Example sentences of "[conj] [to-vb] on [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Or you may be a carer looking for help to enable you to take a break , either for regular short spells , or to go on holiday or in an emergency .
2 My colleagues and I , therefore , are agreed that as a general rule it is undesirable for members of the judiciary to broadcast on the wireless or to appear on television
3 Being divorced from nature : inability or unwillingness to see/touch/smell/experience the elements , flowers , trees , or to walk on earth , rock , grass , sand .
4 This will apply , for example to the grant of a right to introduce future installations into the property ( eg pipes or cables ) ( Dunn v Blackdown Properties Ltd [ 1961 ] Ch 433 ) or to park on land which the landlord does not own at the date of the lease ( see London & Blenheim Estates v Ladbroke Retail Parks [ 1992 ] 1 WLR 1278 ) .
5 It is only in the specific circumstances defined by the statute ( when it is either impossible or inappropriate to obtain or to rely on breath specimens ) that it is either necessary or permissible to require the driver to provide a specimen of blood or urine .
6 At the end of the second edition of Social Theory and the Urban Question he argues that to focus on consumption is to focus on an area of social life where individuals can gain maximum control over their lives .
7 It was considered that to focus on penetration would be to continue to emphasise the sexual as against the violent aspects of the offence .
8 And , notwithstanding the very high authority of Lord Coke , I think it is not the fact that to accept prompt payment of a part only of a liquidated demand can never be more beneficial than to insist on payment of the whole .
9 Battells have also pointed out that they very often receive separate orders from the same areas and it is suggested that to save on carriage etc .
10 For this most unspontaneous of artists , it is better to have a bad reason for something — a tenuous or cabbalistic reason — than to depend on chance , subjectivity and the moment .
11 Similarly , prospective employees know better than to rely on landscaping or other signals put out by employers and attempt , instead , to find out the inside story from their contacts .
12 As a bonus , ticket holders will be able to tour Plymouth before the 8pm performances , and to go on board HMS Onyx , moored alongside .
13 I want a car , a nice home , a working wife , a child , and to go on holiday . ’
14 None of the four fields in the ‘ militant ’ group held a ballot ; in all four , the miners were prepared to strike following their local Executive 's call , and to remain on strike , in the great majority of cases , until the return to work a year later .
15 Haig was made an earl in 1919 and after the war devoted much of his time to organizing the British Legion and to work on behalf of disabled ex-servicemen .
16 Add all this together and you have a formidable coalition of parents — black , Hispanic , Asian as well as the mainly Catholic groups like the Italians and the Irish — who want schools to be orderly , their children to be safe , the teaching to be orthodox and to concentrate on reading , writing and arithmetic .
17 Whatever the causes , the resultant disillusionment with employment leads to a reappraisal , a conscious or unconscious decision to allocate less energy to careers and to concentrate on comfort and relationship goals at work , and/or to satisfy the autonomy , recognition or power goals outside of employment .
18 The nature of access may merely involve regular authorised visits by warships or it may include the permission to conduct repairs in port , without the use of onshore installations , and to load on fuel and supplies .
19 It is necessary to draw up a projected examination schedule and to put on storage at each test condition more than sufficient samples to meet that schedule .
20 The White Paper put forward punishment in the community as an attempt to reduce custodial sentencing and to save on expenditure .
21 On Jan. 19 , 1990 , the East German airline Interflug and Lufthansa announced a co-operation agreement to improve services , to build a new airport in Berlin by 2000 , to found a joint charter company and to co-operate on catering and software training .
22 At Jordanstown , qualified nurses are available in the Health Centre on the ground floor of the Student Services Building to treat injuries , minor illnesses , and to advise on health matters in general .
23 A qualified nurse is available to treat injuries and general illnesses and to advise on health matters .
24 At Jordanstown , qualified nurses are available in the Health Centre on the ground floor of the Student Services Building to treat injuries , minor illnesses , and to advise on health matters .
25 It was agreed at , I think the last executive committee , that as a follow-up to that survey , and to take on board er , N C V O's own practice , a small working group was going to be established of people from disability organisations , those which are both disabled-led organisations , and others , to enable us to take that forward over the next year .
26 Work-people would not be expected to reason why , but to go on doing until they retired .
27 Ceolwulf left England himself in 796 in the company of the bishop of London ( ASC A , s.a. 794 ) but whether to go on pilgrimage or into exile is not known and he died the same year ( ASC D , s.a. 796 ) .
28 In sum , it should be possible to draw up a list of factors relevant to a decision whether to embark on re-investigation .
29 There is also the question of whether to buy on credit or to pay cash .
30 He said the head of rescue services in each resort chose whether to call on help from Chambery .
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