Example sentences of "[conj] [v-ing] [adv prt] for " in BNC.

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1 Sport offers spontaneity which , combined with ever more sophisticated technology , allows a viewer to watch a game from many different angles , moving in for a close-up on the agonized or exultant face of the athlete , or panning back for a shot of the pitch , track , or the seashore during an Open golf championship .
2 In that state they became ‘ sylvan demons ’ , ‘ either falling into a deep slumber or looking around for a fight . ’
3 It is entertaining to see a group of loushe Parisian types forming a street band or filling in for cabaret .
4 From time to time , taking one to lunch or meeting up for a drink gives you a chance to talk shop and learn about the other 's work and publications .
5 Hundreds of thousands of people travelling home or heading out for the evening were caught up in the ensuing chaos .
6 But let's look first at the visible problems , realising the need for fun , not for a fruitless day 's digging or waiting around for ferrets that are none too likely to return to the surface once allowed underground .
7 She did n't smoke and never drank , preferring to spend her free time reading , watching television , visiting friends or going out for supper in modest bistros .
8 ‘ My hobbies include knitting , reading nursing material , the newspapers and Stephen King novels , writing letters , badminton , walking , driving , pop music , Tamla Motown music , bowling , gardening , visiting the pub or going out for meals .
9 To put it another way : when the cat is on heat ( which she has n't been since the vet gave her the unkindest cut of all ) , nevertheless when she was , she had very little time for chasing moths hanging unsubtly round the fridge or cuddling up for a neck scratch .
10 To contend under these circumstances that Jesus was a feminist , or that he spoke out for women , must imply a very low estimate of what being a feminist ( or speaking out for women ) might mean .
11 So it will tend to pull and it almost definitely is either reaching or pulling or holding something or holding on for your life ,
12 Whenever I see coloured people in Porteneil , buying souvenirs or stopping off for a snack , I hope that they will ask me something so that I can show how polite I am and prove that my reasoning is stronger than my more crass instincts , or training .
13 It is interesting to note that some , if not all , of this initial stimulus work can be recorded and made available individually for refreshing the memory , checking particular phenomena or making up for absence .
14 If the choice now is between shoring up a democratically bankrupt Westminster or standing up for the restoration of Scottish democracy , then I am for Scottish democracy .
15 Thus , while Corporal Weatherall and a growing force of commandos were on interminable training exercises , or standing by for operations that were cancelled before they got afloat , very few slipped the mesh of authority .
16 She instructed Lucien to be careful with his leg , and to exercise the rest of his body only while lying or sitting down for a while .
17 If er if you 're coming into Radio Nottingham today or ringing up for anything then erm say happy birthday to Victoria who is er on reception and er the birthday cake is lovely .
18 He is probably a murderer himself ; the lightmindedness of his retrospective half-confirmations and half-denials is oddly disgusting ; and for him killing people is no more doing something than sleeping with little girls or setting off for the North Pole .
19 Small personal computers used in conjunction with page printing systems such as laser printers offer the businessman a chance to do all his production in-house rather than contracting out for typesetting , design and so on .
20 In the States it would be preferable to do a set number of smaller theatre-type places , rather than slogging round for ever as a support band .
21 First , there are now so many ‘ significant ’ tournaments in the world that outstanding players tend to play elsewhere for themselves , basing their week 's labour on financial gain rather than turning out for their country .
22 ‘ Do you ever wish you 'd farmed rather than going in for horses ? ’
23 By definition , you can not do well all the time , you can only try to — your attitude is that you could be a hell of a lot worse off in life than getting out for 30 as opposed to 75 .
24 Most people in the territories feared the PLO was in danger of rushing into some unsatisfactory settlement rather than holding out for the right conditions .
25 It recommends that developing countries seek " advance payments and relatively small royalties rather than holding out for higher royalties that may never materialise " .
26 ‘ Coming home after six hours or so , as you do with a domino birth , is actually more restful than staying in for 24 or 48 hours , ’ she says .
27 Silas went on , ‘ You must also realise that standing in for Stella has more to it than turning a sausage on the barbecue .
28 ‘ … we were both pulling in opposite directions , and I felt Brian was siding with his mother rather than standing up for me or remaining in the middle .
29 ‘ I do n't mind lobbyists , I 'd just rather they called themselves by their proper name as they do in Washington , rather than wittering on for hours about relationships with opinion-formers .
30 Taking the plunge at Antrim and stroking out for Battery Point seven miles away on Sunday , September 19 , will be Glen Lindsay , Tina Donnelly , Shawn Cavlin and Kieran O'Neill .
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