Example sentences of "[conj] [pos pn] [noun sg] at " in BNC.

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1 I would turn down an Oscar to see my boy at a baseball game or my girl at a song recital .
2 By the time it gets to the papers or my manager at Arsenal , it 's me lying in the gutter . ’
3 A local authority applicant may call a parent as witness and compel his or her attendance at court by issue of a witness summons , where necessary ( see Chapter 5 , 14(c) ) .
4 The idea of macro-connectionism is to shorten the distance between the expert 's reasoning at the start of a project and the capture of his or her expertise at the finish .
5 Currently , the MCA is like any other tax allowance and allows a taxpayer to reduce his or her liability at his or her highest rate of tax .
6 Each one could have removed his or her name at any time after the first printing and , indeed , two did .
7 For papers with seven potential authors the principal investigator may decide to omit one author and instead acknowledge his or her help at the end of the article .
8 In this method , the attainment of a child at the time of the test is compared with his or her attainment at time of entry to the school .
9 Thirdly , and most seriously , a teacher may be accused of abusing a child under his or her care at school .
10 The lowest price for which shares can be repurchased is zero pence so that an investor can only hope to double his or her investment at the most .
11 The education officer will also pitch his or her talk at a suitable level for the age group concerned , something that is not always achieved by an ordinary guide .
12 After her small bedroom at home , where beloved old ornaments belonging once to her mother jostled for space with a basket of ironing she had n't yet had time for , and nursing textbooks that would n't fit on her one small bookshelf , or her room at the nurses ' home , where exotic travel posters — gleaned from a travel agent next to her father 's hardware shop — could n't disguise the institutional plainness of the furnishings , this room seemed palatial .
13 A more telling example is that there is no UN chain of command to carry the news of a casualty in the field speedily to his or her family at home .
14 Of course , it would be naive to claim that all gifts are made with no thought of any benefit that might accrue to the individual or his or her family at some future time , or to deny that gifts are often a reflection of gratitude for past services rendered to a member of the family or the donor him or herself .
15 The common feature of all members of the Town Boys group was that they had all held dominant roles within the Rowdies group or its equivalent at some stage in their careers .
16 This element is lacking in another group of cases , where nothing turns on any prior act of the potential defendant but rather on the delivery of the document to the official of the forum state or its publication at some prescribed place .
17 The clause could be amended as follows : To permit the Landlord at any time during the last [ 6 ] months of the Contractual Term and at any time thereafter unless the Tenant shall have made a valid court application under Section 24 of the 1954 Act or otherwise be entitled in law to remain in occupation or to a new tenancy of the Premises to enter upon the Premises and affix and retain upon the Premises in a position so as not to interfere with the Tenant 's or any undertenant 's business being carried on at the Premises a notice for re-letting the Premises and during such period to permit persons with the written authority of the Landlord or its agent at reasonable times of the day on reasonable notice to view the Premises
18 He created an amicabilis concordia with Queen Mary College , London ( evacuated to King 's during the war ) , and another with Berkeley College , Yale , where his contemporary at King 's , Charles Seymour , was president .
19 ‘ You should understand ’ — the Edinburgh tone was now quite unmistakable — ‘ that I do n't know either Dersingham or his sister at all well .
20 However , by s 6 of the 1907 Act , a limited partner may by himself or his agent at any time inspect the books of the firm and look into the state and prospects of the partnership business , and may advise with the partners thereon .
21 Here I need mention only that my work at the Staff College and the Royal Military College in Baghdad put me under suspicion of espionage , and that had the pro-Nazi rebellion of Raschid Ali of May 1941 ( during which I was given protection in the American Embassy ) been successful , I should have fared badly , as it was surmised much later that I was on the rebels ' hit list .
22 We also went a few nights later to Stavanger , and I do believe that my bomb-aimer at least claimed he saw , through broken cloud , what he took to be hangars on the airfield at Stavanger and these were bombed .
23 Also I know that my coach at North Harbour , Peter Thorburn , was very impressed with Ian when he played for us last summer .
24 ‘ And then , well , although I 'd felt that my outburst at the time of Simon 's death had wrecked our relationship , I found myself wondering if there was a chance of rekindling it .
25 He said : ‘ Well then , I 've got something to say about him , and it 's a bit juicier than my nonsense at the dog track .
26 more comfortable than my bed at home .
27 And the man whose glory days at Goodison included League championship , FA Cup and European Cup-Winners ' Cup medals insisted : ‘ This situation is even bigger than my experience at Everton .
28 Rather than my writing at length , why do n't we meet to talk it over ?
29 So hospitals had been home and although my stay at the Winchester one was not to be long , I saw no reason why it should n't function in exactly the same way .
30 Politicians , trade union leaders and other assorted worthies leapt to the company 's defence , with impassioned declarations that its break-up at Hanson 's hands would be a national calamity .
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