Example sentences of "[conj] [is] [vb pp] as " in BNC.

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1 He ought , whether he remains technically an employee or is treated as a partner or is classified as somewhere between the two ( eg taxed under Sched D on his " salary " ) , to be in a position to know enough about his firm to judge what amounts to a reasonable restriction and not to need the court 's protection if he should have agreed to covenants in stringent terms .
2 Whether the Centre Mondial succeeds or fails as an exclusively French institution , or is reborn as an international entity , the ideas and purposes underlying its foundation will survive .
3 A provision that is written informally , or is described as a " procedure " or " code of practice " is , regardless of technical factors , likely to be interpreted as a lesser obligation rather than a " rule " or " regulation " .
4 Some of them must be : for children to see their parents on their knees in the privacy of their own room ; a spiritually disciplined life that is accepted as the daily norm ; the absence of prolonged marital discord coupled with complete honesty with each other , a deep awareness of personal loyalty to God and to each other .
5 For this reason , something that is accepted as a satisfactory causal explanation at one point in time can become problematic at another .
6 If the brake is not applied by the driver then it is applied automatically ; it is the frequency of these automatic braking incidents that is recorded as an error .
7 ‘ If , ’ says Baudin in conclusion , ‘ it is the development of the personality that is regarded as the goal of human existence , then the Peruvian system was the most disastrous of all social experiments .
8 In some cases it may be the consumer 's conduct that is regarded as the sole cause of the damage : e.g. the poodle in the microwave oven .
9 Corporation tax that is repaid as a result of a carry back of ACT will not generally give rise to a repayment supplement .
10 It is necessary to assume , for instance , that the complete absence of an event can function as a US ; that some mechanism exists whereby whatever association is formed during conditioning brings about a reduction in the magnitude of the unconditioned response ( i.e. the attentional response ) initially evoked by the stimulus that is trained as the CS .
11 The one move that is seen as a means of significantly improving the picture is another sharp improvement in efficiency — but that means still more job cuts , and word is that the company is considering seeking another 70,000 voluntary redundancies over the next four years , brining its workforce down to just 100,000 by 1997 , compared with 240,000 in 1991 ; finding more volunteers should not be too hard — its last offer was massively oversubscribed , but ironically , many of those that depart will end up working for its incoming competitors .
12 In the final quarter of the year , it surged and closed at its high of 330p , 24.5% up on the 30th September level ; this was more than twice what the FT 100 Share Index achieved and reflected investor enthusiasm for a group that is seen as a prime beneficiary of any pick up in advertising , has bags of room to take on new business ( 25% unutilised capacity on its magazine presses ) and is cash rich .
13 It also has to be remembered that all too often it is the black population that is seen as the problem , when the real problem is society 's treatment of black people : it is not black people who need to change , but the discriminatory attitudes and practices used against them .
14 It shows that 94,000 occupied houses are below tolerable standard ( BTS ) , the official measure of housing quality and one that is seen as an essential trigger for repair , improvement , closure or demolition .
15 Entitled At Home with the Koons , it shows a trio of puppies in the foreground while , modestly veiled by the lovable little hounds , the middle regions of Jeff and Ilona are engaged in the intimate act that is known as , well , doggie-fashion .
16 What is of more environmental significance , however , is the subdiscipline of biotechnology that is known as genetic engineering .
17 Why do so many people want to take a long journey into that rather strange place that is known as Adland .
18 that particular organisation I presume is , is the one that is known as the most profitable investment bank partnership in the world or in history and presumably the reason why you 've been advised is because the advisor or the director to Robert Maxwell who was instrumental in dealing with Robert Maxwell business wherever he was in the world and I mean I 've seen er faxes and cables to France where er that particular director , I believe Mr Shineberg was , I 've seen faxes about Jersey business to Mr Shineberg er presumably er you 're being advised to take that action because in effect it was operating as one operation with transactions routed through New York , routed through London as seemed to suit the circumstances , but not necessarily with any rational basis other than er to avoid perhaps regulation .
19 Sun Progress is recommended by the British Ceramic Research Association for washing fine china that is marked as dishwasher safe .
20 The spectre of false accusations is another theme that is paraded as another hostage to the deviousness of the female sex :
21 Our final recommendation is a kite that is classified as a ‘ Box ’ type but , due to its multi-triangulated panels , is not always recognised as such .
22 The road would pass within 3 km of the Rio Platano Biosphere Reserve , an unspoilt rainforest that is protected as a World Heritage site .
23 Manure : Cow or horse manure can be composted and breaks down into an inoffensive material that is used as a compost base by a number of manufacturers .
24 Our return to the Duomo is by way of Corso Vittorio Emanuele , a pedestrian-only street that is used as an outdoor art gallery , works by contemporary sculptors being erected at intervals along the length and changed regularly .
25 The finding that ‘ ee ’ occurred significantly less often in the gead condition than in the other two conditions shows that it is not only the single grapheme that is used as a unit in reading non-words aloud .
26 The figure that is used as a multiplier is not a figure intended to replicate the number of years that the dependency would have continued .
27 this states categorically ‘ … design is not something that is added as an afterthought ’ , Which just confirms to me in my opinion that I am no designer !
28 There 's a certain shape that 's shown as the ‘ right way ’ to look — usually slim for girls and tall and broad-shouldered for guys !
29 His centre pulls in entries of about 1,500 head each week from both sides of the England-Scotland border and is accepted as the largest beef stock market in Britain .
30 The most famous head that gets the cover treatment is ex-Band frontman turned yup rock jock , Robbie Robertson — his ‘ Makes No Difference ’ is the most commercial track on the mini-album and is mooted as a single .
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