Example sentences of "[conj] [vb mod] [verb] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 If you go back erm or let's go back to the second half of the seventeenth century , that 's always a good time to go to erm when erm well it was just after the English revolution , just after the English civil war , the Charles the First had been executed .
2 Perishable food or sweets hidden away in drawers may attract mice or insects or may go off .
3 The English Courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction to deal with any dispute which has arisen or may arise out of or in connection with this Agreement , unless the Publisher voluntarily submits itself to the jurisdiction of some other tribunal .
4 The English Courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction to deal with any dispute which has arisen or may arise out of or in connection with this Agreement , unless the Publisher voluntarily submits itself to the jurisdiction of some other tribunal .
5 The English Courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction to deal with any dispute which has arisen or may arise out of or in connection with this Agreement , unless the Publisher voluntarily submits itself to the jurisdiction of some other tribunal .
6 Should proceedings be commenced by a person under disability without a " next friend " , the court may on application appoint the authorised person , or person who gives an undertaking ( N 235 ) as to costs , as next friend , or may strike out the proceedings ( Ord 10 , r 3 ) .
7 Parents , it is proposed , will determine whether a particular school should opt out of Local Authority control , or should stay in .
8 There is widespread ignorance about what does or should go on in schools or universities .
9 The intellectual , emotional and practical development that goes on — or should go on — is much wider than that .
10 At the same time this was an occasion for using the telephone , not cables , teletexes or letters which could be misdirected or might end up lying on the desks of the wrong people .
11 In order to protect the interests of all people with care needs , of all people with dementia , who might end up in a private home , might end up in a voluntary home , might end up in Part 4 or might end up in a health service bed , it is necessary to look across that range of services at the general issues raised and see what can be done constructively in the interests of that total group of people with defined needs .
12 So A would be less than fully co-operative or rational if he did not think that B knew ( or could find out ) where he was .
13 The method of ‘ verstehen ’ could be quite insufficiently explanatory , or could fall back for explanation on a ( theoretically circular ) ‘ informing spirit ’ .
14 He said the oil would either be absorbed by the booms or would stack up behind them , stopping it from getting downstream .
15 What made it all so difficult was that , though practically no one had had a good word to say for Hereward , no one could or would pin down that dislike into a form which could prime a hatred violent enough to kill him .
16 That 's how it came about — idiots would clamber onstage and either get slung off or would dive off before Penge 's answer to Sid Justice got hold of them .
17 He 'd come down and try to get us to translate his prayers into English , or would turn up and recite Koranic verses he 'd half translated with Mahmoud or one of the other English-speakers .
18 Nature is grinding down man , or will grind down man , has no regard to him , is cruel , all this kind of language is used of nature , and he depicts the only posture of the rational man as a kind of , if such a thing is possible , a rather emotional Stoicism .
19 My fourth point is that some of you may be persuaded to regard as a good reason for non-intervention the fact that the child , if it survives , will so disrupt its parents ' lives as to destroy the marriage , or will end up in some institution , in a form of living death .
20 Erm every new square inch of hard surface on the ground or roofing er means that less rain when it falls will er move into the ground or will run off more quickly or rapidly fill the water courses and er sooner reach the points of constriction that we know about and cause flooding problems .
21 When buying take into account the ease with which the tube can be changed ; safety ; weather or waterproofness ; size of the pond ; and whether the unit can be tucked neatly away — or will stick out like a sore thumb .
22 There is no one here who cares for me or will look out for me and I must shift for myself in everything which is not easy now I am big with child and not well as I was with my first-born .
23 If the adventurers stick together , the Harpies will attempt to grab a pack animal ( if the adventurers have one ) , or will swoop round attacking at random until an adventurer is wounded .
24 That assumption allows us to retrace and anticipate , as it were , the steps a statesman — past , present , or future — has taken or will take on the political scene .
25 Each year , new machines are produced which either have more functions or can carry out existing functions in a quicker and cheaper fashion .
26 Other modules like ‘ History of art ’ , ‘ Media studies ’ and ‘ Tourism ’ already have or can take on a European context .
27 It often gets me when I am in a high building or can look down over the city , or sometimes at a station when there is another journey to begin .
28 Nevertheless , assuming that all users are eventually registered , the data subject should be able to feel that he knows or can find out more than he knew hitherto about the extent to which he figures in the data banks .
29 By way of background to what follows , I must first state my position on two related issues , since they are issues that may arise over and over again in the discussion of education at the present time .
30 For people with long-standing difficult social circumstances that may throw up a crisis at any time , intervention might best combine practical help with a scheme to foster the person 's sense of control over his or her life , to reduce their sense of hopelessness .
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