Example sentences of "[conj] [v-ing] [pers pn] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I thought about leaving a few of Simon 's visiting cards around , or suggesting they all get together and build a glider in the loft , but then I saw the frosty-eyed Matron in a blue uniform and matching hair rinse clocking me from behind the desk .
2 Suppose , for example , a particular spirit has chosen this lifetime to learn how to deal with the temptation to do deliberate wrong to others — whether by spreading malicious lies about them , stealing from them or causing them physical harm .
3 Now he 'll come up with all sorts of bright ideas like tying me up or pumping me full of tranquillizers for my own safety .
4 ‘ And there 'd be nothing easier than popping a cheque in the post to them , or sending them some cast-off woollies , or ladling some soup into them , or offering them advice .
5 The brewers have until November to free up thousands of pubs by selling them or leasing them free of the tie .
6 If the birth-rate is rising , we can discover whether this is due to women bearing more children or having them younger , so that the generations succeed one another more rapidly .
7 Some hospitals are already trying to make mealtimes more fun by having children 's favourites on the menu or giving them child-friendly utensils , but many hospitals lag behind .
8 George is also quite generous with his possessions , giving Lennie a larger portion of their food , or giving him all of his ketchup to keep him happy .
9 They convened Days of Truce at which to reach mutual agreement on ‘ clearing ’ bills against the accused ( that is , finding them not guilty ) , or ‘ fyling ’ them ( ‘ fouling' or finding them guilty ) .
10 This may involve suggesting such employees take early retirement or making them redundant .
11 Parents can record the intensity of the problem , for example whining and moaning as opposed to screaming , on the same chart by colouring the tick or making it bigger .
12 I mean , just leaving it to the baby , or making it dependent on the baby 's survival .
13 But was I still wearing some of my clothes or carrying them all bundled in my arms ?
14 The fact that other parties respond at just these code switch points suggests that they represent the boundaries of salient categories within the talk — or putting it another way , that they represent the participants ' perceptions of the relevant sections of talk which require or permit a response — even where these boundaries do not correspond with any syntactic boundary .
15 Try wearing it belted over a pair of tailored trousers , for a smart look , or leaving it open over casual separates .
16 The tone control has the ability to do exactly what you 'd expect , thickening the sound or leaving it open and bright .
17 The following extract is exactly as written : ‘ When I tell you that something you use every day could be put to better use — and that using it better could help you to win greater influence , more respect and higher status , promotion and a larger income … it could widen your circle of friends and possibly even secure you fame and power — you might well be curious to know what that ‘ something ’ is …
18 ‘ Fox , although allowing me complete control over the physical side of making the picture , were strong enough to prevent me changing the script , ’ he said .
19 By the time you 've you 've moved them all rather than drawing them all in again then you run the con activity and swop back .
20 Well , making his room fit to live in was just possibly a better way to go about it than writing him twelve-page letters , as dearest Tessa might in time come to realize .
21 Which is probably better than getting them all at the same time .
22 Fancy her thinking that getting him that lamp would make him feel any different about moving .
23 They tend to throw the ball rather than kicking it 60 yards up the park . ’
24 This means that you are seen by several people , individually , in succession , rather than facing them all as a group .
25 Could you give the offices some details , rather than having it all out in public , thanks .
26 rather than doing it direct , erm conscription of the painting
27 When the spirit parted from the body it found no one asking anything of it nor giving it any directions . )
28 Wandering in the road , although giving you good all-round vision , puts you at the mercy , even late at night , of the local juggernaut or aspiring Grand Prix racer .
29 He was n't taking anything seriously other than treating them both as nuisances .
30 They argue for the empowerment of subordinated groups , rather than giving them selective access to existing hierarchies ; for the ‘ democratization ’ of the curriculum by reorganizing knowledge to advantage the disadvantaged ; and for special teacher training for teachers to assist girls in resisting the sexist demands of their schools .
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