Example sentences of "[conj] [vb -s] [adv] many " in BNC.

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1 Some constant changes , particularly affecting checkConsistency and diagnostics elsewhere , can result in conditions becoming difficult or impossible to satisfy , so that the program either can not complete the set-up operation or delivers too many diagnostics and perhaps even fails to deliver measurements .
2 Just what is it about Barbados that produces so many wonderful cricketers ?
3 It 's hunger that drives so many ballet students there , not an innate artistic urge .
4 Equally to the point , the spectre of drastic economies that haunts so many men and women is often the result of their having only the haziest idea as to their likely income and expenditure .
5 But he never succumbs to what Max Scheler termed ressentiment — that mixture of resentment and anger and injured pride that destroys so many , even if it were present in earlier years .
6 A highly crafted , hugely sophisticated building-machine that rewrites so many rules of conventional corporate architecture is inevitably hard to digest .
7 Their much-derided ‘ copying ’ focus is now seen with more respect as showing a complete absence of the NIH ( not invented here ) syndrome that causes so many Western companies problems when new but not original ideas are introduced .
8 Reference Recordings of San Francisco are to be congratulated on persuading the composer himself to conduct for a stunningly recorded disc that fills so many shocking gaps in the catalogue .
9 I felt a touch of the sinister that rules so many of the islands ; there was no reason to shiver in that warm spot , but I did , and experienced a slight sense of embarrassment , as though I had been intruding , thinking perhaps not of Tiare but of the great love all those years ago which had produced her : forty years ago when the water was cascading over the same cliff in just the same way as it had today , Princess Tiare 's mother and her lover had bathed in the same secret pool and later , perhaps , made love in the cave behind .
10 But the motivation that leads so many historians to work on this material also derives from the status that the theory of natural selection has achieved within modern biology .
11 ‘ It was everything that attracts so many people .
12 The Back Bowls have only two main lifts so there is none of the mechanical clanking that blights so many resorts .
13 Decayed environments invite bulldozers and wholesale demolition — antithesis of the process of replacement over generations that gives so many townscapes in Britain their appeal .
14 In a Pastoral letter titled ‘ Our Duties to Those in Need ’ , he wrote of ‘ the disaster that threatens so many miners in our community .
15 Even so , a process of gradual denial creeps into Ealing 's output , most clearly represented in Train of Events ( 1949 ) , a film that brings together many of the characters who people post-war movies , only to kill them off or put a stop on their moral infractions .
16 It 's the flashiness that makes so many of the British films of the mid-1960s almost unwatchable today .
17 It is , then , custom which persuades us of it ; it is custom that makes so many men Christians ; custom that makes them Turks , heathens , artisans , soldiers etc .
18 Is it only the recession that makes so many people , especially the young , talk so much about their job prospects ?
19 Cutting the small figures to an equal depth , the sculptor found himself forced to consider their three-dimensionality , to think of them as statues ; and it is this probably rather than emulation of the terror-masks that makes so many of them turn to look at us .
20 I felt sure that he was more than a little drunk , but his voice never slurred or changed from that flat resonance that makes so many Americans sound as though they are speaking over a loud-hailer .
21 We may know these things on an intellectual level , but there 's nothing like having the emotional truth of them brought home on a gut level-none of us are free from some degree of the self-blame that makes so many women feel responsible for their own rape .
22 In the immortal phrase that heralds so many climbs , we had just gone for a look .
23 Questioning everything a company does is usually too risky and confronts too many entrenched interests among managers and employees to be worth doing unless a firm is in dire trouble .
24 The committee recommends that the boards of all listed companies should comply with the code and encourages as many other companies as possible to aim at meeting its requirements .
25 Uses low-status behaviour , avoids eye contact , keeps the face frozen , uses defensive body language , mumbles , speaks too quickly or too quietly , and uses too many ‘ ums ’ and ‘ ers ’ .
26 The latter area is developing so rapidly , and sees so many new initiatives , that its shape is still relatively unclear and the techniques are still being refined ; but they are firmly based on the much longer experience gained through co-operation in the civil area .
27 Coleridge 's treatment of the topic is so varied , and takes so many forms , that to merely cite ‘ Creativity ’ as the subject matter of the poetry is to limit the range of Coleridge 's exploration .
28 In these poems the I far exceeds the Thou in frequency ( nearly three times ) , and presents as many complexities of attitude .
29 Since and expresses so many connective meanings and as it is so frequent in speech it is not surprising that young children sometimes overuse it in their writing , as in this piece by an 8 year old boy :
30 In this case , the addresser , the message sender , has made unwarranted assumptions about the extent to which the same schematic knowledge is shared by the receiver , and leaves too many gaps , or gaps too broad to be bridged .
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