Example sentences of "[conj] [was/were] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It is true that there were first-class scientists at work in other countries but they were either greatly taken with large unprovable notions or were limited to a single field , whereas Galileo was original in dynamics , hydrostatics , mechanics ( strength of materials ) , optics and astronomy .
2 Others reeked of herbs or were powdered with flour .
3 In the 1930s and 1940s , question time was largely dominated by backbenchers , and those concerned with the point at issue were left to press their interrogation or were supported by others with a similar grievance .
4 No cases are referred to in the judgments or were cited in argument .
5 No cases are referred to in the judgment or were cited in argument .
6 No cases are referred to in the judgment or were cited in argument .
7 Indeed , the EEC , in anticipation of its enlargement , had also begun to consider how it might accommodate the remaining EFTA states , all of whom for varying reasons could not consider joining the EEC , or were precluded from doing so .
8 It is sometimes difficult for children to remember which things are theirs or were made by them .
9 The tawny owl does not usually produce large concentrations of pellets because of its habit of using different trees each day for roosting , and so all of these samples are either from scattered locations or were collected over considerable periods of time .
10 They nearly all started out in Paris or were influenced by Paris artists , taking Rodin , Bourdelle and Maillol as their role models .
11 These criticisms were ignored ( although delivered by persons of world-wide reputation such as Carl Sauer ) , received a hostile and defensive reaction , or were absorbed by transforming them into a technical issue — rather than facing them as a social and political one .
12 Children who were at least 6 months old entered the trials at the first dosing round or at a subsequent round and left at the last dosing round , or when they moved out of the study area , died , or were withdrawn from the trial .
13 Fear was something felt by other people when they found an unexpected lump under their arm or were mugged by a complete stranger .
14 In addition , when cattle got lost , or were eaten by wild animals , their owners sometimes assumed that they had been stolen and instituted a prosecution against known cattle thieves .
15 Somewhere not far away , surrounded by jungle , Chloe and the sepoy lay side by side and rotted , or were eaten by the specialist animals of the night .
16 The pilgrims , 680 of whom were later identified as Indonesian and some 600 as Turkish , died of suffocation or were trampled to death in a frantic attempt to escape , as an estimated 50,000 worshippers converged simultaneously on the 500-metre long al-Mu'aysam tunnel connecting Mecca to the pilgrim tent city of Mina , below Mount Arafat .
17 They submitted ‘ even when they had no desire for sex or were repulsed by the idea . ’
18 The particles were analyzed by SDS-PAGE ( as above ) or were examined by electron microscopy .
19 May I and my right hon. and hon. Friends join in expressing sympathy for those who died or were injured in the atrocity in County Tyrone on Friday ?
20 As the twentieth-century economy became more specialized , older workers were increasingly occupying positions in industry that involved unskilled , light work , or were clinging to jobs in outmoded , labour-intensive enterprises such as agriculture .
21 A copy of the initial writ requires to be served on ( 1 ) the clerk of the licensing board and ( 2 ) all parties who appeared or were represented at the hearing including the applicant if the appeal is by an objector , at the same time as the initial writ is lodged with the sheriff clerk or as soon as may be thereafter ( para. 3,5.1. 197711622 .
22 Foreign Minister Geza Jeszenszky said on Oct. 11 that around 50,000 foreigners were illegally resident in Hungary or were engaged in black market activities .
23 Several rioters were killed during an attack on a mill using them at Salford in 1812 , but few manufacturers had as yet introduced them , or were intending to in the near future , and disturbances were intermingled with food riots and political agitation .
24 But three in every four Vietnamese-Americans arrived or were born in the past decade .
25 The report documented the death of 2,279 people , including 1,068 people who were executed , died under torture or were shot in firing squads , and 957 disappeared prisoners , whose fate was unclarified but who were presumed dead .
26 Campaign to reinstate members who resigned or were terminated during the recession.E
27 But the breed 's origins are uncertain and the theories are numerous — that they are almost directly descended from the wild aurochs , for example ( the claim of many a breed ! ) or are at least of Bos primigenius stock like the Podolians of the steppes , or are descended from large , long-horned continental cattle imported several centuries ago ( some say by the Romans ) , or were imported 3,000–4,000 years ago , or came from Ireland where they were an ancient indigenous type , or were developed from Dutch and old English breeds before the eighteenth century , or must have Norse origins because of their coat colour and pattern .
28 Half were in lone-parent families , a quarter in step-families and a quarter had been adopted or were living with grandparents or foster parents .
29 At first , this largely involved the search for loop-holes in central government legislation : if , for example , the rules suggested that future grant depended on spending in a particular year , then it was possible with little difficulty to prepare the accounts to show that spending had been higher or lower that year ( whichever was the required answer ) , More important , perhaps , as time went on , it become common for councils and their treasurers to seek new sources of funding which were not covered by the rules or were covered by different rules .
30 Prior to Batrec 's operations , Swiss batteries — even those collected separately by local authorities — were either sent abroad to dubious foreign dumps or were incinerated at home — a process which raised fears that residues could eventually enter the food chain .
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