Example sentences of "[conj] [vb base] [noun] [art] " in BNC.

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1 ( 7 ) Once a bona fide offer has been made or is believed to be imminent , the board of the target company must not take any action which would frustrate that offer or deny shareholders an opportunity to decide on its merits , unless the action is approved by the shareholders in general meeting .
2 Maybe that would soften the Englishman up , or give Kaas the opportunity to break the woman .
3 If you have any further donations of clothes and intend passing them onto Jean at Church would you either leave them in your car boot or give Jean a call first , so she can pick them up … !
4 Use hourly or apply moisturiser every hour over a few days , with a touch of Vaseline to follow .
5 Though less fat today , it remains massive in build and has retained enough of its original milking capacity to make an excellent suckler cow , with high conception and calving rates , and a hardiness and placidity that make management a pleasure .
6 When the first English settlers sailed up the Chesapeake Bay on America 's eastern coast , they found an estuary worthy of Samuel Taylor Coleridge 's fable — vast , limpid and dense with marine life , sustained by the unique mix of brackish water and nutrients that make estuaries the richest marine incubators in the world .
7 Some extend in total darkness for miles and reveal displays of delicate carvings and formations that make water-action the greatest of all natural sculptors .
8 Small details , that make fishing a constant source of delight : a bank of yellow flag by a tiny burn ; where mountain everlasting grow ; secret otter greens ; where we saw a wildcat ; a peregrine 's nest ; rutting red deer ; black-throated divers .
9 This intriguingly attractive blend of rights theory with forward-looking reductivism is perhaps one of the features that make Beccaria a continually fascinating and influential penal thinker even today .
10 Here are the extra impulsive fire and spontaneity that transform Rubinstein the poet into something more volatile and unpredictable .
11 Secondly , they have tried to arrange more and more of their long-term or permanent exhibitions ( not just the ones that have transitory mass appeal ) in ways that give visitors the opportunity to learn , rather than merely to ‘ gawp ’ .
12 Leeds showed that give players a respite from games and time to work on their ability , they can produce exciting football with good technique .
13 Mr. Wilson : As the Minister reiterates his enthusiasm for bids that give workers a substantial say , does he consider that there is any conflict between that and what he has told us about the SDA investing £500,000 to ensure that such bids do not succeed ?
14 It is only when he is on the ship bound for England away from mental setbacks such as this at court , that give Hamlet the courage to return to kill Claudius .
15 At long last you can possess an lipstick that never fades — due to certain capsules that release colour every time you press your lips together .
16 The flights that circle Kabul every quarter of an hour are a morale booster for the hard-pressed population .
17 The weather might be described as ‘ wet ’ or ‘ dry ’ ( W or D ) and , in a humid temperate climate such as Britain experiences , it might seem that state W is more common than state D. The reverse may apply in a semi-arid area such as Arizona or Nevada .
18 There are certain upper class journals that use photographs a great deal , so if you can get a good photograph of something , that will already begin to sell it , in a sense .
19 Twenty years ago mid-western steel workers could earn $20 an hour ; today , it is hard to find replacement jobs in the service industries that offer $6–7 an hour .
20 Richard Simmonds of laser says that success does n't happen overnight … they 've been in Banbury since the early seventies and have built 150,000 boats … he says it 's about time that people in banbury had the chance to sail on their doorstep and there are lots of local clubs that offer people the chance
21 Wanting to avoid this pessimistic conclusion , we might instead entertain the idea that these powerful persons commit crimes for ‘ rational ’ — albeit disreputable — motives which emerge under conditions that render conformity a relatively unrewarding activity .
22 The brothel was a fabulous place : luxurious furnishings , subdued lighting , and all the little extravagances that help part a punter from his cash .
23 The length of the delay will depend on the severity of the time and change effects the plant intensive nature of the work the inflexibility of the resource teams available the length of time between changes or delays arising , and the work being carried out .
24 Ladbrokes yesterday opened a book for the first time on the title and make Scudamore an apparently generous 4–6 shot .
25 Kasparov said he had been negotiating with the FIDE president , Florencio Campomanes , for several days to try to persuade him to transfer the federation 's rights to stage the championship to the PCA and make Manchester a ‘ transitionary ’ match .
26 THE NEXT Labour government will abandon the ‘ corrupt priorities ’ of the Tories ' education policies and make Britain the brains of Europe , Jack Straw , the party 's education spokesman said yesterday .
27 To negate this universal vision and make God a tribal deity is to use religion as a divisive and obscurant force , rather than a uniting and illuminating influence in life , which its Latin root re-ligare ( reunite ) literally means .
28 Erm And make X the subject of that .
29 Certainly it would n't be because staff sit around the lounge at night and make guests the butt of practical jokes . ’
30 Strathclyde Police is pushing for reforms to bring Scottish law in line with English law and make knife-carrying an offence .
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