Example sentences of "[conj] [v-ing] by the " in BNC.

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1 I think of eating an omelette or walking by the sea and these thoughts have a determinate ‘ qualitative ’ or ‘ phenomenal ’ content .
2 It is possible the low rates for Blacks were due to under-reporting by black victims of black offenders in these areas , or under-recording by the police .
3 She dressed them up in full nineteenth century bourgeois feminine regalia and had them flower arranging or idling by the mantelpiece as in ‘ Angela ’ .
4 A good deal of responsibility rests therefore on the local authority and the councillors to deal properly and fairly with any complaint , or finding by the commissioner .
5 Injuries in war and disasters provide numerous anecdotes of the anaesthetic effects of shock ; a doctor in the aftermath of London 's Clapham rail crash of 1988 reported having treated several victims lying or sitting by the track in a state of bewilderment and oblivious of serious wounds ; in one case an ankle was completely severed other than for a few shreds of flesh .
6 ‘ Not that abiding by the law would be a matter of supreme importance to you , ’ she sniffed .
7 Although judging by the telex you 've already tracked down the plutonium . ’
8 Many microorganisms enter the body via the respiratory tract and those who have colds , for example , should minimise the spray from their sneezing and coughing by the use of a paper tissue which can be disposed of safely after one use .
9 It implies a process of hiring and firing by the day or by the hour and a high level of job insecurity .
10 This is a classic walk through the western Peak District taking in Shining Tor and Cats Tor and returning by the reservoirs and woodlands of Goyt Valley .
11 I was slit-eyed and shivering by the time she was driven off .
12 Now it is 5,000-plus and growing by the hour .
13 It is not merely the study of dogmas as accumulated down through the centuries ( as in the Roman Catholic understanding of dogmatics ) , but their critical subordination to and testing by the primary and original dogma , which is nothing other than Jesus Christ himself .
14 With the album of ‘ The Commitments ’ defying the odds and selling by the truckload in the States in particular , and new albums by major stars like Enya and U2 on the way , the profile of Irish music on the world stage over the coming months will be exceptionally high .
15 I only found you this morning , and reckoning by the tide you could n't have been there long .
16 To build up a more stable relationship , rather than simply seeing how much time the work took and charging by the hour , we have all had to come to terms with pricing in a market , giving a clear idea what the budget will be and taking much more care to explain what we 're charging for .
17 The heroes of Under the Net and Lucky Jim follow a broadly similar path , bemused at lit by false starts and coming by the end to see the social world as it is : various , unstereotypable , kaleidoscopic and as fast-shifting as the shades of an opal , but in the end a place to settle into and improve rather than a system to defy .
18 Aerial warfare was growing and maturing by the minute as method after method of breaking the deadlock was tried out .
19 If wages can not realize the potential profits , this leaves sales of exports , and spending by the government or the employers themselves , as sources of demand .
20 There are hymns ( led by the united choirs of the Anglican and Free Churches in recent years ) and the lesson , address and blessing by the bishop , relayed across the harbour from the east to the crowds lining the quay on the west cliff .
21 Unilinx services should be up and running by the first quarter of next year .
22 A £1 MILLION initiative to cut crime in Glasgow 's city centre through the use of closed circuit television cameras and street wardens could be up and running by the end of the year .
23 The reasons for the difference in treatment of gilding and silvering by the Romans is not clear .
24 He had made a detour to a cafe where he stayed for an unspecified time before walking to the Post and entering by the back door , discovering the mayhem in the newsroom and retreating to the printer 's office .
25 I want to get sorted and ticking by the time that Dizzy and his pals arrive .
26 The national curriculum should do nothing but good if it is a means of ensuring that schools do not , for example , permit children to give up all science subjects at the age of thirteen , or fail to reach a reasonable competence in read g and calculating by the time they leave school .
27 If scratching by the human host removes the roof of the burrow , the mite will wander away until it finds another suitable site .
28 I liked the experience of being in a room full of people you did n't know , and knowing by the end of the evening you would all be bosom buddies
29 Wood experienced the feeling first hand , and judging by the way she crushed the Indonesian No. 2 , Suzanna Kusuma , in the opening match yesterday , she was not taking any chances .
30 And judging by the public discourse , the government 's negotiating strategy , and the army and settlers ' day-to-day behaviour in the territories , the Intifada has made many ‘ extremists ’ more extreme than ever .
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