Example sentences of "[conj] [vb pp] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Departmental submissions developed in liaison with committee members and/or communicated to the committee by departmental representatives provided a picture of the " nitty-gritty needs " which the committee then processed into a coordinated final plan .
2 ( ‘ I.B.C. ’ ) , was not formed or registered under the Companies Acts .
3 The authority conferred by the resolution may be general for that purpose or limited to the purchase of shares of any particular class or description , and may be unconditional or subject to conditions ( s166(2) ) .
4 No political action may be undertaken or justified on the ground that it promotes an ideal of the good nor on the ground that it enables individuals to pursue an ideal of the good .
5 The training committee continued to advise the training officer , but all real initiatives were overturned or dismissed by the management committee .
6 WHAT a ridiculous idea for parents to be fined or punished for the bad behaviour of their children .
7 Finally , whatever the future of state schools ' funding , whether it be grant maintained or devolved under the local management of schools , all schools must be fairly and adequately resourced .
8 Remember that once a design is either drawn on screen or recalled from the disk into the working memory , it will remain in the working memory as long as the controller remains switched on , or until you erase it from the screen with the ERASE DRAWING option from within the FUNCTION menu in the menu bar at the top of the design screen .
9 But like many articulate and intelligent people , even those trained to search out the hidden structures of literature , even those who have been moved by great art or fascinated by the most remote biographical details from the lives of writers ( such as the information that Ibsen on occasion wrote with a scorpion in a jar on his desk ) , he nonetheless had little or no access to the springs of his own emotions .
10 This general conclusion applies whether the sites had Iron-Age antecedents or developed during the course of the Roman occupation .
11 Individuals can only exceptionally bring claims against States in the international arena through mechanisms granted by treaty , or developed through the practice of international organisations .
12 The Empire army includes many devices invented or developed by the Imperial Engineers , including such strange machines as the Steam Tank and Helblaster volley gun .
13 To the fields brought in by IPC had been added others , discovered or developed by the national oil company INOC , under new-style arrangements , notably the Brazilian discovery Majnun , prominent in the fighting near Basrah in the 1980s .
14 This is because , at appropriately applied voltages , many organic compounds are reduced or oxidised at the electrode surface , thus producing a current .
15 Odd pieces of broken and split machinery were strewn about or propped against the walls .
16 Soviet influence , moreover , was overwhelmingly concentrated among the poorest and least important countries in terms of population and GNP , whose support was often more of a liability than an asset ; the world 's major military and industrial powers , by contrast , were all allied or aligned with the United States .
17 Constraints are imposed or recognized during the course of the design .
18 Presently consuming or consumed in the previous 12 months .
19 Professional ( demographic , sociological , statistical and some medical ) terms or terms that are used in everyday conversation but having specific meaning in the context of the report as well as some abbreviations are concisely defined or explained in the Glossary .
20 And it is itself always also paradoxical , for it discloses what can not be scaled down to be contained , proved , measured , demonstrated or explained within the framework of finite human reasoning .
21 Many wars have been started or sustained by the exploitation of religious beliefs , but even if this method of prolonging wars could be removed by a rationalised attitude to ‘ god ’ and religion , it does not necessarily follow that wars would never be started , but nevertheless they might well be greatly shortened .
22 But Llewellyn denied his players had grabbed testicles or spat at the world champions .
23 In the normal form we are forced to accept only one of these representations ; we choose the left hand one by insisting that pairs of expressions unc output on the same channel or assigned to the same variable be ordered .
24 The reasons for demanding that expressions output on one channel , or assigned to the same variable , be uniformly ordered have already been explained .
25 ‘ Offensive weapon means any article made or adapted for use for causing injury to the person or intended by the person having it with him for such use by him , or by some other person , per section 1(4) Prevention Of Crime Act 1953 as amended by the Public Order Act 1986 Schedule 2 paragraph 2 .
26 Yet , if one looks at the situation from the point of view of the victim , it is an accident , in the sense that it was not expected or intended by the victim himself .
27 A weapon of offence is defined in s.10(1) ( b ) as " any article made or adapted for use for causing injury to or incapacitating a person or intended by the person having it with him for such use " .
28 If , on the other hand , he was not genuine in writing the letters and had connived or conduced to the fraudulent behaviour of the son , or was even aware of it and consented to it , then he would not under any logical analysis have written the letters in these terms .
29 Fitch reckons that not all bond insurers deserve the top rating ; those that do , it believes , suffer because investors do not trust the triple-As assigned to the insured debt by Moody 's and S&P .
30 The common message , from many of the women or members of ethnic communities we spoke to , was , their need to be seen on the television screen or heard on the radio .
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