Example sentences of "[conj] [to-vb] into [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 To touch a dead man or to come into contact with the blood of an injured person would make them unclean and mean that they could not carry out their duties .
2 However , in a judgement with frightening implications , the magistrate rejected pleas to consider the materials in context or to take into account their intended purpose as artistic source material .
3 Certain restrictions on competition are allowed in co-operative R&D ventures , including an obligation not to carry on independent R&D in the same field as the cooperative venture ( or to enter into R&D agreements with third parties in the R&D field assigned to the joint venture ) , and the inclusion of limited territorial protection clauses restricting some of the production and marketing activities of other participants .
4 Right now she 'd like nothing better than to climb into bed and stay there for a week , sleeping her troubles away .
5 ‘ Nothing is happening at present ’ than to interpret into sense ‘ Basically the situation is static , not advancing or regressing but stagnant . ’
6 Christian Aid , as part of the British churches , seeks to share in the process of theological reflection worldwide on development and social justice — both to renew our own understanding and commitment , and to feed into development education .
7 Could my Noble Friend give an assurance that if these schools wish to take advantage of the new legislation and to opt into grant maintained status , they 'll be given every encouragement ?
8 The consequence of this is that human beings have increasingly come to resemble in their adult form the immature — or even foetal — forms of their early ancestors by means of a tendency to delay their individual development and to retain into maturity characteristics which typified the immature stages of their predecessors .
9 At Hastings and at Southport in 1934 , controversy centred around the issue of " Emergency Powers " , i.e. the granting to a future Labour government of " authority to take over or regulate the financial machine , and to put into force any measures that the situation may require for the immediate control or socialization of industry " .
10 It was in many ways a logical consequence of de Gaulle 's seeking to impose upon his partners and neighbours , and to put into practice , his vision of the future Europe , a vision which contrasted sharply with that of the pioneers of the Six .
11 It must also be pointed out that the Sub-Group is a sub-group of Management Group , and its functions are to advise Management and to put into effect Management policy on computing issues .
12 One other significant point to emerge from this prosecution was the reluctance of art historians to support Beck and to call into question the techniques used to restore some of the world 's most priceless art treasures .
13 Erm by nineteen forty eight no in in nineteen forty seven with the rise of absolute egalitarianism , the policy of narrowing its base had helped them to erm get the peasant support and to get into power but that was no longer necessary erm and the radicalization of land reform it appears had been based upon false premises which had created problems in the countryside and the Party .
14 The austerity measures designed to eliminate the islands ' large budget deficits and to take into account the reduction in earnings from the petroleum and financial sectors , were to be maintained .
15 The results underline how essential it is to scrutinize the case for publishing exhibition catalogues ( as opposed to free handouts ) very carefully , and to take into account factors such as the saleability of the catalogue after the exhibition is over , and the importance of carefully directed promotion of publications through mail order .
16 The United States decision in July 1990 to withdraw its support from the seating of the rebel National Government of Cambodia at the UN and to enter into dialogue with Vietnam came as an immense shock to the ASEAN members [ see p. 37598 ] .
17 But to press into service , as though it were no more than a compendium of useful organs , the body of a servant , a friend — and a friend , at that , who died for a crime attributable to one 's own negligence — well , this moral madness placed him beyond human consideration .
18 This is not intended to undermine the safeguard they provide but to take into account the practical difficulties of implementation .
19 Conceptually , all readmissions are bad , since to go into hospital again may be a profoundly disturbing and negative experience for the patient ( i.e. a poor patient outcome ) .
20 But being unqualified for anything more taxing than preparing meals and cleaning rooms , it seemed I might have no alternative but to go into service .
21 He should read the treaty : we are part of all the decisions on economic and monetary union , with the additional point that , unlike our European Community partners , we have the choice , when the decision is made , whether to go into stage 3 .
22 If they are held in overcrowded conditions , unfit for a dog to live in , and have no meaningful occupation — I do not mean soulless , non-productive work — they have no alternative but to fall into mischief and cause trouble .
23 Rune brushed aside her lack of enthusiasm with such purpose that she had no option but to fall into step beside him .
24 Channel 4 chairman Sir Richard Attenborough said later they faced an impossible dilemma — ‘ whether to reveal identities we had undertaken to protect , at risk to human life , or whether to come into conflict with the law . ’
25 However , even outer clothing must have required fastening and such wear would also have arisen if they were worn on undergarments in such a way as to come into contact with the inner face of the coarse outer garments ; such extreme wear is perhaps more likely to have occurred in this way than on the outside .
26 One of my colonies of mushroom polyps , reddish brown specimens which I think are a Ricordea species , killed a bushy sea whip ( Plexaurelia ) which happened to be so close as to come into contact , when it deflated .
27 Purchase behaviour will , again , be altered so as to come into line with the customary behaviour of the reference group .
28 If ; when your parents begin to draw a National Insurance retirement pension , they go on working , or their former employer is paying them a pension , their code will need to be changed so as to take into account the National Insurance pension .
29 Rates developed as a direct tax on an individual 's income levied so as to take into account his or her capacity to pay .
30 To be developed " along appropriate lines and in such a way as to take into account the legal provisions , contractual agreements and practices in force in the member states . "
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