Example sentences of "[conj] [vb base] out to " in BNC.

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1 There 's just a mum they like and a dad they hate , or vice versa , and the eccentric old aunts that I 've come across tend to be eccentric only because they 're secret alcoholics and smell like unwashed dogs or turn out to be suffering from Alzheimer 's disease or something . )
2 Possibly this is why the argument as to whether it is better for a woman with young children to stay at home or go out to work goes round and round in circles .
3 She would still invoke the aid of neighbours but would be more likely to take in lodgers or do homework in the form of sewing , for example , than use credit systems ( especially the pawnshop ) or go out to work .
4 T is awful I was taught as a child in catechism the labourer is worthy of his hire there are four sins that cry out to heaven for justice one of them is a oppressing the widow and orphan and the other is defrauding the labourer of his hire because the labourer is worthy of his hire that 's a sin that cries to heaven for justice , that 's what I was taught as a child .
5 Odd-Knut has given him some eggs that turn out to be frozen .
6 A research programme is required to succeed , at least intermittently , to make novel predictions that turn out to be confirmed .
7 But in the brave new world management and doctors are bound to make judgments about potential workload that turn out to be wrong .
8 Even if you do n't have children , there may be other limitations that turn out to be more inhibiting than inspiring .
9 There is natural brick on the walls of their long family sitting room , which has open fireplaces and a children 's ‘ playspace ’ alongside the patio doors that lead out to a barbecue area and pool .
10 By 27 May , though , things had quietened down sufficiently for a daring ( or foolhardy ) party to charter a steamboat from Batavia ( now Djakarta ) and sail out to the islands to see what was going on .
11 The field which the path has to cross is owned by Wimpey and let out to a tenant farmer .
12 Chairman the , the mechanism is well practised and widely known it starts with the draft two two B in the January the Committee and after a period of about five to six months ' consultation within which the board programme of work of all capitalists are listed and put out to the community for response through their elected organization as to acceptability , five points of detail who were at relatively hirer one man to speak
13 Trotting confidently out of his burrow into a jungly , prehistoric world , he is rescued by bats from slimy , groping creatures , only to fall into cavernous waters and swim out to sea , from where he is plucked by a vulture-like bird whose hungry chicks he has ‘ fun ’ avoiding before tumbling safely home .
14 She was able to roam further afield now , for Kit Everard felt he could gamble on her honour ( he hoped she was becoming attached to him too ) , and allowed her to walk on the beach by herself , and swim out to sea , even though he realised it meant she could slip out of the compound , for the sections of the stockade that he had left till last would enclose the shore .
15 Ross agreed gratefully , arranging to hire a car and drive out to the Hampton 's later on that afternoon .
16 Take half the marzipan and roll out to an area that is the size of the cake to be covered — square , circular or rectangular depending on its shape .
17 Meanwhile , colour the remaining gelatine icing pink , and roll out to about 5mm ( ¼inch ) thickness .
18 Colour a quarter of the remaining fondant ( about 75g/3oz ) grey with a tiny amount of black food colouring and roll out to a 35cm ( 14inch ) square .
19 Take some of the pale brown fondant — about 100g ( 4oz ) - and roll out to a 9x10cm ( 3½x4inch ) rectangle .
20 Colour the remaining fondant with green food colouring and roll out to a triangle , about 32·5cm ( 13inches ) on the long side and 25cm ( 10inches ) on the short .
21 Take about three-quarters of the fondant ( about 675g/1½lb ) and roll out to a large area .
22 Colour two-thirds of the fondant icing ( about 450g/1lb ) yellowy-cream and roll out to two large rectangles of the same dimensions as the marzipan .
23 Colour three-quarters of the remaining fondant ( about 350g/12oz ) red and roll out to a circle as before .
24 Colour a little piece of fondant brown and roll out to a small strip .
25 Colour a third of the fondant ( about 450g/1lb ) dark blue and roll out to a large square .
26 They 'd dress up then and go out to dinner to some restaurant , laughing and talking together as if nothing at all had happened . ’
27 Well , you do n't have to get up early in the morning and go out to work , do you ?
28 Fluffing her hair in a fine halo around her head with brisk brush strokes , and sketching in warm-toned eyeshadow , mascara and lipstick , Belinda was soon ready to slip into matt black court shoes and go out to the veranda .
29 And both the Pharisees and the scribes began to grumble saying , this man receives sinners and eats with them , and he told them this parable saying , what man among you , if he has a hundred sheep and has lost one of them , does not leave the ninety and nine in the open pasture and go out to the one which is lost until he finds it .
30 And point out to the union that the comparable grade in local government already had higher pay and a thirty-five hour week ? ’
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