Example sentences of "[conj] [not/n't] it [verb] " in BNC.

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1 If a company meets these requirements in any year and is therefore entitled to the accounting exemptions for that year it will also be entitled to the same exemptions for the following year , regardless of whether or not it meets the criteria .
2 Considerable ambiguity arises when the appearances of the incident are such that it is uncertain whether or not it fits one of these types of abnormal situation .
3 And believe it or not it fits on , it 'll fit on the drive .
4 er yeah this is the beauty of a fax you know , whether you 're there or not it gets to you .
5 A court has power to make a s8 order whether or not it varies or discharges the supervision order .
6 Becker hints at the inside model when he concludes , not without generating some confusion , that ‘ whether a given act is deviant or not depends in part on the nature of the act ( that is , whether or not it violates some rule ) and in part on what other people do about it ’ .
7 For Kuhn , whether a field qualifies as a science or not depends on whether or not it conforms to the account of science offered in The Structure of Scientific Revolutions .
8 Thus , recognition by Her Majesty 's Government was the decisive matter and the courts had no role save to inquire of the executive whether or not it had recognised the government in question .
9 Other recommendations included the complete withdrawal of allegations against detainees held without trial with a " clear and unequivocal apology for the wrongs they have suffered " and financial compensation for all victims of abuse whether or not it had been proved that they were agents of the South African government .
10 The data was submitted on a confidential basis , because of the possibility of future publication , and so it is not possible to ascertain whether or not it had any influence on the deliberations of the Review body , but their conclusions on the quality of post-graduate geological research undertaken in Dundee and Strathclyde Universities were exactly in line with the quantitative findings described later .
11 The defendants argued that deformity would have occurred as a result of the injury , whether or not it had been properly diagnosed on the first trip to hospital .
12 Murder or not it had to go on , and next day it did , Rose saw to that , although she was not herself .
13 Ideally , investors need complete information about the likely cash flow distribution , whether or not it encompasses the possibility of failure .
14 Whether Ferndale Comprehensive has been over enthusiastic or not it does seem that one union at least seems to think that marketing is one of the deadliest of sins !
15 Love may or may not produce happiness ; whether or not it does in the end , its primary effect is to energize .
16 We are all familiar with the cliche ‘ Leaders are born and not made ’ , and whether this is true or not it does suggest to us that leadership is dependent upon an individual possessing certain characteristics .
17 However , whether or not it does so is a matter of construction , and it seems equally clear both that a court will be unwilling to interpret a clause as applying to such breaches and that , in the event of a dispute , the party challenging an exclusion clause can be expected to raise the argument that the breach is fundamental and not covered by the exclusion .
18 Safe or not it wasw clear that the crowd enjoyed it , and the team did raisd eight hundred pounds for charity .
19 I mean is n't it really using a computer is merely a facilitator , like using a car is a simple way of transport , and therefore whether or not it facilitates is nothing to do with the system itself , it 's to do with the way in which it 's used .
20 Wingti dismissed the statement as an empty threat , although there were reports that it was being investigated to determine whether or not it constituted sedition , as defined under section 44 of the country 's criminal code .
21 The thesis latency distribution was measured to determine whether or not it fitted the conditions required for a Poisson distribution , ( the coefficient of dispersion should approach unity ) , but it did not .
22 The way in which the use of knowledge affected the patterns of life and existence of the people determined whether or not it became adopted .
23 Whiskers or not it seemed worth signing .
24 Invention or not it made him want her more completely , and he put his arms beneath her shoulders , liking her up and off him .
25 These in turn are complicated by differing definitions of incontinence , and in particular the following variables : when it last occurred ; how frequently ; and whether or not it poses a social or hygienic problem ( no study addressed this question directly ) .
26 Find every instance of Paint whether or not it forms part of a whole word .
27 At Corinth St Paul found the phenomenon deeply divisive and productive of censoriousness ; he taught the Corinthian church that the authenticity of a gift of the Spirit should be tested by whether or not it contributed to love and edification of the community as a whole .
28 Although irradiation does destroy all bacteria , it is not certain whether or not it removes the toxins that such bacteria may have released into the food , which could , after all , be the cause of food poisoning .
29 ‘ Such as whether or not it 's got something to do with the fact that you are quite exceptionally precocious . ’
30 You 're arguing the toss over the small print as to whether or not it 's covered .
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