Example sentences of "[conj] [vb past] [pers pn] away " in BNC.

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1 The flaunting of symbols has so often been the occasion for counter-demonstrations and rioting that the government has often banned parades or re-routed them away from particularly sensitive areas .
2 The mechanism that thrust him away from advertising and into politics and enabled him to change his life was the London Business School .
3 He is hurt and shaken , but he insisted on coming back with me to say thank you for making the message that warned him away from the bog .
4 From there they went darting across the boiling surface like a dragon-fly , skimming with the currents where the banks were swept too open and smooth to hold flotsam , swinging aside round the sergeant 's paddle in the marked spots ; round the shovel-shaped end of Eel Island , which had scooped up a full load of branches , twigs , uprooted grass , and even more curious trophies , but not what they were seeking ; a little way down the sluggish backwater beyond , until motion ceased in stagnant shallows , and still there was nothing ; out into the flood again , hopping back on to the current as on to a moving belt that whisked them away ; revolving out of the race again where the trees leaned down into the water at the curve by the Lacey farm , acting like a great , living grille to filter out debris ; clean across the width of the river at the next coil , to where the long , sandy shallow ran out and encircled a miniature beach .
5 It was n't an amused smile , but it was one that sent her away at a brisk and confident walk towards the house , and with a gratifying sense of being respected and appreciated .
6 ‘ This business that kept you away this morning .
7 ‘ Well … it was her feet that gave her away . ’
8 The idea that carried me away was like the invisible seeds that Thoreau wrote about when he was in the swamp .
9 What if the rain increased and they were trapped underground by a flood that washed them away down one of those awful little squeezes ?
10 He took her arm and led her away from the entrance .
11 Ruth thought her aunt would have sat up all night to prolong the time with them , but her uncle — who had tried bravely all day to behave as though nothing untoward was happening — put his arms around his wife 's shoulders and led her away to bed .
12 I swear there 's a universal female conspiracy against men ! ’ he complained , tongue-in-cheek , and led her away .
13 Adam drew her arm through his and led her away , for she was half-blinded with tears .
14 She crossed to the doorway and led them away from the shed .
15 The sentries had been primed to admit him without challenge , Alexei noted , and as soon as his escort had dismounted a trooper wearing the gorget of a provost came out of the gatehouse and led them away towards the stables .
16 Michael took the case from him and led him away to the hired car .
17 At 10 o'clock , as Jackson walked past Sauchiehall Street Station , a stranger spoke to him and led him away .
18 I grasped his arm firmly and led him away .
19 Manvell thrust his own sword home , then took Lord John 's elbow and led him away .
20 He took his hand and led him away and Mister Johnny went like a lamb .
21 and led him away
22 And they spat on him , and took the reed and began to beat him on the head , and after they had mocked him they took his robe off and put his garments on them and led him away to be , to crucify him .
23 ‘ And … and she grabbed the rope round the mule 's neck and … and led it away to safety , leaving her husband lying in the road .
24 He felt a trickle of blood touch his lip and wiped it away .
25 However carefully he spoke , he still released a little dribble from the stiff site of his mouth and wiped it away with a routine gesture of his left hand .
26 I picked up my books and stuffed them away in my old school satchel , the one my father — Tata — had given me when I won my open scholarship to St Paul 's .
27 Her head and hands were bleeding and the manager picked her up and got her away .
28 Rather apprehensively I let the other girls use it , on the strict understanding that when they had finished with it they unplugged it and stowed it away somewhere out of sight of our two gauleiters , hopefully after it had cooled down a bit .
29 He tossed her shorts away , then sat up and looked at her with desire-darkened eyes as he tugged down the zip on his own shorts and flung them away .
30 Sometimes it just rushed round things ; other times it flattened all in its path then picked up the debris and flung it away .
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