Example sentences of "[conj] [to-vb] [adv prt] the " in BNC.

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1 He made it harder for himself , though much more valuable , by refusing to take short cuts or to mug up the subject from the textbooks : he went to the original sources .
2 It is perfectly proper to raise aesthetic questions in courses in biological sciences or ( in courses on occupational therapy ) on the aesthetic quality of aids given to patients ; or to ask moral questions about work in nuclear physics or ( in legal studies ) about sentencing policy in the courts ; or to find out the historical development of any subject .
3 This angle can then be used to find the size of an object whose distance is known or to work out the size of the image through a given focal length .
4 They do nothing to break up the food into easily swallowed gobbets or to tease out the hard inedible bits .
5 He worked with scarcely a break to search out a new passage in the files , or to pick up the half-smoked end of his last cigarette from the ashtray , stub it out , light a new one , and put it down in its place .
6 At Ferrari , the only effort to put things right is either to find the scapegoat or to cover up the mistake and deny it ever happened .
7 Momentarily undecided as to whether to go on looking or to give up the chase there and then , her eyes lingered on the stranger 's face , and for a heart-beat , or less , his features blurred , and in their flux , caught as if by the sun off a wing in the stratosphere , she saw Gentle , his hair swept back from his high forehead , his grey eyes all yearning , his mouth , which she 'd not known she missed till now , ready to break into a smile .
8 Voltage and current signals can be used to pre-set speed or to call up the actual values for speed and torque , and the start/stop functions can be activated using the same method .
9 The objective this time is to shift down the injections line or to shift up the withdrawals line by the full amount of the inflationary gap .
10 This is good for voice-overs or to push down the level of the rhythm guitar to allow for the lead guitar to come over .
11 The European community on the other hand also saw a growth of output of over twenty percent , twenty three point seven percent but that gave rise not to eighteen million but to only six million additional jobs and I just say to the honourable gentleman the lesson for Europe is to go further down the route that I have suggested of further deregulation and less bureaucracy and a stable economic framework , than to go down the route that he is advocating in his short address and question to me .
12 This is partly philanthropic and partly economic — it may cost more to process the bill and collect the money than to write off the charge !
13 He was just recuperating after a fall , was overwhelmed by other commitments , and knew that to pick up the threads of work he had done 15 years before and write it up in French in only two months was a Herculean task .
14 The losses look likely more than to wipe out the projected profits on the ECR90 project .
15 At the Labour Party Conference of 1957 , it was generally accepted that to give up the independent nuclear deterrent would disable a future Labour government from pursuing a foreign policy not approved by Washington .
16 If one also supposed that only one or two electrons could orbit at any one of these distances , this would solve the problem of the collapse of the atom , because the electrons could not spiral in any farther than to fill up the orbits with the least distances and energies .
17 * I always think that it is better to make a fresh pot of tea than to top up the old pot .
18 They discover , however , that the logic of narrative is far less rigorous and relies far more on individual taste : ‘ … it seems harder to tell a story , even our own , than to make up the most complex program .
19 The very activity is also an expression of faith in the tradition , of a willingness to understand oneself and the world in its terms and to carry on the argument , which in the area with which we are concerned is inescapably a normative argument , within the general framework defining the tradition .
20 What Clark did was to imagine what substances are responsible for killing parasites in these systems — and to carry out the experiments that prove his idea .
21 ‘ The powers conferred by section 268 are powers directed to enabling the court to help a liquidator to discover the truth of the circumstances in connection with the affairs of the company , information of trading , dealings , and so forth , in order that the liquidator may be able , as effectively as possible , and , I think , with as little expense as possible … to complete his function as liquidator , to put the affairs of the company in order and to carry out the liquidation in all its various aspects , including , of course , the getting in of any assets of the company available in the liquidation .
22 At the girls ' establishment where she had been sent at huge expense to learn music and French and to carry out the ornate disciplines conceived by the headmistress — including communal teeth-washing in the gardens , winter and summer , and then communal gargling into the rosebeds , which the headmistress regarded as a form of manure-spreading — the pain was put down to growing too fast .
23 They will have to learn how to present new lexis , structure and discourse forms appropriate to the tasks to be set in the assessments ; to construct cue cards for the practice of the language functions ; to manage the moves from class teacher to pair work organiser and to individual helper ; and to carry out the assessments in a rigorous manner .
24 In practice it is impossible to maintain any rigorous separation between executive power and legislative power — between the power to set down the broad direction of the state and to carry out the laws , and the power to make laws and general rules — and , in Britain , Bagehot saw the fusion as taking place in the Cabinet which he said was a committee of the legislative body chosen by the Commons to be the executive body and rule the nation .
25 3.1.1 " Tenant 's Approvals " means all ( if any ) approvals consents permissions and licences of any local or other competent authority which may from time to time be necessary to enable the Tenant lawfully to commence and to carry out the Tenant 's Works
26 In practice , the Director of Public Prosecutions does not prosecute films with BBFC certificates for cinema showing , so distributors prepared to pay the certification fee and to carry out the " cuts " insisted upon by the Board are in effect guaranteed freedom from police harassment .
27 The fountain of sparks died ; he staggered , swinging his head hack and forth as if to drive out the pain .
28 It was in the same year that Culture and Anarchy first appeared that the Charity Organisation Society was founded , to busy itself with the task of classifying and purifying the demoralised lower orders , and to sift out the ‘ deserving ’ from the ‘ undeserving ’ poor .
29 Estabrook reached into his inside pocket , as if to pull out the letter , but with his fingers upon it he hesitated .
30 Pupils are helped to work out the rules and patterns for themselves and to try out the new language forms .
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