Example sentences of "[conj] [vb -s] be [verb] " in BNC.

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1 for proceeding to or returning from a workshop in which a body or a special type of equipment or accessory is to be or has been fitted to it or in which it is to be or has been painted , valeted or repaired ;
2 The courts have used regulatory rules in determining whether an obligation under the general law exists or has been broken in a number of ways .
3 Indeed there is much evidence to suggest that the distinctions are most actively sought in periods of growing secularization , when the habit of referring all practices , finally , to some central faith and purpose , is loosening or has been lost .
4 Even in these days of permissiveness , it may be that the one party has not had , or has been denied , the opportunity of discovering the anatomical characteristics of the other .
5 that she actually has officially erm the Prime Minister 's political adviser briefs her on events in the war , or has been briefing her .
6 If your car is suitable , or has been adjusted to unleaded , you will notice no significant reduction in performance .
7 I know , I went through a period of a very much milder popularity in the United States in the seventies , nothing like what Neville has enjoyed or has been squashed by , which maybe is lucky for me , but the idea was that erm Rolling Stone , when I was doing it , became very heavily innovative and there was like countless magazines , you know weekly newspapers in different cities , sections of dailies , everything , that started looking like Rolling Stone there for a while .
8 Quantity in this sense , duration , is what musicians and musical composers are continually concerned with ; and so it is not surprising that poets of this way of thinking , like Pound and Bunting , show themselves avidly interested in poetry which has been , not at a level of theory but as a fact of performance , intimately associated with music : poetry that has been set , or has been written in the hope of being set , to music .
9 To a degree unknown in any other use of language he finds himself not only attending to what is said but simultaneously hearing the words as textures of vowels and consonants , noting rhythm , rhyme , assonance ; meanings refuse to be tied down , disclose nuances and associations of which he has never been conscious ; sights and sounds which he has never heeded become sensuously precise and vivid in imagination ; emotion assumes a peculiar lucidity , undisguised by what he habitually feels or has been taught that he ought to feel ; truths about life and death , which he follows social convention in systematically evading , stand out as simple and unchallengeable .
10 for proceeding to or returning from a workshop in which a body or a special type of equipment or accessory is to be or has been fitted to it or in which it is to be or has been painted , valeted or repaired ;
11 On the other hand , the jury can be asked to take the plaintiff 's own conduct into account in reducing damages — if he has taken steps to refute the allegations publicly , or has been cleared of them after a publicised enquiry , or has obtained retractions and damages from other publications , his wounds may be considered to have partially healed .
12 The concept of bad faith has remained either largely in the region of hypothetical cases or has been treated as synonymous with improper purposes or relevancy .
13 Certiorari quashes a decision which is found to be invalid because it is outside the powers granted to the court or tribunal ( ultra vires ) , or has been given in proceedings in which the principles of natural justice were not observed , or where there has been an error of law on the face of the record .
14 Any submission to the contrary which may be or has been made by North Yorkshire County Council and or Ryedale District Council is accordingly strongly and totally refuted , for the reasons detailed in these submissions .
15 Heidelberg possesses some of these , but most of the work here is of a later date or has been replaced .
16 the package contains modules for which an active DC does not exist or has been raised through another package .
17 I 'm thinking towards the eastern European countries , for example , where one is told , or has been led to believe they were aiming for classlessness and what 's happening th barriers are coming down and they 're heading towards our capitalist society as a
18 Alternatively the Director General may confirm he has decided not to refer the agreement to the Court where : ( a ) any directly applicable provision of EC law applies to the agreement ; ( b ) the agreement has expired or has been terminated ; ( c ) all the relevant restrictions have been removed ; ( d ) the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry has discharged the Director General from his duty to take proceedings where he is satisfied that the restrictions are not of such significance as to call for investigation by the Court .
19 for proceeding to or returning from a place where it is to be or has been tested , or for proceeding to a place where it is to be broken up or otherwise dismantled .
20 Detection of this antibody indicates that the individual has successfully neutralized an HBV infection or has been immunized against HBV .
21 The remedial cost for this damage is not admissible unless it can be shown to relate directly to damage to the roof in respect of which a claim is or has been accepted .
22 Certainly , those experiments in which the occurrence of an overt component of the OR has been monitored have demonstrated that the response that has been habituated during pre-exposure tends to reappear when the CS-US pairings are begun .
23 for proceeding to or returning from any garage , auction room or other place at which vehicles are usually stored or usually or periodically offered for sale and at which the vehicle is to be or has been stored or is to be or has been offered for sale as the case may be ;
24 The court can make a s8 order of its own volition or on the application of any person who is entitled to apply or has been granted leave to do so ( s10(1) ) .
25 possess any secret official code word , or password , or sketch , plan , model , article , note , document or information which relates to or is used in a prohibited place or anything in such a place , or which has been made or obtained in contravention of this Act , or which has been entrusted in confidence to him by any person holding office under Her Majesty or which he has obtained or to which he has had access owing to his position as a person who is or has been employed under a person who holds or has held such an office or contract — [ and who ] ( a ) communicates the code word , pass word , sketch , plan , model , article , note , document , or information to any person other than a person to whom he is authorised to communicate it , or a person to whom it is in the interest of the State his duty to communicate it , or ( aa ) uses the information in his possession for the benefit of any foreign power or in any other manner prejudicial to the safety or interests of the State , or ( b ) retains the sketch , plan , model , article , note , or document in his possession or control when he has no right to retain it or when it is contrary to his duty to retain it , or fails to comply with all directions issued by lawful authority with regard to the return or disposal thereof , or …
26 It shows how many items of the product ought to be on the shelf ; how many are still in the stock room ; the minimum number that the store is supposed to be carrying ; whether fresh ones have been ordered if stocks are too low ; what the current price is ; and whether that price is the Kmart standard , or has been lowered to beat local competitors .
27 no asset has been acquired or disposed of on capital account or has been agreed to be acquired or disposed of and no contract involving expenditure by it on capital account has been entered into by the Business .
28 The proprietor ( owner ) of a design is the author , the person who created it , unless the author is acting in the course of employment or has been commissioned , for money or money 's worth , to create the design .
29 The owner of a design right is the designer unless he creates the design in the course of his employment or has been commissioned to create it .
30 Adopt a family whose breadwinner is a political prisoner or has been executed .
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