Example sentences of "[conj] [not/n't] [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Also , difference due to sex where not found to be significant in this study .
2 all losses suffered by and claims made against the Carrier in consequence of loss of or damage to property caused by or arising out of the carriage by the Carrier of Dangerous Goods whether or not declared by the Trader as such :
3 Issues discussed include general and reporting guidance for both the continuing auditor ( who audited and reported on the previous financial statements ) and the incoming auditor ( where the previous financial statements were either audited by another auditor or not audited at all ) .
4 And the answer was the County Council is committed or not prepared to be uncommitted to a road north of Knaresborough .
5 From what you know or have heard about each one , can you say whether you are generally satisfied or not satisfied with the service that each one provides ?
6 The Servian centuriate organization — whether or not inspired by the Solonian model of the four classes — made Rome a timocratic city .
7 Those without coeliac disease may also have an abnormal result although in those with a normal small bowel on biopsy examination , or not suspected of having intestinal disease the specificity is 0.95 .
8 This study aimed to assess and compare the efficacy of the following H pylori serological tests in patients treated or not treated with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs ( NSAID ) : Pyloriset latex , Helico-G , Biolab Malakit , and Bio-Rad GAP Test IgG .
9 If not , one presumes that radiography would have either shown no lesion or not contributed to management of disease .
10 Within the two groups , NSAID users and non-users , there were no significant differences between synthesis of LTB 4 in patients colonised or not colonised with the organism .
11 The Company holds a personal accident insurance policy in its own name covering all permanent employees anywhere in the world , whether or not engaged on Company business , subject to certain specified exclusions .
12 Public consultation about policies can therefore be something of a sham where major options and potential developments are either not shared with the public by the corporation or not conceptualized by the public .
13 The question as to whether a specific hypothesis is confirmed or not confirmed by the data is in principle different from the issue of whether the research findings can be generalized to a wider population .
14 This tends to suggest that one should look more closely at the characteristics of those sustained or not sustained at home , and at the decision to admit to an institution .
15 Order 16 , r 9 ( as revised ) made important changes to the rules on transfer and requires that : ( 1 ) the grounds of an application for transfer be stated by reference to the criteria in art 7(5) ; and ( 2 ) all applications ( whether or not based on " financial substance " ) be supported by a statement of value .
16 Mr. Richards did not seek to support that view and it is clearly contrary to or not adopted in other writings : see , for example , Francis Mann , Foreign Affairs in English Courts ( 1986 ) ; C. Warbrick , ‘ The New British Policy on Recognition of Governments ’ ( 1981 ) 30 I.C.L.Q. 568 ; and indeed the general tenor of Professor Brownlie 's work itself .
17 The Occupiers ' Liability Act 1984 outlines where an occupier owes a duty to a trespasser in respect of any risk of that person suffering injury on the premises , by reason of any damage due to the state of the premises or to things done or not done on the premises .
18 She may experience a crisis of disbelief in her religious faith , or direct her anger towards the medical or nursing staff who cared for her husband , for failing to save his life ; or she may blame family or friends and have feelings of guilt and anger against herself for things that were done or not done during his lifetime .
19 These dilemmas involve what is given up or not done in order to care , or prioritisation of need in the family , or the sense of not caring well enough , or not doing enough to help .
20 The intrusion of these emotions into a relationship , whether or not related to sexual issues , is responsible for a good many sexual problems which are based on them , not directly but through decline in the quality of the relationship itself .
21 Well , you 've probably lost or , or not gained on shares .
22 By a notice of appeal dated 22 July 1991 the administrators appealed on the grounds , inter alia , that ( 1 ) the judge had erred in law in holding that the court had no jurisdiction to make any order under section 238 of the Act of 1986 against the bank ; ( 2 ) the judge should have held that the words ‘ any person ’ in section 238 meant ( in the case of a company ) any company , whether or not registered in England and Wales , or having a place of business in England and Wales , or carrying on business in England and Wales at the time of the transaction complained of ; alternatively , that those words ( in the case of a company ) meant any company with a sufficient connection with England and Wales : and that , on the facts of the case , there was a sufficient connection ; and in either case the court accordingly had jurisdiction to entertain the originating application against the bank , and to grant leave under rule 12.12 of the Insolvency Rules 1986 to serve the bank in Jersey ; and ( 3 ) in construing section 238 of the Act of 1986 the judge had erred in failing ( i ) to hold that the bank , even though a Jersey company , was within the class of persons with respect to whom Parliament was to be presumed to be legislating in section 238 ; ( ii ) to give any or any sufficient weight to the mischief which the section was intended to remedy , and/or to the disastrous practical consequences for all insolvencies with any international element if the operation of the section were limited to those within England and Wales at the time of the transaction complained of ; ( iii ) to give any or any sufficient weight to the legislative context of the section and related sections ; and ( iv ) to give any or any sufficient weight to the fact that the transactions dealt with by the sections necessarily had a connection with England and Wales in that they involved a disposition of the property of a person or company the subject of insolvency proceedings before the courts of England and Wales .
23 In the reactions with NCp7 , the NCp7 was either preincubated or not preincubated with the oligonucleotide for 7 min at 37°C prior to addition of IN .
24 Or not seen in the way she seemed to see .
25 The inherent jurisdiction of the High Court with respect to children , whether or not exercised through the procedure of wardship , is in theory without limit : see In re X. ( A Minor ) ( Wardship : Jurisdiction ) [ 1975 ] Fam. 47 , 51 .
26 Information held by a body , whether or not obtained in pursuit of our statutory activities , and collected at any date .
27 The losses involved in retirement are often either not foreseen , or not recognized as a problem .
28 It is not practicable , here , to refer in detail to every change from the 1987 regulations to the 1992 regulations , whether or not occasioned by the requirements of the directive .
29 Some companies insist that journalists or other borrowers should sign a form to say that they will be responsible for any photographs borrowed and that they will pay for it in the event that a photograph is lost or not returned before a certain date .
30 From studying Figures 6.5 and 6.6 it will be seen that in hospital there are many potential danger points for contamination by direct contact , for example with infected articles or with hands which have been inadequately washed or not washed at all after dealing with contaminated discharges or materials .
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