Example sentences of "[conj] [vb infin] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 NDO will be happy to help and/or make the necessary arrangements .
2 Common-sense , or rhetorical , thinking involves the raising and dropping of anchors , not to mention the continual arguments about whether to raise or lower the metaphorical anchor at any given moment .
3 Never under-estimate the power of the mind-body , which can either trap or liberate the spiritual aspect of self .
4 BRITAIN 's independent schools will have to replace or modify the traditional Common Entrance examination if they are to follow the new national curriculum , a former independent head warns , writes Simon Midgley .
5 Any special educational provision for a child provided with a statement under the 1981 Education Act may exclude or modify the national curriculum .
6 A group like U2 should be chart material , playing new pop that does n't falsify or perpetuate or enhance the bright fantasy .
7 Soviet friendship and cooperation treaties with Third World states were intended to displace or counteract the existing alignments and alliances between these states and the Western powers .
8 The possession of good health is increasingly equated with moral virtue : those who continue to " choose " to smoke , drink or eat the wrong foods are irresponsible and deserving of their fate .
9 People often worry about introducing a puppy into a home where there is already an aged Rottweiler , feeling that this will upset or unsettle the older dog .
10 So this is an area where no sort of remedy is obtainable from the attempt to invoke or elicit the natural response of a community to an attack upon its health .
11 His interest was to ensure that poetry was read with the right kind of attention , not to analyze or explain the textual means by which its effect is achieved .
12 The 1973 Act was confined to exemption clauses which claimed to exclude or restrict the statutory implied terms relating to title , description , quality and sample ( implied by sections 12–15 of the Sale of Goods Act ) .
13 Ability of the dressing to remove or absorb the excess exudate and other substances toxic to the cells
14 In the computer industry , as with any other , ideas have to be discussed with various persons and organizations with a view to raising finance and granting licences to use or make the resulting invention or copyright work .
15 Both countries committed themselves not to attack or invade the other , and to resolve disputes through a process of dialogue .
16 But I am saying that the phrase ‘ there occur mental processes ’ does not mean the same sort of thing as ‘ there occur physical processes ’ , and , therefore , that it makes no sense to conjoin or disjoin the two .
17 On July 10-11 proposals were submitted by the USA for a comprehensive agreement including adequate disciplines to eliminate or minimize the adverse trade effects of trade-related investment measures , and by Switzerland for disciplines to be established according to the typical trade effects of such measures in specific trade or macroeconomic circumstances .
18 Distinctive features of the sitter , his eyes and hands for example , are rendered with a greater degree of naturalism , and these , together with the stimuli provided by other details such as a button on M. Kahnweiler 's coat , a lock of hair , or the still life to the side of him , permit a reconstruction of the subject and his surroundings ; ( one of the New Caledonian sculptures owned by Picasso appears in a ghost-like form to the left of the sitter ) ; and these more realistic touches in turn forced the painter to restore or preserve the naturalistic proportions of the figure .
19 We , of course , went outside to see if we could see anything , not really expecting to ; there was nothing to suggest the passage of a train , just the cool night air and the distant sound of night life , nothing to prove or disprove the eerie sounds we had heard so clearly .
20 In numerous jurisdictions , steps have been taken by the judiciary or legislature to limit or abolish the marital rape exemption .
21 Parties which , by reason of their aims or the behaviour of their adherents , seek to impair or abolish the free democratic basic order as well as associations which are directed against the constitutional order or the concept of international understanding can be prohibited .
22 Pre-exposure to B , therefore , will attenuate or abolish the overshadowing effect .
23 After that you 'll need to rent or buy the proper Sky dish to get their programmes .
24 No way was found to rally or organize the urban lower middle classes .
25 This willing integration is significantly different from the case at the other end of this spectrum , where the individual artist is in effect available for hire to glorify or embellish the particular court or household which has hired him .
26 I am concerned about the practical effect of the Labour party 's opposition to the Bill , which would be to hamper or prevent the necessary restructuring of the coal industry which we all know to be necessary .
27 Section 18 of the OAPA as amended reads : [ w ] hosoever shall unlawfully and maliciously by any means whatsoever wound or cause any grievous bodily harm to any person … with intent … to do some grievous bodily harm to any person or with intent to resist or prevent the lawful apprehension or detainer of any person shall be guilty …
28 From this position I was able to pull or hook the short ball by being well balanced able to lean into the stroke .
29 given the ‘ Constitutional Independence ’ ( but political reliability ) of the judiciary , there will be no concerted effort to prevent or curtail the steady drift towards more frequent use of severe penal sanctions whenever many judges and magistrates react to their perceptions of growing or potential disruption resulting from the upsurge in the volume of unemployment and an intensification of class conflict in general .
30 Applications can also be made to the Land Tribunal to modify or discharge the restrictive covenant , but this will of course take time .
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