Jesus , resident within us .
54 She made her way to the small side gate that opened on to the alley and which in the daytime was kept permanently open so that tradesmen could make their way to the kitchens through the vegetable garden .
55 And what with the tunnel and the European Market , what 'll be left of England ?
56 What with Anna being such a charmer and what with the fact that he is now sleeping with her , he does his level best to find some small saving grace in her writing , something he can praise without hypocrisy .
57 And I 'm there bouncing up and down and what with the heat of the sun and the smell — I tell you , mate , it feels like days .
58 ‘ Well , we certainly thought we were climbing , the wife and me , you know with all that pulling ourselves up over the rock and all , and what with the fact we were , well , in a manner of speaking , how can I put this , em , climbing up to the top . ’
59 But now I was up in the air , and what with the clouds , I lost all my orientation Where the clouds parted , I could see the whole tube , land all around me , and it seemed to go up like a tower , so the town and the factory belt and the parks were hanging from the walls over my head , they were all going to crash down on me , and the city on top of them .
60 ‘ Well , because , in the first place I had the radio on , and what with the paraffin stove going — that makes a bit of noise — and a towel round my head …
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