Example sentences of "[conj] [vb past] at [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Domesticated buffaloes lumbered through the flooded fields , too , hauling tiny wooden plows , or wallowed at rest in deeper hollows with only their scimitar-shaped horns and noses showing above the water .
2 Slaves , as property , were under the absolute power of their owners ; they could be bought , sold or traded at the whim of the master , and were occasionally awarded as prizes in lotteries , or wagered at gaming tables .
3 In the afternoons she paid the calls she could not escape from , visited the Rectory regularly , or sat at home on Wednesdays devising domestic plans for the future in between visitors .
4 ‘ I spend my time in the bookies or sat at home in front of the telly .
5 After the war , Unionist candidates with commissions , good war records and decorations made the most of their advantages , especially when they could be set against opponents who had opposed the war or stayed at home .
6 Elsewhere rail passengers either found other means of transport , or stayed at home .
7 Although traditional attitudes towards women were changing gradually , a new sex equality act was needed to allow women to choose whether they worked full time , part time or stayed at home with their children .
8 I now look forward to resuming my career wholly without blame or blemish for any of the difficulties that arose at Magnet . ’
9 The mean change in urine acid output that occurred at breakfast time in 14 normal adults was -0.88 mmol H + /mmol creatinine ( 95% confidence interval ( CI ) of mean -0.71 , -1.0 mmol H + /mmol creatinine ) .
10 As stated earlier , it is easy to misinterpret the unreliable later part of the curve ( for example , the sharp decrease in the estimated ulcer free survival of patients treated with cisapride that occurred at week 52 resulted from a single ulcer recurrence ) .
11 In the ensuing debate , Alan Shatter , TD of Fine Gael , author of a book on family law , pointed out the better provision being made under the projected divorce law for a first wife than existed at present , and that children of the first marriage would maintain their present rights , though they would have to share with children of the second marriage .
12 No notable associations between paternal or maternal occupation and leukaemia or non-Hodgkin 's lymphoma in their children were evident from the birth certificate data or that collected at interview .
13 Dr Ziolo reckons that such materials could , in principle , be used to make a magnetic refrigerator that worked at room temperature — perhaps , say , a car air-conditioner .
14 It was carved into planes of rugged indifference , though the blue eyes that blazed at Charity were filled with cynical censure that left her in no doubt that he had heard almost every word Mandy had uttered about him .
15 WITH a swing in its step and pop music to match , the French army paraded its new uniform yesterday in traditional fashion-show style that hinted at love rather than war .
16 It was the time taken for this bureaucratic grind that chewed at Forester 's patience the most — each day away from Cumbria increased the chance of his missing the conclusion of the investigation .
17 Several trials that looked at cancer prevention were not considered within the scope of this analysis .
18 Suddenly , an enormously large and dark shape blocked out what little light that remained at depth .
19 The Scouts had hellfired crowded transport sledges that slid at speed down glossy oiled vitrodur channels , diving from transit stations , canting along branch-lines , corkscrewing , swooping up to come to rest at other destinations …
20 I do n't think the David Gedge that sat at home with his girlfriend exists any more .
21 The decision was discussed and agreed at board level , including the amount of space taken .
22 Bethesda ) , diluted 1/500 in DMEM/10%FCS , and incubated at RT for 1 hr .
23 He agreed in part with its author , disputed the theories of many others and expanded at length on his own theory concerning the fertilisation of the date palm .
24 From an early age , his mother and father showed him the illustrated books on the subject which they had brought back from London , and described at length the wonders of the ballets they had seen danced there by the Diaghilev company , ‘ when they were young and in love ’ , as John put it later .
25 Others believed that practices described and demonstrated at length by persons of high status in the Authority must at the very least be strongly recommended and might even be — or become — mandatory .
26 I phoned Kevin , I 've got Kevin 's mum and dad 's phone number off Dave and phoned at home but he 's gone out for the day or something they said .
27 However , they can be demonstrated and tried at height to get the idea and to see the problems which can arise if they are not neatly executed .
28 Education TV film can be recorded off the air and played at will .
29 Ted returned to the fray after a scoreless first half and played at outside-right .
30 Lots of girls married in haste and repented at leisure then because they were afraid of being left on the shelf .
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