Example sentences of "[conj] [vb past] out [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Firstly , a hemisphere difference in the rate at which information is encoded and/or read out from some sensory representation of the stimulus should be revealed by a differential effect of masking in left and right visual fields since the presumed effect of the mask is to prevent any further processing .
2 But the beats are divided or shared out into three .
3 I would have thought the labour market conditions are also a vital ingredient if profitability is to be passed on or shared out in higher wages .
4 They must be used to that , or got out of practice .
5 During the first few weeks , check that they have n't been lifted by frost or pecked out by birds .
6 In the Yorkshire parish of Arksey , however , the vicar wrote in the register for 1729 : ‘ The greatest mortality that ever can be remembered , or made out to be ’ , and many other accounts speak of considerable distress .
7 The minerals may simply be absent or present in negligible amounts , either naturally , through exhaustion by previous crops , or leached out by climatic conditions .
8 Apart from evaporation ( unlikely except in an unoccupied house in hot weather ) , the main problem is that water can be ‘ siphoned ’ or sucked out of traps if the system has not been designed properly to avoid pipes running ‘ full ’ and thus causing suction at the trap .
9 Each table excludes not only any clients who died or moved out of the area before the periods ended ( for whom there was no difference between action and control samples ) , but also all those who at referral went straight into ( or remained in ) institutional care .
10 In Nanking also , they had to build them as a safety measure , but they have either been dismantled or moved out of sight .
11 The enquiry looked at 1208 people who , in the application year ending 31 March 1980 , enquired , submitted application forms or dropped out at the various stages of the process of seeking to be matriculated , as well as those who matriculated and graduated .
12 They fled to Dublin or England or came out in very small numbers and lived in closeted fearfulness of exposure , job loss and increasing isolation .
13 But any that have been worn flat or dug out of the applicator base are obviously such favourites that you should write down the names immediately .
14 A further 42 per cent is spread on farmland and 23 per cent is dumped in landfills or piped out to sea .
15 where the petitioner has suffered an undoubted legal wrong — been assaulted and beaten , or turned out of his property , but for some reason can not get redress , because he is poor and his opponent is rich and powerful , because juries are corrupt or timid .
16 When this happens , the shot is either pushed or sliced out to the right with no distance .
17 Certainly many interiors that have been gutted or scooped out in this way would now be considered worthy of retention — notably many of Nash 's interiors around Regent 's Park .
18 On the death of a bishop , while his spiritual jurisdiction and income were administered by the dean , or prior , and chapter of the cathedral church , the temporalities of the see — as with any tenant-in-chief during a minority-reverted to the crown for the duration of the vacancy ; they were usually farmed or leased out to the profit of the crown and of the farmers who were naturally inclined to extract as much as they could from the windfall .
19 The fact that , for various reasons , Crosland opposed suggested ‘ transbinary ’ mergers — including Lancaster and the University of Warwick , Brighton and the University of Sussex — strengthened the feeling that the new public sector was being protected or singled out for special development .
20 They continued to feed , or stared out on the Zoo not looking in the direction of Minch at all ; while Creggan was so busy staring at Minch in delight and pleasure that he did not notice behind him , in the next-door cage , Slorne stare for the moment at Minch and then swing round and silently resume her vigil at the back top of her cage , looking at the trees and sky .
21 About 30 passengers were allowed to leave or slipped out of the back door in Tallinn , leaving some 50 passengers and crew to continue the journey to Stockholm .
22 Do not let foals get cold or wet out in the field .
23 It can not be otherwise with the approach of death ; whether we go on pilgrimage with Raleigh or put out to sea with Tennyson , the metaphor of travel is one with which the poets have made us familiar .
24 No shopping ? ’ he mocked , but he did n't seem dismayed or put out by her request .
25 These are long-winded phrases and can often be replaced by a single word or left out without loss of meaning .
26 It should be a fair , sensible and practical code , be well publicised — and to help shame misusers and lend muscle to the squashed , intimidated , or left out in the rain , and be posted in each bothy .
27 If a Simulium black fly is infected with nematode worms , their larvae migrate into its muscles , then into its salivary glands , and finally , when it feeds from a host , pass out of its mouthparts or burst out through them and into the mammal host .
28 Helicopters were used to provide an airborne relay station but if they were shot down or ran out of fuel , soldiers on the ground often had to resort to the GPO telephone system .
29 Has there ever been a tennis player that has written in to say ‘ thank you ’ to their fans who have stood by them through all their traumas and their losses , who have stood for hours in the rain or slept out in the streets to get a look at their idols ?
30 The court may order the whole or part of any pleading to be amended or struck out on the ground that ( a ) it discloses no reasonable cause of action or defence , or ( b ) it is scandalous , frivolous or vexatious , or ( c ) it may prejudice , embarrass or delay the fair trial , or ( d ) it is otherwise an abuse of the process of the court .
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