Example sentences of "[conj] [to-vb] in [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 As in the case of a Customer Agreement , there is an exemption dispensing with the need for a signed copy from a private customer ordinarily resident outside the UK where the firm believes on reasonable grounds that he does not wish to receive it or to consent in writing .
2 British Rail 's diesel stock was coming up for replacement and we needed to decide whether to reinvest in diesel equipment or to invest in electrification .
3 This , of course , is very unfair : it is just not reasonable for me to flounce about in the bathroom for hours and then make a man feel inadequate when I catch him using my dental floss. or to bellow in disgust when I find out he blow-dries his hair .
4 The most obvious conclusion to draw here once again goes back to women 's domestic role , and in particular their tendency not to work outside the home , or to work part time , or to work in isolation ( home working , cleaning and so on ) .
5 The magistrate decided whether to try a case summarily or to set in motion the process of committing it to a superior court .
6 We need to beware of thinking a psychoanalyst 's couch would give us enough excuses either to blow away all our adult responsibilities , or to explain in detail every feature or peculiarity of our present thoughts or behaviour .
7 I learnt to sit formally at table and to eat three inedible courses of stodge with an incomprehensible array of surplus cutlery ; to whisper when I spoke as I was considered ‘ too loud ’ ; and to stop gesturing with my hands or to touch in conversation , as people inevitably shrank away from me .
8 Even today there 's nothing I like better than to sit in church on Sunday morning and lustily bawl out the hymns . )
9 Because information technology is new and exciting , its proponents naturally exaggerate the cultural role it will take But do they really believe that we shall have nothing better to do in the future than to sit in front of a screen for hours , plugging into Which ? , mail-order catalogues , and the index to Chemical Abstracts ?
10 The first morning we spent weaving with every other needle , laying the wool across by hand ! this put me off right away , because we were using punchcard machines , so nothing would have been easier than to slip in Card 1 and go ahead with our weaving without any trouble .
11 Nineteen days after the Sunday when he was deemed to have no alternative than to resign in ignominy his leadership was more secure than at any time since the 1929 election .
12 It was always better to know what was going on than to lie in bed with the door shut and wonder what was happening .
13 erm I must confess I 've always had rather a soft spot for macro mutations , I do n't know why , it may have had something to do with Goldsmith 's prose , which is sort of rather moving when you get into it , erm and partly , and this is an interesting comment as an aside , that I knew as an undergraduate that to argue in favour of Goldsmith would make my teachers in general , and Professor J B S Halldane in particular , exceedingly angry and making one 's teachers angry is , after all , one of the activities into which undergraduates should occasionally go .
14 In Siskina , the plaintiff 's major claim for compensation was not itself justiciable in England ; Lord Diplock pointed out that to argue in effect that it could be treated as justiciable because , if it were , an interlocutory injunction might be granted was a logical fallacy , petitio principii ( pulling oneself up by one 's own bootstraps ) .
15 To those humans who , given mastery of space , preferred to vault across it than to linger in orbit and build there , Mars and its hurtling moons had been the first great benefit of the gift .
16 Disillusioned with the ministry before he had even entered it , Vincent now said damningly that to trade in religion was on a par with trading in art or tulip bulbs .
17 But in another way some stubbornness was at work in me , some determination never to give up , and to cling in secret to whatever reality I could find for myself .
18 Stephen liked to stand and watch , to imagine the druidical forms as they must have been , going about their ritual , and to wait in silence and stillness for the sun to perform his precise function .
19 What was remarkable about this state of affairs , however , was not the difficulties of parliamentary control that the executive experienced , but its ability , even in those difficult conditions , to get a great deal of legislation passed and to remain in office .
20 Did you know that your EC-approved pads must be ‘ as light as possible without prejudicing design strength and efficiency ’ ( sub-section 1.3.2 ) , or that your box ‘ must be so designed and manufactured as to facilitate correct positioning on the user and to remain in place for the foreseeable period of use , bearing in mind ambient factors , movements to be made and postures to be adopted .
21 No previous knowledge of Persian is required for admission to Persian 1 ; by the end of the year students should be able to read newspapers and simple Persian texts , and to communicate in Persian with native speakers .
22 This is an absolute necessity and to work in defiance of it means total failure .
23 Worsell , with power to add to their number and to work in conjunction with the committee already formed elsewhere .
24 Tendring District Council wants to be responsive to the needs of residents and to work in partnership with them .
25 He knew how to get a product that was decent and rather unexciting on to the shop floor , but when it became necessary to add more to that product and to innovate in design terms , he did n't know how to go about it .
26 and to appear in court , he found himself caught up in a drama in which he had been cast as The Defendant , facing the man he had known as Rich whom everyone called The Plaintiff , and being called to order by someone he had never heard of before called The Registrar and his right hand man The Clerk of the Court — and all in the unfamiliar setting ( set ) of a courtroom .
27 The bank , contrary to the wishes of the husband , arranged for the presence of an independent solicitor , a Mr. Hallworth , to advise Mrs. Aboody and to certify in writing , that she fully understood the implication of the charges she was to sign .
28 This brief survey not only provides some historical depth to an understanding of contemporary British government — its structure , responsibilities , and political dominance — it also serves to reinforce our grasp of the political culture and to provide in part an explanation for some of the problems now associated with government .
29 And Nicholson 's have not been slow to realise the commercial potential of this classic heritage ; Langford & Williams ' design brief from them was to restore what could be restored and to reinstate in sympathy with the building where necessary .
30 It is therefore still important to examine the role of Ac-ASA in any in vitro experiment desiend to test the mechanism of action of 5-ASA and to bear in mind the differential absorption of these drugs when an intact cell system is used .
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