Example sentences of "[conj] [det] [vb base] an " in BNC.

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1 In the processes of Parliament there will be much consideration whether a Bill should or should not in one form or another become an enactment .
2 Local planning authorities may need to control aspects of the design of housing estates where these have an impact on neighbouring development or agricultural land , for example access or overshadowing .
3 More than half have an average of five years managing director experience in at least two positions and four out of five claim experience in turning around a company .
4 The scheme is that these take an ‘ absolutely vested interest ’ only on the attainment of 18 years or marriage .
5 Professor Peter Berthold , of Radolfzfell in Germany , has bred together birds reared from parents caught in winter in Britain , and has shown that these have an urge to migrate towards us .
6 The fact is that many have an aroma and flavour which is unique — for instance , basil can only be described as tasting like basil .
7 The increased peak acid output to pentagastrin in the patients with idiopathic DU and H pylori positive patients with DU indicates that both have an increased parietal cell mass .
8 Most have a balcony and some take an extra bed .
9 There is a far wider range of hollies available than you might have originally supposed , and some have an elegance that you would n't normally associate with them .
10 Most buildings have a door exactly in the centre of each long wall , and some have an annexe at one or both ends .
11 These instruments offer a wide range and large numbers of stops , and some provide an extra selection by means of computer cards which are fed into a slot .
12 Two-thirds of the way through his essay , Pound apologizes again : ‘ If this seem an over-long prologue … ’
13 If this seem an over-long prologue , think how little discussion there is of these things .
14 Our young people see and hear a very great deal of radio and television , together with movies and records , and these form an important element in their lives .
15 There seems to be a trend this year for ‘ Health Days ’ of various sorts , and these make an excellent platform for us — do n't forget to mention we are an educational charity as this can drastically reduce any charges .
16 France has indicated the terms upon which permission will be given , and these include an insistence that the evidence be taken exclusively within the premises of the foreign Embassy or Consulate .
17 Material culture and aesthetics are outwards manifestations of a culture , and these give an indication of how consumers in a particular culture behave .
18 The rooms are exceptionally bright and comfortable and all boast an en-suite bath or shower/WC , radio , direct dial telephone and minibar .
19 A genuine global partnership must be struck between rich and poor in which all contribute and all have an equal say in the allocation of resources .
20 The Loricariids often possess beautiful eyes : and all have an ‘ iris flap ’ which can adjust to limit the amount of light that reaches the inside of the eye .
21 Westminster has 17 service level agreements with voluntary organisations and all report an increase in activity .
22 Grown men are still aware of this potential loss of self , and many have an instinctive fear of the ‘ devouring ’ quality of women , since it can threaten their personal integrity .
23 Both characterize connections in reality and both give an account of the character of our beliefs about them .
24 Some are very much involved in field archaeology and publications , while others concentrate on organizing excursions to sites and museums for their members , and most provide an annual programme of lectures .
25 Birds usually have an elongated fovea to see detail on the horizon , and most have an additional circular fovea straight ahead .
26 But all face an awkward balancing act .
27 Dishes special to the canton are a feature , but many have an international menu , in which French and Italian cuisine are both prominent .
28 In these populated areas , fieldworkers concentrate instead on looking for scatters of finds , such as sherds of pottery and worked stones , because these give an indication of where previously unknown archaeological sites lie buried : the finds are usually brought to the surface as the sites are damaged by ploughing .
29 The open flowers can run from singles to doubles , though some have an engagingly tousled centre , even the stylish anemone type .
30 BELOW When administering tablets do not break them as many have an unpleasant taste .
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