Example sentences of "[conj] [vb pp] [prep] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The expert will in most cases want each party to send him a written submission accompanied by copies of the documents referred to or relied on in the submission .
2 Programme variables where referred to at all are stated in gross terms .
3 ( W1 ) WHILE = unc ( W2 ) WHILE unc ( W3 ) WHILE = unc ( W4 ) WHILE true unc ( W5 ) WHILE b SEQ ( P , Q ) unc if no variable appearing in b is input or assigned to in Q In addition to laws in this familiar style , it may also be necessary to use more explicitly directed transformations towards particular standard forms .
4 Suppose no two of the processes unc can communicate on the same global channel ( even internally ) , that the list unc contains each free variable that can be input or assigned to by one Pi and used ( in any way ) in another , and that no unc has a free occurrence of any of the channels .
5 For some reason , perhaps because an official collection had already been issued , the work was coolly received in Bologna and it was little " glossed " or commented on by canonists , and it was said that Innocent had again refused his official imprimatur .
6 But if religion is beyond speech or predication as Gandhi affirms , can it be hypostasized , or referred to as if it is a referent ?
7 This kind of sexism can be ( and has been ) noted , but it is hard to get rid of because it occurs in ‘ unregulated ’ contexts : nobody has made or written down a rule saying that women can be addressed as ‘ dearie ’ or referred to as ‘ bitches ’ .
8 If it is meaningful to say " the same colour " , then it is so only on condition that we can meaningfully speak of different specimens of the colour in question , or , at the very least , of different occasions on which this colour is talked about , or referred to as the " same " .
9 The purpose of this chapter is to fill out certain of the areas of the study of crime which have been discussed or referred to in earlier chapters , and to provide readings or extracts from original sociological work in this field .
10 WITH the object and intent of affording to the Vendor a full and sufficient indemnity but not further or otherwise the Purchaser hereby covenants with the Vendor that he the Purchaser and the persons deriving title under him will at all times hereafter duly observe and perform the covenants contained or referred to in the Conveyance so far as the same affect the property hereby conveyed and remain to be observed and performed and are capable of being enforced and will indemnity and keep indemnified the Vendor and his successors in title from and against all actions costs claims and demands in respect of any breach non-observance or non-performance thereof so far as aforesaid
11 It was therefore desirable in the public interest that statements made to the appropriate authority investigating a complaint against a police officer should not be liable to be produced or disclosed or referred to in any proceedings save disciplinary or criminal proceedings officially brought against the police officer in question .
12 If the lecturer is also known to be the examiner , he is unlikely to set a question on a topic that he has not covered or referred to in his lectures — although this can not be guaranteed .
13 The usual method of incorporation is for the exemption terms to be set out in printed conditions which are commonly attached to or referred to in the auction catalogue and copies of which are usually displayed on the premises .
14 If you are willing to accept employment on the basis of the terms contained or referred to in this letter , will you please sign one copy and return it to me as soon as possible .
15 If you are willing to accept employment on the basis of the terms contained or referred to in this letter and the attached schedule , will you please sign one copy and return it to me as quickly as possible and in any case within 4 weeks .
16 If you are prepared to accept appointment on the basis of the terms contained or referred to in this letter or the attached schedule , I shall be glad if you will sign one copy of the letter and return it to me .
17 The disclosure letter will frequently have attached to it , or referred to in it , a significant amount of documents which are deemed to be disclosed , so it is vital that the acquirer insists on receiving this material early enough to be able properly to evaluate it .
18 It must not be copied , disclosed , or circulated , or referred to in correspondence or discussion with any other person , except a person to whom it has also been issued .
19 All statements of fact and information contained or referred to in the Disclosure Letter are true and complete and are not misleading in any respect , all statements of opinion therein have been made after due and careful enquiry and are reasonably believed to be correct and nothing has been omitted from the Disclosure Letter which renders any of such matters misleading .
20 All statements of fact and information contained or referred to in the Information Memorandum dated [ ] prepared by [ Merchant Bank ] on behalf of the Vendor are true , complete and accurate and not misleading in any respect .
21 1.3 These Conditions shall override any contrary different or additional terms or conditions ( if any ) contained on or referred to in an order form or other documents or correspondence from the Purchaser , and no addition alteration or substitution of these terms will bind the Seller or form part of any Order unless they are expressly accepted in writing by a person authorised to sign on the Seller 's behalf .
22 9.2 The Premises shall be demised subject to the matters set out or referred to in clause … of the draft lease annexed and the Tenant or the Tenant 's solicitors having been supplied with such information as the Landlord has concerning the same the Tenant has entered into this agreement with notice of and shall raise no objection requisition or inquiry in respect of such matters
23 11.1 Save as provided in clause 11.2 no agent adviser or other person acting for the Landlord has at any time prior to the making of this agreement been authorised by the Landlord to make to the Tenant or to any agent adviser or other person acting for the Tenant any representation whatever ( whether written oral or implied ) in relation to the Site or the Premises or to any matter contained or referred to in this agreement
24 The Landlord demises to the Tenant the Premises Together with the rights specified in the second Schedule but Excepting and reserving to the Landlord the rights specified in the third Schedule To hold the Premises to the Tenant for the Contractual Term Subject to all rights easements privileges restrictions covenants and stipulations of whatever nature affecting the Premises [ including the matters contained or referred to in the seventh Schedule ] Yielding and paying to the Landlord :
25 Specimen covenant : The Transferee hereby covenants with the Transferor by way of indemnity only that [ so long as he the Transferee is the registered proprietor of the property hereby transferred ] he will observe and perform the [ positive ] covenants contained or referred to in Entry No 1 of the charges register of the said Title .
26 Where terms are contained or referred to in an unsigned document , the question whether or not they are incorporated into the contract is one of fact .
27 Such stamps must be used with care ; a stamp may often be illegible and , if so , it may be held that terms contained or referred to in the stamped notice are not incorporated .
28 Seldom has Philippe Chatrier , a man renowned for his forthright views , especially whenever he has felt the advancement or the image of tennis was at risk , been quite so outspokenly blunt , as in his final Presidential newsletter he issued before ending his 14 year reign in charge ( which & referred to in last month 's column ) at The International Tennis Federation .
29 Part X and Sched 9 contain provisions to protect the welfare of young children who are in day care or looked after by child minders .
30 If you feel you have been harassed or discriminated against in any way , you can raise the matter locally or use the network of Harassment Advisers who can offer support and guidance .
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