Example sentences of "[conj] [vb base] time [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Samsung has clearly decided it 's make or break time for the company in the UK PC market , launching a completely new range of low cost machines and adding a couple of new laser printers to boot .
2 There 's lots to do in Ayr — stroll round the town , visit the shops , have a game of golf on one of the challenging courses , visit ancient castles and magnificent stately homes , or spend time at the seaside .
3 Throughout the month they endeavour to pray and read the scripture regularly and make time for a ‘ sit down ’ — an occasion to have meaningful conversation — which should be an important part of married life .
4 Throughout the month , they endeavour to pray and read the scripture regularly and make time for a ‘ sit down ’ an occasion to have meaningful conversation — which should be an important part of married life .
5 For individuals , it took immense determination , on the part of an Ada Nield Chew or Hannah Mitchell , for example , to change the pattern of their lives and make time for the political work they held dear .
6 It begins by showing that some of the most successful rulers delegated their military responsibilities to effective generals , to lighten their burdens , avoid depriving their people of leadership through sudden death , and gain time for other business , and then moves to the theme that the kingdom 's well-being depends on God .
7 After surfacing the Solution remains active and displays time elapsed since surfacing , time until complete desaturation , maximum depth and dive time of your last dive , and amount of available no-decompression time for planning the next dive .
8 Should you miss a decompression stop , an emergency screen shows missed decompression stop , including the ceiling and stop time of the missed stop and the numbers of the tissues affected .
9 Work out the following and save time by cancelling where possible .
10 ‘ In the late ‘ sixties those who now lead this movement wanted to get away from a Christianity that was centred around buildings and meetings and give time to developing relationships .
11 Attention — leaders initially pay attention and give time to subordinates .
12 A typical response was , Pressure is being applied to consultants to increase their workload , be involved in management , accept financial responsibility , and give time for audit .
13 Subject to the necessary amendments being made to the provisions of the schemes , they will continue for a transitional period after privatisation to provide for continuity of pension provisions and allow time for the privatised company to make new arrangements .
14 To do the project justice and allow time for the respondents ' concerns to be dealt with , this amount of time is required rather than sending all surveys out in one block .
15 First though it 's rugby and crunch time in the Courage League tomorrow .
16 First though it 's rugby and crunch time in the Courage League tomorrow .
17 Wheatstone 's work in telegraphy seemed to show that electricity travelled about as fast as light , and Faraday believed that it must go just as fast ; he also believed that gravity must be analogous to other attractive forces , and take time for its propagation , though there was no evidence for this .
18 The old 'uns know if they come in now they 'll be seen nice and easy and have time for a chat-up with their old mates . ’
19 Min ate her doughnuts and beat time with her can and laughed at him .
20 Some are n't strong on language and need time to just look at things , like a fish , without words . ’
21 He could get involved with children and be affectionate and spend time with them .
22 But he used to go down to Pearson 's house in Beckenham , Kent and spend time with his children , Simon and Patrick .
23 ‘ So stay overnight and spend time with her tomorrow .
24 That 's not at all bad , but expect time to first print to be longer for highly graphical subjects .
25 Despatch within 28 days but allow time for carriage .
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