Example sentences of "[conj] [to-vb] to [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 But in many cases boys and girls leave home at around eighteen to get work , for further training , or to go to university .
2 They express current mood , state of finance , preparation to take part in sport , or to go to work .
3 If they did set out on a journey , it was usually on business or a pilgrimage or to go to war .
4 In this atmosphere , it was understandable that commercial television should be placed under the close scrutiny of a licensing body , empowered by what is now s4(1) of the Broadcasting Act 1981 to ensure : ( a ) that nothing is included in the programmes which offends against good taste or decency or is likely to encourage or incite to crime or to lead to disorder or to be offensive to public feeling … ( b ) that due impartiality is preserved on the part of persons providing the programmes as respects matters of political or industrial controversy or relating to current public policy .
5 But if it were pigeon droppings then it would be a moot point as to whether merely to murmur condolences and hurry on or to set to work with a clean handkerchief .
6 An advancement means a sum of money paid to a child to start him in business or to make a permanent provision for him ; it does not include casual payments given as a present or to help to tide over temporary difficulties .
7 The tone chosen can indicate whether the tone-unit in which it occurs is being used to present new information or to refer to information which is felt to be already possessed by speaker and hearer .
8 Who has not , at some point , decided to diet , or to change to low-fat , low-sugar food , or to start a new sport or exercise routine ?
9 The decision to take time off work or to return to work is complicated and will vary between individuals and at different times .
10 The Royal College 's proposals give the patient an unrealistic choice : to accept treatment in the community or to return to hospital .
11 Back at the hotel , after finally conceding that there was no way out of her financial dilemma other than to go to work for G.W. Fashions , Lisa had demanded , as Vass had sat there drinking coffee , oblivious of the callous blow he had inflicted , ‘ So , how long is this arrangement supposed to last ?
12 As time went on , however , its curative uses were regarded with more and more suspicion , not assisted by tales such as that of Svengali which helped to convince an already uncertain public that to submit to hypnosis was to give up all free will and to place one 's mind in the power of another .
13 All our discussions of faith as trust , venture or wager have accepted that to subscribe to theism must represent a reasonable commitment on the part of the believer .
14 He says he will learn to be independent , how to drive a car and to go to work , everything a paralysed patient can do these days .
15 I had been remembering another rose garden lit by shafts of lightning and somebody telling me not to be afraid and to go to sleep .
16 She wants me to forget about the civil service and to go to university , ’ she said as soon as she got home .
17 We will ensure that a number of carefully selected children from poor homes , including perhaps even some children or grandchildren of immigrants , are allowed to succeed at school , and to go to university .
18 After some discussion , Paisley , Wylie , and Foster decided to refuse to pay their fines and to go to gaol .
19 Additionally , members of complaints committees should declare interests and defendants need the right to peer representation and to object to committee members with antipathetic interests .
20 In other voting it was decided to adopt the formal name Lithuanian Republic , dropping the adjectives Soviet and Socialist , and to restore to official use the emblem of independent Lithuania , featuring a knight on a white horse , in place of the Soviet Lithuanian emblem based on the hammer and sickle .
21 The crucial test however is not the amount of factual information that is contained but the extent to which the course helps to focus and stimulate your own thoughts on the various issues and to lead to discussion with your partner and others in the same situation .
22 That evening , some 400 guests and members of the University gathered in the Great Hall of the Wills Memorial Building to hear the Vice-Chancellor and the Chairman of Council , Mrs Stella Clarke , introduce the Campaign for Resource to the Bristol community and to listen to Sir Michael Angus explain why he supported the University and had agreed to lead the Campaign .
23 They were ready to enjoy the fruits of victory , and to listen to Uncle Mack 's Broadstairs Minstrels .
24 Sociolinguists in this new , pluralist tradition , of which Rommetveit is perhaps an extreme exponent , have recently begun to challenge the ‘ mystification ’ of writing and of ‘ literal meaning ’ and to apply to literacy the more culturally relative , anthropological perspective that Rommetveit is proposing for language in general .
25 I mean starting from the way children go to school in the morning — they expect their parents to take them quite often , and to contribute to pollution .
26 It may be used , for example , to persuade ; to explain ; to instruct ; to entertain ; to narrate ; to speculate ; to argue a case ; to report ; to describe ; to find out ; to clarify or explore an issue ; to solve a problem ; to interpret ; to summarise ; to evaluate ; to reflect ; to announce ; to criticise and to respond to criticism .
27 Yet it managed to raise prices and to add to inflation at one and the same time .
28 The didactic approach of preaching to ‘ learners ’ ( rather than ‘ students ’ ) and of spoonfeeding them with preset values and objectives is gradually being replaced by a much more human approach where students are enabled to question and study , and to add to knowledge themselves as they extract the best from individual learning experiences .
29 However , there are a number of studies which do suggest that socio-economic characteristics are related to morbidity and to access to health services .
30 His immediate response was to tell Maj-Gen Schmidt-Richberg to make further attempts to contact Tito 's forces moving north to stand fast for 24 hours ; and to return to HQ 5 Corps for further orders at 1600 hrs the following afternoon , 14 May .
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