Example sentences of "[conj] [v-ing] [art] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Would the sand tend to compact , and need thorough cleaning or replacing every few months ?
2 If Midland Life is required to make any payment under the Policyholders ' Protection Act 1975 ( or any enactment amending or replacing the same or of a similar nature ) or if there is any change in the law or Inland Revenue practice affecting a Guaranteed Capital Bond the benefits provided by such a Bond may be varied by Midland Life in such manner as the Midland Life Actuary considers appropriate .
3 When I see these Islands in sight of each other , & possessed of but a scanty stock of animals , tenanted by these birds , but slightly differing in structure & filling the same place in Nature , I must suspect they are only varieties .
4 Imagine that you have been studying for 20 years for a qualification that will change your life , or waiting the same length of time to hear about a job you have applied for , the only job you have ever really wanted .
5 Piecing together a catalogue of recurring laments neither answers nor dismisses the still pertinent question : are things really getting worse , getting better , or remaining the same ?
6 But settling a potential employment dispute tends to involve rather more than just signing a letter prepared by the company or initialling a few sheets of paper which explain the agreed terms .
7 You need to interpret your list of daily weights in order to see if , over a month or so , it is going up , down or staying the same .
8 All the authorities have twenty eight days to appeal that could result in the final cap being higher , lower or staying the same .
9 Another , the scaffold-web spider , rigs a whole series of sticky threads from the branches of a bush down to the ground and hauls each one so tight that if an insect , either walking on the ground or flying a little way above it blunders into one of them , the thread breaks and the victim , stuck to it with glue , is hoisted into the air .
10 They join the Army to get guns , and they 're always in trouble for possessing one illegally or swiping a few rounds of ammunition .
11 This common bond can be based on living in the same area , or working in the same factory , or attending the same church , or being members of the same club .
12 There are , the article reveals , scientists who pad a reference list of their publications by publishing almost the same material in several journals , altering the title a bit , dropping a paragraph or adding one , or doing the same with a table or graph .
13 Chambers and Trudgill ( 1980 : 90 ) note that it is ‘ not possible to set up done as any kind of linguistic variable , since it is not a form which is involved in alternation with other forms that could be considered to be ‘ equivalent ways of doing or saying the same thing ’ ' .
14 Particularly , the notion of ‘ equivalent ways of doing or saying the same thing ’ to which Weiner and Labov obliquely refer ( see above ) is much less straightforward than it seems .
15 Because syntax is embedded in discourse , entirely different forms might have similar functions ( i.e. be used as equivalent ways of doing or saying the same thing ) ; for this reason it is sometimes difficult to specify a principled way of knowing where to stop counting particular forms as variants of a variable .
16 This may be said to constitute evidence that the speaker views [ SVQ ] and [ QSV ] as ‘ equivalent ways of doing or saying the same thing ’ .
17 This ‘ tri-axial ’ feature makes sawing in tight corners or taking a few millimetres off the bottom of a fitted door very easy work .
18 or living next door , or learning the same trade ?
19 The trustee ill bankruptcy can sell the goodwill of a business and its trade so as to exclude the bankrupt , when discharged , from commencing a similar business under the same name , or issuing the same or similar trade mark : Melrose-Drover v. Heddle ( 1901 ) 4 F. 1120 .
20 At the ‘ top ’ are the Town Boys , a group of older boys and young men who , while not waving banners or making the most noise , are nevertheless treated in a deferential way by other subgroups .
21 Whilst it is hoped that this text as a whole will contribute to the development of the personal qualities necessary for successful salesmanship , this chapter concentrates specifically on those aspects of international selling with which a firm either exporting or contemplating the same should be familiar .
22 Back in November , Mr Bush got a rude shock when his ‘ Energy Strategy ’ ( which amounted to little more than building a few more nuclear reactors and opening up every remaining square inch of Alaska to further oil exploration ) got kicked out by the Senate .
23 Although preferring the same soft acid water conditions favoured by the true Harlequin , espei tends to be less fussy about changes in the water chemistry .
24 Alternatively , if you expect to be in a high earning bracket , you might consider setting up a limited company , even if you are the only salaried employee , rather than launching the same business as a self-employed individual .
25 Some day the boffins 'll make games with massive levels , innovative features , loads to see and do , much more than blasting a few planes and balloons . ’
26 It shows how little the FBI really understood about film production that their proposals to improve the situation focused on increasing the quantity of production , rather than stimulating a few high-quality pictures that might promote British prestige abroad .
27 Preparing for this Assembly involves much more than booking a few halls and sending out invitations .
28 Her measures are simpler [ than Clare 's ] and she appears not to think of anything more audacious than writing a few forms skilfully and with point .
29 Earlier this year researchers learned that inserting a few atoms of potassium into a framework built of buckyball molecules makes the compound a superconductor : below a critical temperature of about 19 Kelvin — or 19 degrees above absolute zero — the material conducts electricity with no resistance .
30 Unfortunately such empire-builders seem to have overlooked the fact that selling the same names and images a thousand different ways also hands unprecedented power to film and pop stars , whose soaring demands have sent movie and recording costs spiralling .
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