Example sentences of "[conj] [to-vb] [adv] to " in BNC.

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1 He asked me whether I would prefer to see Bologna and spend the night there , or to drive directly to Verona .
2 Agnes stood directly in front of her mother now as she said , ‘ Would it do you any harm either to go down into the shop or to go over to the house and change the linen ?
3 He seemed to have escaped before she had and so she made her way out of the court alone , trying to decide whether to lunch in the tea room upstairs or to go out to a restaurant .
4 There is no transport on the island , and to walk in perfect quiet along the little narrow roads , discovering wayside temples and little shrines ; meet a crowd of smiling , noisy children coming out of school ; or to go back to the quayside where fish , vegetables , cheap jewellery , sunglasses , cooked food , hot snacks were all being sold in the open air ; all this was a blissful change from the hectic atmosphere of the city .
5 It may be possible , while accepting the underlying general principle , to argue against its applicability to nuclear weapons : for instance , by saying that a nuclear bomb is not a chemical weapon as such , the poison gas being a mere incidental by-product ; or to go back to the fundamental prohibition of ‘ weapons that cause unnecessary suffering ’ and argue that the suffering caused by a nuclear weapon is not disproportionate to its military effectiveness .
6 Yeah I think at the onset of the strike there were a few people who were considered likely to be forced to get back to work or to go back to work , because of what they 'd said , because of well just you know because of what they say in the meetings or because of what they did n't say in the meetings .
7 At one end of the scale , some of use make things solely for our own use , or to give away to our friends and relations .
8 It will have instructed the Parliamentary Draftsman on the preparation of the Bill ; he will have drafted it ( though probably not without returning to the department on a number of occasions for clarification of instructions or to point out to the department any legal or constitutional difficulties encountered in implementing the instructions ) .
9 As the great surge of modernism finally seemed to grind to a halt , artists and public were apparently offered two choices : either to celebrate postmodern confusion , or to turn back to older and more insular traditions .
10 But even some of the older legislation requires sharpening up to meet modern situations or to respond appropriately to new ‘ indiscretions ’ .
11 A director would instruct dealers to tell their clients that an announcement was pending " in order to persuade them to buy more or to hold on to stock they wished to sell .
12 There has been a kind of stalemate in the class struggle which has placed governments in the position of tackling deep-rooted problems with technocratic instruments of strictly limited effectiveness : they have held the line on the balance of payments by means of periodic deflation , which has not really solved anything ; they have periodically checked inflation and attempted to rebuild industrial profitability by means of ad hoc incomes policy but have been unable either to maintain popular support for such policies or to push forward to a comprehensive planning of prices and incomes , investment and consumption .
13 They clear the remaining forest by fire , opening it up for their own agriculture , or to hand over to cattle ranchers .
14 Indeed , she could n't have got closer to doing what Cara wanted than to drive up to Vendelin Gajdusek 's house at the appointed time and ring his doorbell .
15 After a long day at the office Richard likes nothing more than to drive home to his little pad in Huntley for a quiet night in with 21 year old , Sarah .
16 No matter what your business commitments , it is far more sensible to have one day at home in bed to recover from the worst of the virus than to struggle in to work , extending the recuperation period enormously and giving the virus to everyone else .
17 It may mean a 5 a.m. start from the country if she is to have her regular swim before going into the office , but if she is going to see WHS in Swindon or Heathcote in Warwick , it is more convenient for her to stay in Gloucestershire than to come back to London .
18 Remember that it is far better to get down and then to run into obstruction than to stall on to it at flying speed .
19 The involuntary expansions and contractions have the consequence that to hold on to the most aware response it may be a practical necessity to numb oneself to a local awareness which distracts from it .
20 How could she say , politely , that she had better calls on her time and money than to devote either to mendicant little talents ?
21 The terrain being flat , the wind tore across scrub and heathland unimpeded , and the snow it drove ahead of itself banked against our cottage , so that to get out to the pump we had to dig ourselves a path .
22 This certainly overstates the situation , but there is no doubt that party leaders in Parliament like to keep a free ( and vague ) policy hand , and in their speeches and campaigning around election time they are more likely to attack opponents and invoke positive symbols than to get down to the specifics of their own party programmes .
23 Harvard dealers who had left knew better than to say where to , since the walk out of its top dealers to London & Norwich Investment Services Ltd in May 1987 .
24 We have been asked to give that up and to go over to the European Community system , with the European Court and majority voting — the shoe is pinching all the time .
25 All I want is silence , and to go back to my father 's house . ’
26 In order to fit and to go back to work on Monday morning .
27 Now , this is not an Oxford cartoon either , but it 's a looting soldier , and very much , I think , underlines what people felt about soldiers around the place , and to go back to the overcrowding , erm the great problem was that constantly not only soldiers , but a great many other people , court officials , court servants , barbers , whoever , erm all had to found accommodation , and because St Aldate 's was so near the court , a great many of them were of course connected with the court , they had some high ranking ones .
28 He saw his election as a mandate to move Civic Forum to the right of the political spectrum and to proceed rapidly to a market economy .
29 The severe budget deficit caused the UNHCR to close 19 of its approximately 100 regional offices and to freeze up to 300 posts .
30 They need to be tough minded as well as lovingly tender and to know when to ‘ change gear ’ from one to the other .
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