Example sentences of "[conj] [subord] [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 If British Rail is under pressure to increase the frequency of its service , there is a case for a coordinated transport system operating bus and rail services , If there is a need for transport when it is not convenient to run rail services , or if only a certain number of trains can run on a line because goods trains and passenger services can not operate at the same time — although perhaps British Rail should be more innovative in its mix of passenger and freight services perhaps it is a good idea for British Rail and the bus services — as they are today , not as they will be affected by the Bill — to get together .
2 One possibility is for the purchaser to provide that part of the purchase price will be reduced and repaid to the purchaser if certain material consents are not received or if only a proportion of material consents are received .
3 But there was no choice — if we had stayed , or if only the civilian population had remained behind , the army would not have hesitated to massacre everyone .
4 The seasonality of advertising is the first consideration , either because the budget is too small to spread over a full year , or because even a very large budget could be weighted towards certain times of year .
5 However , in M v. Home Office the Court of Appeal held that although neither the Crown as such nor a government department could be held liable for contempt as a result of disobeying a court order ( including an order of prohibition or mandamus ) because they are not ‘ legal persons ’ , Ministers and civil servants could be personally guilty of contempt for failing to comply with an order directed to a Minister in his or her official capacity .
6 One view of the system is that although formally an international agreement , it serves more to allow governments a way of countering internal pressures on trade than to regulate international trade relations .
7 In the 1920s , when von Frisch was carrying out similar experiments on honeybees to those he had done with fish , he noticed that although initially a lone bee came to his food dish , soon afterwards many bees came .
8 ’ But the funniest thing of all , really , was that until just a few hours ago Eddy had been , and now he was not .
9 There was another problem that provided perhaps the harshest verdict on the government 's preparations — the drift-back to the danger areas .
10 He said that if either the Conservatives or Labour sought to go it alone as a minority Government they risked an economic crisis and rising interest rates .
11 But I would say that if obviously a head gasket goes on a vehicle and somebody knowing that fact continues to drive the vehicle , yes — and damages their engine — yes I must say we would reject liability .
12 Two readers , Meryl Emerson of Alresford and Mrs. D. Dibble of Farnborough , are both agreed that if ever a shopkeeper deserved our Gold Star , it is Lena Kerry of Woolwork in Grosvenor Road , Aldershot , Hampshire .
13 I kept telling myself that it was n't likely , that the man who shot at me could n't have known anything about my boat or he would n't have asked about my car , that I 'd met no one else on the entire expedition , and that if ever a place could be described as lonely and unvisited , it was Winter Marsh in mid-October .
14 The purchaser hopes that if ever a court considers any one level of protection to be unreasonable , it may sever this from the agreement and leave the other covenants untouched or impose a more reasonable amended form .
15 Baldwin , with a glowering Churchill beside him and uncertain followers behind him , took the opportunity to pay a notable tribute to the Viceroy and to end it on a curious note , half petulant , half menacing : ‘ I will only add that if ever the day comes when the party which I lead ceases to attract to itself men of the calibre of Edward Wood , then I have finished with my party . ’
16 Creggan was startled by this and wondered if in some way she understood that he had made a vow that if ever the chance came for them to escape he would place her freedom before his own .
17 I suspect that if ever the day came when we had the misfortune of the Labour party inflicting regional government on us from Newcastle , those people would be wondering why their income tax or whatever other form of tax that Labour would seek to impose was so much higher in the northern region than elsewhere .
18 The actual income of a kadi depended not only — or even principally — on his allowance , of course , but also on fees of various kinds ; and it may well be that if indeed the kadis of Istanbul , Edirne and Bursa continued to receive allowances of only 300 akce a day down to Hezarfen 's time , they did so because their allowances represented a relatively insignificant proportion of the monies they actually received , so that raising them to match the importance of the kadiliks was not a matter of particular moment .
19 This is a serious omission , redolent of the old habits of thought that if only the public will trust Whitehall , all will be well .
20 But he remained convinced that if only the Elector could hear him he would change his mind :
21 People who have been held awkwardly may in their turn be stiff , ashamed of nudity or partial nudity , or carry a fantasy that if only the scene were properly set , rosy lights dimly aglow , all would come right .
22 In many absolutist states the myth that if only the Tsar or the Führer knew about the people 's grievances he would act to resolve them was carefully fostered by state propaganda and even more so in Romania by the Securitate 's rumour machine .
23 and that if only the balancing act was involved the registrar 's order should stand .
24 ‘ They are doing this by the usual process of blaming the Unionists for it all and insinuating that if only the Unionists would talk to the SDLP and through them to Dublin , then everything would calm down and peace and good would reign supreme . ’
25 This means that , even if a given address is known , it will be reached no more quickly than if only the track on which the record is stored is known .
26 I would n't say that because still the problem is on the other side of the border and I have no indications of how many people will move , are on the move , are perhaps waiting to come in .
27 Sachs argued that since only a limited amount of information can be stored verbatim in memory , normally only the most recently heard sentence is remembered word for word .
28 But then what he then went on to say was , that since only the wife would be able to spend from that account , then put the money after it had been dealt with for the wife 's tax purposes , into a joint account , on which both could draw .
29 It seemed that while both the crowd and adolescents had within them potential for good , they also had a destructive or anarchic potential ; in each there was a conflict , what Urwick had likened to Jekyll and Hyde .
30 Joanna Foster , chairwoman of the Equal Opportunities Commission , says that while virtually every politician and company has accepted that more must be done , there have been more words than action : ‘ Provision is patchy and mostly accessible only to high income groups .
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