Example sentences of "[conj] [not/n't] the first " in BNC.

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1 Expansion or reformulation should be possible whether or not the first result is positive or negative .
2 If you achieve this , then a record deal is just around the corner , and you will have earned yourself a strong negotiating position which should enable you to sign the deal you want and not the first deal that is offered .
3 The UK government measures the lead in tapwater that has been running for several minutes , as it would be if you had a bath in it , and not the first few pints or cupfuls , as you would use for cooking or making a cup of tea .
4 And not the first one . ’
5 The research evidence suggests that support from one 's family should be the last resort and not the first , and that even then it must be handled carefully to ensure that each party retains a proper independence of the other .
6 How was Norway Chamberlain 's fault and not the First Sea Lord 's ?
7 The present case fell into the second category and not the first as far as garage C was concerned .
8 It was a disgraceful decision and not the first of the night .
9 Bukharin was one of the first , if not the first , to recognise that arms production , far from being productive of surplus-value , was in fact value and surplus-value consuming .
10 The alternative voting system at least possesses the virtue of requiring that if such policies are to be persisted in , the doctrine in which they are grounded must have been at least minimally acceptable to , if not the first choice of , a majority of voters .
11 For the Australian army was among the first , if not the first , Allied service taking up the commando idea , even though they already had nearly four divisions overseas .
12 In many ways , McLaren was an early , if not the first , prototype of the modern racing team , and it did indeed seem as though Emerson fitted in very well .
13 Kastri on Kythera seems to have been one of the earliest , if not the first , Minoan colony , and it was set up well before 2000 BC .
14 The PROFITBOSS gets there — if not the first time , then the second time ; if not the second time , then the thousandth time .
15 Thus , claims Matthew Swainston , " the seamen were among the first , if not the first , of any class of working men to think in national terms " .
16 Eric of Mallion was the first champion to be born in this country , but not the first to gain this title because he did not actually become a champion until he was seven years old .
17 Members of Village community made use of the second and third but not the first social argument against school closure listed on page 35 , and added a number of other way of life arguments of their own .
18 Or , finally , two events are cause and effect if the probability of the second event , given the first event and certain accompanying conditions , is greater than the probability of the second event , given those conditions but not the first event .
19 It is now clear that , to make up X , we require ( i ) an eigenvector x1 satisfying unc ( ii ) an auxiliary vector unc satisfying unc ( iii ) an eigenvector x3 satisfying unc In the numerical example ( 10 ) , unc and postmultiplication by x1 = { 1,2,4 } makes both vanish ; postmultiplication by unc = { 1,0 , -1 } annihilates the second but not the first ; the product yields — x1 .
20 Indeed through the second method ( but not the first ) we might come to some decision about the responsibilities of the group or institution while still in doubt ( or disagreeing among ourselves ) about the consequent liabilities or responsibilities of the relevant individuals .
21 This Act , known as the Addison Act after its sponsor the minister of health , while not the first legislation to allow local authority house building , was the first to subsidize it .
22 A number of innovations were recorded : the use of lifts ( though not the first in British council flats ) , the first use of the Garchey refuse disposal system in the country , heights up to 8 storeys , private balconies in the flats and emphasis on community provisions including playgrounds , laundry , gardens , shops and community hall .
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