Example sentences of "[conj] [to-vb] [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Enhancement in this context means the carrying out of works which are intended to lengthen substantially the useful life of the asset , to increase substantially its open market value , or to increase substantially the extent to which the asset will serve the purposes of the local authority concerned .
2 Most voters have neither the time nor the inclination to scrutinize position papers or to weigh judiciously the qualities of those who offer themselves in primary elections .
3 Students are often asked to criticise such and such an author 's views , or to appraise critically the outcome of a particular idea or thought .
4 Since no outside authority — whether the employers , the journeymen or the union — ever gratified women 's skills with the respect accorded to men 's , women compositors must have found it hard if not impossible to think of themselves as skilled , or to have even a semblance of the mentality of the skilled journeyman and union member .
5 The inability of the PPP to provide a strong leadership or to overcome decisively the challenges to its authority , both at federal and province level , left the political system in a state of paralysis .
6 Critics have not been slow to point this out ( i.e. Potter and Litton , 1985 ; Eiser , 1986 ) , or to dismiss curtly the novelty of the approach ( McGuire , 1986 ) .
7 Any agreement or any peace treaty , when it comes , must recognise that to humiliate either the Serbs or the Croats would be a great mistake .
8 I am conscious that to question publicly the established methods of English study is to lay oneself open to the charge of giving aid and comfort to the philistines and utilitarians who want to remake higher education according to their own ideals , if that is the word for them .
9 Lavandera makes the point that the standard procedure in quantitative sociolinguistics would have been to start the analysis from the forms themselves rather than to examine initially the discourse contexts in which they were used .
10 It is far better to like and admire something that is wrong , or to like and admire for the wrong reason , provided we do so sincerely , than to follow slavishly the dictates or ideas of some other person .
11 reaction against the survival curves er with the G er pathology grade and the G with the tumour and to see actually the difference which we can , in curves which we can deduct from counting the vascularity .
12 erm To take just one point out of it , much influenced by Freud , he emphasizes the enormous importance to transcend the morality of repression and self-control which leads to cruelty and obsession , and fear in the name of virtue , and to cultivate instead a much more open-minded self-knowledge .
13 My own favourite example of this attack , and the contradictions that came with it , was that as Council members we were asked both to take pride in an NEA-sponsored and adulatory film about the graffiti that were then disfiguring the New York City subway system , and to support lavishly the great American museums whose distinguished collections were ( and remain ) a standing rebuke to the so-called experimental art of which graffiti were then such a beguiling component .
14 I want to comment briefly on the Government 's proposals and to support wholeheartedly the new clauses and amendments tabled by my right hon. Friend the Member for Birmingham , Sparkbrook ( Mr. Hattersley ) .
15 The social work task is to understand the realities of care received and offered within a family network , and to support both the cared for person and the carers .
16 to £9.6 million , and to increase substantially the separate Great Britain touring fund .
17 Concerning basic rationales for aid , they stressed the need to review the definition of ODA and to adjust further the orientation of aid flows , notably " to assist developing countries to participate constructively in the solution of common global problems " .
18 She shook her head , as if to shake away the doubts .
19 And to accept only the minimum of information necessary for you to complete the task ’ .
20 Subsequent experimental work has failed both to clarify fully the exact mechanisms involved in frost weathering and to define precisely the climatic conditions under which the process is likely be most effective .
21 The spirit of papal statements throughout the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries was that it was the duty of the state to oppose freedom of conscience in matters of religion and freedom of worship and to celebrate openly the worship of God ‘ in that way which he has shown to be his will ’ , namely Roman catholicism ( Leo XIII 1903 : 111–12 ) .
22 It includes a commitment to create five new national parks by 1996 , and to set aside a total of 12 per cent of the country 's territory as " protected areas " for wildlife .
23 A registrar having made that order , and the administrators having refused to disclose that statement to the accountants , the accountants applied to the court for leave under rule 9.5 of the Rules of 1986 to inspect the statement of grounds and to set aside the registrar 's order .
24 Parsley was used for the liver problem and to help clear the system of toxins ( causing the yellow colour and a fading of the normal colour ) , mint to encourage appetite , fennel to clear any toxins in the digestive tract , elderflower to calm the fish down and garlic as an antibiotic in case the fish suffered a secondary infection due to its weakened state .
25 The autocracy undertook to guarantee full civil liberty , to give major legislative powers to the promised Assembly ( the State Duma ) , and to broaden greatly the franchise on which it was to be based .
26 Most women had been brought up to do sewing and dressmaking : it was no accident , nor was it a question of " natural aptitude " that a teenage girl entering the composing-room was likely to be more dexterous at first than a boy , and to apply both the physical and mental habits acquired in sewing to the job in hand .
27 It recognized the need to rebuild the nation 's cities and to sweep away the old , guided by principles of economic , social and spiritual renewal , though there was no commitment yet to any one particular model of urban design and it was ignorant , so far , as to just how it would all be done and with what consequences .
28 Will he confirm that it is our top priority to get back to the basics in education and to sweep away the leftist progressive teaching methods that , having been put to the test , have failed ?
29 At once , the waiters began to reorganise the tables so that as many as possible could sit under the parasols and to hurry away the unused cushions and linen so as not to let them be soaked .
30 Within this framework , the Conservatives wanted to retain a strong executive and to strengthen similarly the hands of private authorities , particularly the employer in dealing with the unions .
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