Example sentences of "[conj] [det] [art] way " in BNC.

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1 The distance from Panama to Palawan is more than half the way around the world .
2 It had been bored or dug or had occurred naturally at an incline of about thirty degrees , so that all the way down into the mine , holding onto the rope , they had had purchase for their feet , had almost been able to walk don , though describing it thus made a dull and orthodox act of what had been the great adventure of their boyhood .
3 in eighty days , I 've never seen that all the way through , with David Niven .
4 The frontispiece from a copy of the music from the Peer Gynt suite by Grieg was a beautiful piece of artwork even before it was decorated , so I only arranged some flowers in two of the corners , rather than all the way round , which would have overpowered the original design .
5 Others , however , joined in the exercise : ‘ It must have been in such and such a way ; I mean , there 's a story which says …
6 McDowell 's excessively subtle thesis teeters on the brink of the view that ‘ This is red ’ means ‘ This looks red to standard observers ’ and ‘ This is good ’ means ‘ This appeals in such and such a way to a normal person ’ .
7 going to Oxford , if you went to Oxford and you come to such and such a way and you 're going out towards Ipswich and the big roundabout there was
8 Now they could then say well that particular group of people , if they looked at this evidence that I 've got , would want to say this about it and they would want to change it in such and such a way , and there 's another group of people who perhaps have rather different views on what history might be doing and they would view the evidence and argue about it in this way .
9 In memory , when the sun shone over Reinbeck , it would be bright in Reincliff as well and all the way down to New York .
10 He looked up and all the way round ; all eyes were on him .
11 Perhaps it is because I was married on November 5 , and all the way down to a miserable , wet Bournemouth where we spent our honeymoon , there were village bonfires set out ready .
12 The argument continued up the stairs to Downing Street 's reception rooms — where we paused to smile and be photographed — and all the way down again .
13 Then when we went on the train to Italy and all the way through France and Switzerland he chatted up one of the Marias , and when I tipped his minestrone soup over his head on Milan station he said : ‘ You 'll have to excuse my wife , she 's just an ignorant peasant . ’
14 In a very real sense there were two Glasgows and the second city was the one that clustered along either bank of the River Clyde and all the way to Clydebank .
15 Endill was led to the start of the line and told to shake hands with the first teacher , then the second , then the third and all the way along the line until the last .
16 In came Flt Lt Marshall , red faced and furious , having taken his plane all the way up to the top of the cloud and all the way down again .
17 Edward paid the taxi driver in advance and all the way home she sat in a happy daze .
18 It went on being good to the bottom of the path and all the way into the road .
19 And all the way through the film these things were happening and you 're waiting for the thrilling resolution .
20 We walked home , along the Corniche and all the way back to Camp Caesar . ’
21 And all the way she hummed , I now — but could not then — believe without malice , a song of the day . ’
22 Aim for 1.2 cm ( ½ in ) thick layer all over the outside , over the lip and all the way down the inside surfaces .
23 His osteopath had premises near Regent 's Park and all the way Berg kept apologizing for all the trouble he was causing and Rain kept assuring him it was none at all .
24 A comparable recent conservation cause which went through the High Court and all the way to the Lords was an argument over navigational rights on the river Derwent .
25 What is more , there has been no other deposit quite like it either before or since , except perhaps some Miocene chalks which themselves are remarkably widespread : in the western approaches to the English Channel , in Malta , Cyprus and the Middle East and all the way to New Zealand .
26 He accompanied Alexandra into Bodmin Market on the following Thursday and all the way spoke only of practical matters .
27 So that spreadsheet is just sorting them all way across the bottom and all the way across the top .
28 It was quite a crush but the first circuit — left on to Orchard Street and all the way round Selfridges , then Oxford Street as far as Marylebone Lane and then Wigmore again — went off without serious injury .
29 Thus in ( 36 ) , a typical example of the infinitive of result , managed evokes all the efforts which the subject had to make in order to attain the result and so situates the third-person support in time before — and all the way up to — the point at which " getting free " is actualized .
30 It had been most enjoyable with a tremendous amount of flying : I had been in every part of the Command — Persia as it was in those days , down the Gulf and all the way round the Gulf to Bahrain , Salalah , I took part in the search for the Imperial Airways Argosy airliner City of Glasgow that landed on the beach and was literally lost for a couple of days before one of the Shaihah crews found it away down beyond Sulwah Wells .
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