Example sentences of "[conj] [that] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 You wonder that it should seem to me at first all illusion But how natural — It is true of me … very true … that I have not a high appreciation of what passes in the world under the name of love ; & that a distrust of the thing had grown to be a habit of mind with me when I knew you first .
2 They hoped for no benefit of internal interpretation or the construal of favourable terms ; rather , they hoped that a disposition in dubious form might be admitted to be a disposition of legal force , or that a disposition in an invalid will might not sink into the oblivion of intestacy .
3 Erm and er I was wondering if Freud did that or if that 's what Freud was saying , that , that , that religion by nature must be repressed or that a minority as the nature of minority is , is er it works harder when it 's repressed or it can become stronger .
4 erm A lot of people gave as a reason for getting a particular piece of furniture the fact that it was given to them by their parents when they got married , or that a neighbour was trying to get rid of it , or that somebody from work had passed it on and they needed one .
5 It may well be accepted that a person who is deported should have greater protection than one who is refused entry , or that a person whose permit has expired has a lesser interest than one whose permit is revoked .
6 Unless the gutter has split or cracked , it is most likely that either the gutter ( or downpipe ) is blocked and needs clearing ( page 78 ) or that a bracket has given way and the gutter is sagging .
7 Events over the next six months are likely to leave an imprint , and it seems a relationship is the catalyst for a major change or that a relationship is transformed from outside .
8 A user may point out that an attribute is missing from an entity , or that a relationship between entities is one-to-many and not one-to-one as implied by the entity-relationship diagram .
9 The Auditing Practices Board concurs with the Institute 's view , and suggests either that audit endorsement be restricted to those parts of the code capable of objective evaluation , or that a company 's audit committee should endorse the statement of compliance at a meeting attended by the auditors .
10 Males take more rabbits , and females more fish and small mammals , but this is not to say that a female ca n't kill a rabbit or that a male wo n't kill mice .
11 This is not to say that methods of biochemical adjustment are sufficient in themselves , or that a psychiatrist , however biochemically oriented , can neglect the pastoral aspects of caring for his patients .
12 By ‘ empathy ’ one knows , for instance , that a man swinging an axe is cutting wood or that a man is aiming a rifle .
13 She has challenged certain long-established political assumptions : that a government could not be re-elected if it presided over a massive increase in unemployment ; or that a government had to govern with the consent and co-operation of the major interests , particularly business and the unions .
14 It is sometimes very strange to see an AIB Engineering Inspector and an RAF doctor with their heads down inside the wreckage of a crashed aircraft in the AIB hangar at Farnborough , arguing , discussing or merely agreeing that this or that component is not strong enough to sustain survivable crash forces on a row of seats or that a part of the galley constitutes a lethal hazard against which passengers could suffer injury in a crash .
15 Which is also to say that it is not the case that there is no connection , or that a category mistake is involved in the mere comparison .
16 ‘ to give rise to apprehension for the safety of any person ( or property ) or ’ False reports that a person is missing from home or that a bomb is in a building ( which is more likely to be encountered in practice ) come under this point .
17 It is not a condition that the third State be specified by name provided it is clear from the context or surrounding circumstances what State is intended , or that a group or class of States is intended of which the claiming State is a member .
18 They may chug along believing that structure is all there is to it or that a combination of structure and roles is the answer .
19 She had not realised there were still houses where there was no hot-water system or that a relative of hers might live in one Neither was there proper toilet soap .
20 When you consider that it costs 40p in bank charges every time a cheque is cashed , or that a covenant will increase your contribution by a third ( if you pay income tax ) , you will appreciate why the fund raising and marketing department is so keen on these cost-effective methods !
21 This may be because the GP 's previous contact with the family facilitated such contact or that a balance to the GP 's assessment was sought .
22 ‘ tending to show that an offence had been committed , or ’ This point includes a conduct such as a straightforward report of a false crime to anyone , but it will usually be made to a constable , e.g. that a person 's car has been stolen or taken without authority or that a house has been burgled .
23 It was agreed to incorporate most of the alterations , except that a compromise was reached on the Craft subjects .
24 2.2 Section 1(2) ( c ) of the 1934 Act expressly stated before amendment that where the act or omission that gives rise to the cause of action results in death the damages are to be calculated without reference to any loss or gain to the deceased 's estate consequent on his death , except that a sum in respect of funeral expenses may be included .
25 The next move is blind … one committing lunge … into the fire … except that a piece of sturdy tat winks at you .
26 Except that a lot of the information we have both lost was about the Lucy Ghosts .
27 Where a company or group has more than one pension scheme , disclose details on a combined basis , where possible , except that a deficiency of funding in one scheme should not be offset against a surplus in another scheme .
28 In that , it is rather like an achene , except that a nut is derived from two or more carpels while the achene comes from a single carpel .
29 First , the ‘ hard look ’ test is contrasted with the ‘ kid glove ’ standard of review within the United Kingdom under the Wednesbury test which is said to demand no more than that a decision be not so unreasonable that no reasonable body could make it .
30 I think that ha has to be in on if you 're on a slightly longer course than that a day you
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