Example sentences of "[conj] [to-vb] [noun] at " in BNC.

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1 Pupils and Staff will be pleased to direct you or to answer questions at any time .
2 In Presbyterianism it will be by attendance at the quarterly communions , and in Anglican Churches with a central or evangelical tradition the most accurate measure will be the numbers at Easter and possibly Christmas communion , although in some churches these two seasons will present difficulties if there is a tradition of members going away for holidays or to visit relatives at these times .
3 Founding shareholders are reluctant to dilute their controlling holdings or to sell shares at depressed prices .
4 It also has rather unfortunate connotations of self-styled guerrilla activists prowling the Dales ready to plunge daggers into the tyres of quarry wagons at night or to fire catapults at drivers daring enough to run their gauntlet during daylight hours .
5 The data is subjected to conventional analysis to find exceedences over alarm levels or to measure amplitudes at certain critical frequencies .
6 She will be asked to feed , change , pacify or amuse a baby brother or sister , and later to supervise journeys to and from school , or to take charge at home when both parents are out .
7 Better to lose face and be open about not understanding the cryptic message , than to lose sleep at night over it .
8 So if you are pressed for time it is better during your first year in a language area to give more time to direct contact with people than to spend hours at your desk typing .
9 The opportunity may , therefore , exist for settlement at this stage and there is no doubt that it is preferable so to proceed than to achieve settlement at the door of the Court .
10 If the terms of redemption merely provided for their redemption at par , their holders would be highly vulnerable ; for if interest rates fell since the date of issue it would clearly pay the company to redeem them and to borrow money at a lower rate of interest than the fixed dividend .
11 Newspapers started to defy the strict censorship imposed during the coup and to poke fun at Mr Serrano .
12 In return , developing countries agreed to bring methyl bromide , a substance used for fruit and grain preservation , under the protocol for the first time , and to freeze production at 1991 levels by 1995 .
13 It is a place to be warm , a place to be dry , a place to hang up my jacket and to pull faces at the storm outside .
14 and we will give you a er , two addresses , and so they gave me two addresses and and to reach people at I 've done the job quite well .
15 Many would claim that the teaching of Jesus is still relevant and that it is virtually impossible to be totally committed to amassing wealth and to serve God at the same time .
16 It has power to request further information from the parties and to inspect documents at the parties ' premises and failure by the parties to provide the information required or to co-operate in an inspection may cause the four month period to be extended .
17 ‘ British business now has a great opportunity to expand into overseas markets and to replace imports at home .
18 The Soviet Union was doing everything possible to ‘ prevent interference from outside and to neutralise attempts at such interference ’ in socialist countries undergoing dramatic political change in Eastern Europe , notably East Germany .
19 But despite this he still finds time for his family and to play squash at weekends .
20 In this context it seeks to inform public opinion of the importance of protecting the traditional character of the Welsh rural environment , and to persuade decision-makers at every level to have due regard for this objective in carrying out their responsibilities .
21 There were by then ‘ splendid edifices ’ in London , Oxford , Cambridge , Manchester and Glasgow , and to retain researchers at the RI would have been impossible without new accommodation for their research .
22 The Greenpeace report , which studied the toxic waste incinerator plans of 18 countries , claimed incinerator technology to be unsafe and inefficient and to put communities at risk from dangerous waste products .
23 It is hoped to analyse the causes of frequent business failure and to assess attempts at rationalisation and reorganisation .
24 In 1598 the Privy Council had to instruct commissioners to produce more realistic returns and to assess J.P.s at a minimum of £20 .
25 You see when committees are meeting at two o'clock usually have a much shorter agenda than this committee discussion but to enable to this committee and to do its job properly , I would think we 'd be looking where possible to be able to discuss items properly and to get start at a reasonable time like we do .
26 The legislation allowed the government to confiscate white farmers ' land and to pay compensation at a price of its own choosing , without being subject to legal challenge by the owner of the land .
27 an efficiency system , Programme Analysis and Review , designed to examine critically longstanding policy commitments and to improve policy-making at the micro-level ;
28 It created some problems , which prompted the issue of the Ordinance of Labourers of 1349 and the later statute of 1351 , which attempted to limit mobility of labour and to peg wage-rates at the 1346 level .
29 Many would argue fiercely for local autonomy , in both sectors , which makes it possible to develop flexibly and to take responsibility at a local level .
30 The Central Bank liberalized its foreign exchange regulations on Feb. 1 , 1990 , eliminating the system which required all transactions to go through the bank and to take place at a fixed daily rate .
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